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Archive for the Tight Pants Category




Tight Pant Tuesday of the Day

Tight Pants make the girls more interesting to look at when they walk around in public….because you get to look at their assholes through their pants when you otherwise wouldn’t be able to..

You know a piece of clothing that reduces the common normie to basically a sex worker that you don’t have to pay…because them thinking they look good…and like the feedback…maybe they like to be looked at or are just are on trend…but when trends give boners and reduce girls to whores….I’m down…


Posted in:Tight Pants




Tight Pant Tuesday of the Day

Pants are not pants unless you can see the ridges of the asshole through the pants….

I am the kind of guy who looks at the pussy area first in any chance encounter with tight pants and I will tell you that I’ve seen a lot of vagina I would otherwise never see thanks to tight pants…so as far as I’m concerned…tight pants are my friends, even if the women who wear them typically look at me in disgust while I’m staring at their tight pants….not realizing that I’m just checking out my friend Tight pants….and their judgement is just getting in my fucking way….when they say shit like “MY EYES ARE UP HERE”….bitch, I know, but I’m loooking at your cunt in tight pants…fuck off, you’re making it hard to cum…..in this grocery store aisle…JERK.


Posted in:Tight Pants




Tight Pant Tuesday of the Day

It’s pretty magical that women have collectively decided to wear pants made out of fabric that is as thin as a pair of underwear, so that they are basically walking around in their underwear, even though they are socially accepted as pants…

It’s pretty magical that women have collectively decided to wear tight pants that basically pull them all together in the most flattering way possible, while showing their world the best version of their ass.

Maybe the tightness of the pants on the pussy makes them cum when they walk…making them want to wear them always…or maybe they just like you staring at them it is thrilling….

It’s pretty magical that women have collectively decided to produce content around their tight pants so that you can actually jerk off to them, like tight pants are a fetish, because they are…knowing that when you see them in their tight pants at the gym and the grocery store you don’t have enough time to complete the task through your pocket, we’re exposed to too much porn, we’re a desensitized bunch who need the “REPLAY BUTTON” to get us where we need to go….

Here’s some of that TIGHT PANT content.


Posted in:Tight Pants




Tight Pant Tuesday of the Day

I don’t leave the basement mold filled 300 square foot of pure shit smell that I call home, because home is where the heart is, or in this case, where the diseased wife who won’t die but who pays the rent lives…and leaving the house would mean getting fresh air…only to come back to realize the smells I actually live in…and we can’t have that…better to acclimatize an stay acclimatized…

But I have left the house in the past, on that GROCERY store run to see all the hive mind drones in their masks not making eye contact with other humans for fear of catching COVID…it’s a fucking weird world out there…pure dystopia…but at least we get to witness to apocalypse.

More importantly, the hive mind makes people do things beyond accepting the mainstream narrative, following the rules, and being WOKE to feel like good people, even though they are all horrible people….and THOSE things involve being slutty…and being slutty means slutty content in person…and on the internet….

The more hardcore girls go, the more the needle on the SLUT METER moves to DEPRAVED whore…and the middle of the road girls all of sudden become the SLUTTY girl of 10 years ago…

So they’re producing selfie porn for their sex partners, like it’s no big deal, when it was A HUGE deal not that long ago….and they’re walking around in pants that leave little to the imagination…I CAN SEE THE RIDGES OF THEIR ASSHOLE and MEATYNESS of their cunt…and it’s glorious…

Naturally, if they are going to wear tight pants to the grocery store, for old fucks like me to get boners staring at them….then they’re going to not waste the opportunity to selfie it and post to their IG, otherwise why bother wearing tight pants at all, since everyone that matters to them are their FANS on the social media or some bullshit…

That’s why this is a round-up of TIGHT PANTS…because there’s enough TIGHT pants going around that there’s endless tight pant content…and that’s fun to old guys like me that remember an era when people had morals and values and you had to DIG to find the proper level of whore…NOW that kind of WHORE is in ALL places…you can’t avoid it….so check it out.


Posted in:Tight Pants




Tight Pant Tuesday of the Day

Tight pants, like teen romance, can give you a horrible set of blue balls when you’re in the grocery store long enough and have seen enough tight pants to finally get you hard…if you try hard enough…not that I still get hard, or even have balls, but I’m not your regular horny motherfucker who can’t contain himself, but I am a pervert who likes to stare at the asshole gape through a pair of fitness gear…ATHLEISURE if you will, because even if these ladies in their tight pants pretend they are just on trend, following trends, or being a trend….EVERYONE IS DOING IT so it’s not slutty…I can still see just how blown out their cunts are…and while doing menial shit like loitering at a grocery store since bars are closed…it’s an enlightening, maybe even spiritual experience…but only because I know a time when women wore skirts, or thick jeans, or dress pants that weren’t tight…and you couldn’t see their gaping assholes in those and it left WAY too much margin of error for my imagination…I prefer things being laid out, painted explicitly for me…I’m autistic like that….

Here are some tight pants..


Posted in:Tight Pants




Tight Pant Tuesday of the Day

Tight pants are a great accessible way for housewives to show the world their cunt after pilates class and thanks to COVID, they’re not just wearing them for pilates class, it’s the NEW NORMAL People and they wear that shit everywhere…when they are on ZOOM pretending to do work now that they don’t have to go to the office, when they are at the grocery store, which is my only social interaction with tight pants, and they are hot….especially when they are with their college aged daughters, who are also in tight pants, so you know it’s a family affair…some FLY IN THE WALL shit that you’d only get to experience if you were a guest in their home on Christmas where they are hanging out in their panties playing mom/daughter wrestling, their family tradition…but now it’s brought to you in the produce section…amazing…tight pants…are….amazing..


Posted in:Tight Pants




Tight Pant Tuesday of the Day

As a creeper, it’s safe to say that Tight Pants are the highlight of most days..because girls wear the fuck out of tight pants and they never quite seem tight enough to make them happy…so they progressively get tighter and fucking tighter until one day they won’t wear pants at all, just to get the fucking point across, but for now, they probably appreciate the tight pants for squeezing them the fuck together, making their asses look far more amazing than they otherwise would be….so Tight Pants that acts as a second skin or duct tape holding it all together like your exhaust system on your car….and as a creeper, seeing the asshole and pussy of strangers because they think they are being practical and comfortable dressers is great…

The pandemic’s been shit, especially for Canadians, but the good that has come from it is not the solidarity between humans, or the support of our elected officials showing us they care, it’s been getting girls in “ATHLEISURE” to let me see their cunt meat.



Posted in:Tight Pants




Tight Pant Tuesday of the Day

Some people would argue that pants too tight are not worth wearing because they don’t hide anything…yet no one is walking around nude…what’s up with that….since they
might as well be nude…but that would be SLUTTY an you can’t have that…

I would argue, or mud wrestle, since it is more fun than arguing, MUD WRESTLING is the cure to ALL things…WE need politicians to mud wrestle, or the VAX and the UNVAXX, the woke and the UNWOKE, the ANTI-FASCISTS and the other Anti-Fascists who both think are FASCIST….MUD WRESTLE out the differencs.

I’d mud wrestle you that eventually pants worn in public will be ass-less, crotchless, to show the people the goods while keeping the legs warm…you know CHAPS….easy access or to LET everyone know your pronouns without them having to ask….because it will start with a trans dude exposing his dick….

But I’m a romantic, a man into modesty, so I prefer seeing full cunt and anus on peopl I don’t know through their pants, it’s aspirational, something to work towards…rather than LABIA everywhere…but I may update this post when I start seeing cunt in public and love it in ways I never expected…but until then…KEEP it in your tight pants, you’re practically nude anyway….which I guess is my argument I’d use to get them out of the tight pants in the first place.

I confuse myself.


Posted in:Tight Pants




Tight Pant Tuesday of the Day

I am dreaming of a TIGHT PANT CHRISTMAS…because everywhere I go all I see are tight pants and if I wasn’t such a pervert, it’d probably be desensitizing, but luckily because I am such a pervert, I will never be desensitized because of seeing so much pussy, if anything this was the prophecy that I was given to share with the world all these years of doing this site…ONE DAY ALL WOMEN WILL BE SLUTS WHO TAKE NUDES…because giving them a phone with a camera….and hook up dating sites…or social media where the sluttier pics get noticed…while the importance is put on getting noticed…it just makes for a PRIME ecosystem for the SLUTS.

So even the normies, who would never be slutty, have been normalized into thinking walking around with their PUSSY mounds fully fucking exposed through the tight pants….is just a normal outfit….AMAZING…

So as they are desensitized about what is slutty, I WILL never be desensitized to the sluts…instead, I’ll make them feel uncomfortable with my EAGERNESS.


Posted in:Tight Pants




Tight Pant Tuesday of the Day

Tight Pants aren’t the same as tight pants of the past, because they’ve basically made this second skin level of tight pants, where you can basically see how big the pussy lips are on the bitch, I know because I go to the the grocery store, it’s my only outing where I am reminded that people are fucking slaves to the narrative, in a trance, brainwashed, committed to the fucking cause, as they shop in MASK, GLOVES and FACE SHIELD…all because of OMICRON…even though they are vaccinated without actually looking into the shot, just lining up EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE…FUCK YEAH…SIGN ME UP….I mean I didn’t even do that for 1000 dollars when I was younger and unable to find work and in need of 1000 dollars…because I am not stupid..

BUT YES, the flipside to how dumb the drones are, most I know can be broken to be on the right side of history, even if it is too late….but the flipside is that they follow all the trends of the internet, where in the event you’ve never been on the internet and this is your first foray on the internet…maybe you were in prison in some weird country for the last 30 years…I DON’T KNOW…but if you are new, TIGHT PANTS are part of the WHOREDROBE, which is the WARDROBE for WHORES…and when it’s normalized….it ends up trickling down into the SOCCER MOM world trying to pretend she’s still with it.

So, I get to see pussy DAILY and it’s not quite as fun as jerking off on a pussy, or eating a pussy, or even inserting objects in a pussy…..BUT it’s still fun…and WE LIKE FUN….YAY..


Posted in:Tight Pants