Euphoria started out strong….it was some “edgy” bullshit show that some rich LA entitled twat loser who had an industry dad decided to buy with his allowance and write with all his free time from being some rich fuck…where he likely referenced a lot of reddit, tumblr and instagram to build his shitty characters….and he got praise for having a tranny character, being woke, being a realistic version of High School kids with all their porn, fucking, cam girl shit….without thinking that doing a show about High School kids fucking is sexualizing underage people…which should get cancelled, but instead gets green lit and makes all these fucks money….Drake is one of the producers and if you’ve seen his Baby Momma you know that fucker is fucked in the head sexually…so as he monetizes off teen sex which is theoretically illegal…and planting seeds in the minds of perverts into teen sex everywhere….but since it’s on HBO it’s all good…and since they cast a Trans…they are woke….it’s just a whole lot of garbage you’d expect from inconsistent Hollywood..
But yeah, they’ve turned the storyline into the Tranny Character, who has busted out his tits, because if you’re going to grow out tits despite genetically not having tits the conventional way, you might as well show them off when they grow out…if anything for people to be like “so that’s what a trans tit looks like”…because everyone is trans obsessed…
Trannies aren’t anything new, I worked in the porn industry in 2002 and the hottest category at the time was TRANNY titles, back when trannies could only work in sex as the freaks they were seen as…..
I used to think it was because people were closet cases and the tits and womanly face made jerking off to a dude getting fucked up the ass less gay, you know easier for them to handle in their closet, but I think it may just be that people were bored and desensitized by standard sex in porn and trans switched it up….
Now that porn is mainstream, trans is mainstream because people aren’t any different than they were….
So instead of people like pornstar LARA ROXX getting HIV from pornstar Darren James, who would got to RIO to film unprotected TRANNY porn, because Trannies in America weren’t as hot, the trans people are getting HBO shows, are seen as heroes and basically everyone is now trans.
What I am getting at is tranny shit is nothing new, it’s just taken new forms and has become popular with the young people like getting tattoos or body mods or even botox used to be…
Anyway, here’s the Euphoria Trans actors TITTIES…for the people into that kind of thing…even though it is not my kind of thing…it’s still titties.
Posted in:Tranny