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Archive for the Rosario Dawson Category




Rosario Dawson Nude of the Day

I recently watched Josie and the Pussycats, because it’s a great movie that I’ve always believed draws aggressively from real life marketing and manipulation tactics of the big media companies, they have years of data, billions and billions of dollars, why the fuck wouldn’t they use their magic, or neurolinguistic programming to make kids buy shit they don’t need, eat food that just kills them, get vaccines that are dangerous while hating those who don’t get the vaccines that are dangerous, yes I am still traumatized by the whole vaccine rollout of an experimental medication by the people we passively let control us, listen to music like Katy Perry that fucking sucks, buy into shitty movies that end up being blockbusters that make no sense, it’s obviously by design from the even manipulators who own everything you hear, see and do, probably far easier in this internet era because people are dumber than ever.

Anyway, I’m a Tara Reid for life kind of motherfucker, but Rosario Dawson and her big tits were in it, and despite hating Rosario Dawson for reasons I don’t really remember anymore, why let people I don’t know occupy space in my mind, unless they are showing their big, dark, look like she’s lactating, nipples from some old leaked nudes, which may not be her best work, but slutty selfie content being leaked, even when it’s old, is still worth revisiting, thanks to the internet never forgetting or some shit!


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Rosario Dawson Topless and 50 of the Day

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I really dislike Rosario Dawson..especially now that she’s dating some Democrat named Cory who is using her to propel his marketing thanks to her celebrity and who she is using to try to validate her existence as being more than just a vapid garbage actress with big tits….but also an activist…she just looks like a cunt.

She’ll always be the underage slut in KIDS who played around in the pool in her bra for Harmony Korine and Larry Clark…whether she was able to polarize that slutty at a young age behavior as being a serious actor or not…I know she’s not that impressive or even accomplished…but people like her tits and tits take you to amazing places if you know how to use them….

She’s done this whole nude on instagram thing for attention cuz she’s in her 50s now and still wants to optimize her existing audience to help further her legacy like she was Meghan Markle by being a Political Wife….her dream is to be the first Puerto Rican First Lady…which won’t, but a girl is allowed to dream…and show off her tits whilst she dreams…because why the fuck not…

Funny enough, she was posting nudes on instagram since she got instagram, and her lawyer hit me up to remove some leaked nudes that were less nude than the nudes on her instagram…which I find pretty offensive…like fucking be naked, let’s leave the legal team out of this….so we can focus on the ONE and ONLY thing we’re into when it comes to Rosario Dawson’s Creek…them titties…

Rosario Dawson Topless

Posted in:Rosario Dawson|SFW




Rosario Dawson Autoerotic Asphyxiation of the Day

Rosario Dawson Autoerotic asphyxiation in a BRa of the Day

Here’s some Rosario Dawson autoerotic asphyxiating herself like she was Anthony Bourdain or Kate Spade, only less successful…because she’s Rosario Dawson, and by default a lazy hispanic woman from some squat her parents squatted in because they too were lazy.

Sure she had some luck, was found loitering and then cast by Harmony Korine for Kids, thanks to her big tits and willingness to show them off while being underage…typical sex worker….

That opened doors and allowed her to live this Hollywood life, but it’s just a matter of chosing the right door to take, rather than her being destined to this.

There’s a homeless kid outside my house who I’ve seen around for 20 years, when he wasn’t homeless….he was just chatty and became friends with homeless people at 16 or 17….creating his network with homeless people…getting him this amazing homeless life….he could have just as easily befriended nerds and got into coding and created some fucking social network….instead life took him one way, without him designing it to go that way.

I’m pretty sure Rosario Dawson and her big tits is just a similar series of events, fucking the right guy with the big tits, because her acting is nothing interesting, and she’s definitely not hot at 40…

So maybe she should tighten that bag up a little bit…and make a real move that makes a real difference in her life…or just go back to showing her tits….

But then again, I am aware there’s a fetish in this for you fucking weirdos.

Rosario Dawson Autoerotic asphyxiation in a BRa of the Day


Posted in:Rosario Dawson|SFW




Rosario Dawson Topless Selfie of the Day

Rosario Dawson Topless Mirror Selfie

Rosario Dawson the coke fiend party girl who got into acting when pervert Harmony Korine put her into KIDS….because he liked finding little big titty Puerto Ricans who lived in a Squat in NYC in what I assume was the 70s…and has made a life out of it…being famous and terrible on all fronts…but look at her now…posting slutty selfies…shameless…they are all shameless…which I think is funny….because Rosario Dawson’s lawyers asked me to take down some leaked nudes of hers that I guess were stolen from her iCloud as nudes have been stolen from iCloud the last few years….in what you’d think would get Apple sued by all the hollywood people, but that didn’t get sued because it’s all fake news, tricking us retards into thinking we’re part of some amazing breach of information about people we forget are attention seeking, fame whore, love being in front of the camera assholes…

The lawyers writing me is just formality I guess, the celebrities pretending they care, while really jerking off to themselves on porn sites, like they’ve always wanted to be but can’t be because it will ruin their mainstream career…

Since Rosario Dawson’s leaked nudes happened, she’s taken it upon herself to do a little DIY nudes, and posts them to her social media…today is whatever this is…

Obviously, she liked that people started chatting about the near 40 year old and figured “POSTING NUDES THAT’S EASY”….all girls love that…

Posted in:Rosario Dawson|SFW




Rosario Dawson’s Topless for Social Media of the Day

Rosario Dawson's Topless for Social Media

Rosario Dawson’s lawyers asked me to take down some leaked nudes of hers that I guess were stolen from her iCloud as nudes have been stolen from iCloud the last few years….in what you’d think would get Apple sued by all the hollywood people, but that didn’t get sued because it’s all fake news, tricking us retards into thinking we’re part of some amazing breach of information about people we forget are attention seeking, fame whore, love being in front of the camera assholes…

The lawyers writing me is just formality I guess, the celebrities pretending they care, while really jerking off to themselves on porn sites, like they’ve always wanted to be but can’t be because it will ruin their mainstream career…

Since Rosario Dawson’s leaked nudes happened, she’s taken it upon herself to do a little DIY nudes, and posts them to her social media…today is “NIPPLE BETWEEN FINGERS TO SHOW BANDAID”….

Obviously, she liked that people started chatting about the near 40 year old and figured “POSTING NUDES THAT’S EASY”….

Not that these are really nudes, but they are still about as naked as the pics her Lawyers got me to take down…so…either she’s mocking me…or she’s inconsitent in her messaging like a drug addict famous person she is.

Posted in:Rosario Dawson|SFW




Rosario Dawson Naked Selfie of the Day

Rosari Dawson Nude

Rosario Dawson is irritating…

She was the slutty Teen in KIDS that Harmony Korine pulled out of some housing project her family were squatting at, and she turned into some bullshit celebrity brat who could afford all the cocaine while being a total cunt thanks to getting cast in movies, totally straying from the girl willing to get naked….

She was busty, her career flourished, her ego inflated, totally disregarding her ghetto roots….I’ve heard so many stories from so many people…that she’s the worst..

Then a few months ago, her nudes got leaked, her lawyers came out trying to delete them, and her response has been “post sleazy strategic nudes”…as a fuck you to the nudes she threatened to sue people like me for posting..

I guess, she liked the nudes out there, wants people jerking off to her now that she’s 40, but has to pretend to fight the nudes…so it seems like she didn’t leak them herself, only to have her post shit like that that are technically nude..just not gaping pussy nudes…but still nude enough for me to say “girl why the fuck you bugging me with lawyers, when you’re putting the nudes out yourself”…I guess it’s a feminist “I control my nudes, you can’t post stolen nudes”…bullshit that irritates me and she’s not even that hot with that horse head..tits or get out yo.

Posted in:Rosario Dawson|SFW




Rosario Dawson’s Upper Thigh at Comicon of the Day

Rosario Dawson's Upper Thigh at Comicon

I find it interest, not that interesting, but insteresting for the sake of this post, that Rosario Dawson goes to Comicon and flashes a room full of virgins her pussy, yet, I put up a pics of her that were “alleged” leaked nudes, that I don’t even think were that racy or memorable, but that happened, for a bunch of virgins, and her lawyers come after me…

The world…is unfair, girl just wants you jerking off to her, so do it….even though she’s old, tired, expired, she should just kept the nudes out there, this too much thigh when her tits are her good parts is annoying…


Posted in:Rosario Dawson|SFW




Rosario Dawson Big Tits of the Day


Rosario Dawson’s lawyer hit me up just a month or two ago to take down some nude pics of her that were leaked…because she’s slutty and doesn’t want you to know it…

Then girl goes ahead and posts this video of herself, her crotch, her panties, all topless and that confuses me…considering…they are all sluts I get it…I GET IT..

I’ve heard stories about this one, who I guess just figured out that slutty internet behavior is the only way to matter, kind of like slutty once was, only not behind closed doors….

Posted in:Rosario Dawson|SFW




Rosario Dawson for Grazia of the Day

I’ve seen Rosario Dawson in person, at least once, about a month ago…and she was just big and uninteresting to look at…I mean I guess she’s seen better years…like in the 1990s when she was recruited by a younger and more perverted Harmony Korine to be the 15 year old virgin who ran around in her bra and panties in KIDS, all young and fresh and criminal to masturbate to, which is probably where her career should have ended, instead it allowed her to turn her life as an immigrant hispanic, squatting in abandoned buildings, or at least that’s what she said, to become the busty star of the early 2000s, but cocaine and cock and whatever else she’s done has made her boring…washed up…haggard and the worst….but people still like her since Hispanics…always have fans as they act as a beacon of hope to those hispanics cleaning toilets…that one day they won’t be cleaning toilets…

Posted in:Rosario Dawson




Rosario Dawson Bathing Suit of the Day

Rosario Dawson is pretty big…literally…because I guess there comes a point in every Afro-Cuban’s life, where they opt out of the bikini and put on the one piece, because they are either breeding future criminals or Latin popstars, or just fat from all the eating….I like to think it’s just cocaine bloat.

I’ve heard all kinds of stories about her being an ungrateful poor, squatter, who at 15 was discovered by Harmony Korine in his Original Spring Breakers some of you may know called KIDS.

I’ve also heard she’s a party slut, coke fueled, and fucks everyone…but probably not anymore, because she looks like this….

I guess none of that really matters, because looking at her doing the whole Mom at a Resort letting loose thing, while not a mom and in Cannes, isn’t very hot…to even the biggest Rosario Dawson fan…

The life lesson is that the girl with big tits, always grown into her big tits…she can’t fight it forever…

Who cares…

To See the Rest of the Pics CLICK HERE

Posted in:Rosario Dawson