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Jordyn Jones Reminding You that Dancing is Idiotic of the Day

Like Kim Kardashian getitng with some CNN / Prison Reform / serious intellectual talking head for the clout, rather than some outspoken rapping attention seeking celebrity….you know crackdown on the crazy and get more serious….

Jordyn Jones is out here reminding us that dancing is idiotic..so that ya’ll can stop doing it now….TIKTOK can end, we’re over it let’s move on….

Unless this is her dancing in ways she’s impressed herself enough to share….

I mean maybe she’s officially turned her back on dance despite dance being the only reasons she’s famous. Her white trash family sent her from Michigan to LA at the age of 7 to do child dance reality show that you know is fucking perverse…

She has since gone onto amass a huge audience she sells scandalous pics to, not porn, just scandalous shit, cuz she’s from Michigan and her other option was sucking dicks at the trailer park…

I do expect her to end up diabetic, 300 pounds and footless, which could be a good thing so she stops this idiotic dance shit…

I like that this looks like it was shot in a double wide in 1995 on some serial killing meth addict’s video camera he stole for that meth money…trash.

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Workout Wednesday of the Day

Every day is about working out as far as I’m concerned, even if I am a fat fuck, I am able to realize that I am on a slow drawn out suicide because I don’t take the time to eat well and exercise…or quit drinking….

BUT I saw this hilarious stat that 64% of kids that are gay, bi, transgender are obese….because they are mentally unstable as obesity is a sign of unstable, emotional trauma, so obviously the fat loser who hates himself is going to identify as something people are celebrating now, to justify their difference, or to divert attention from being fat….but I guess it could be deeper rooted than the GUT to BRAIN corelation, but maybe hormonal all because people eat dog shit food instead of real healthy food…fuel your body right motherfuckers….and WORKOUt…

SO HERE ARE a bunch of girls who workout showing off their workout bodies…some fatter than others but at least they are trying…you see you don’t need to be a ripped fucking bro with your SWOLE on to get GAINS…you can just do the bare minimum to live longer and better…and there is no better way to celebrate fitness than looking at sluts….plus the fatter you get the more chance of becoming a gay tranny…so watch out…hit the fucking jumping jacks bro…


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The Man VS the Snowman of the Day

Here’s a video that I saw on the local news about a man who was caught on camera slitting an inflattable snowman’s throat in “cottage” country outside of Montreal.

I thought it was worth sharing because it made me laugh to see a motherfucker at 5 am get out of his car to slit the throat of an inflattable snowman, like it had wronged him or some shit, because he hates obnoxious white trash Christmas decorations as much as I do I guess…but now the police are after him…and I can’t think of a funnier thing to get a criminal record for….you know when you could have just driven by it, honked, maybe punch your dashboard or passenger in the front seat and move on…but instead…this…

I am just glad there were no CCTV cameras when I was a kid doing bad shit and jerking off behind dumpsters outside Dunkin Donuts while drunk and other wild shit. You didn’t have to think “I’m on camera”….but now cameras record fucking everywhere so you can’t do dumb shit and move on with your life…and that’s the world ya’ll want…

Speaking of the world ya’ll want….here’s what I think is the best thing to happen to Drum & Bass in the last 20 years, Mr Traumatik who you NEED to check out…with his song “PLANDEMIC”….because they take your freedoms and tell you to get the VACCINE to get your freedoms back…BRAINWASHING….

Best song of the year and exactly how I feel about COVID…it kills barely anyone…99.99 percent survival rate..based on their fake COVID death claims….how about we lock down for viruses and disease that pack a more powerful punch…and actually KILL people…ya know…silly..

Here’s another one because it’s fun…

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Sarah Hyland Gone Wild of the Day

I don’t know if it is Sarah Hyland’s genetic condition, you know the one that took out her kidneys like she was Selena Gomez, but I do know that I a freaked the fuck out by Sarah Hyland….

She looked like a 7 year old and a 97 year old at the same fucking time before figuring out that she’s a sexual being who masturbates and fucks gay dudes who are with her for the celebrity clout, and all of a sudden she started posing up racier and racier content. You know being naughty on the internet is thrilling, exhilerating, arousing, exciting, especially when you’re famous and love attention…

So seeing her in her bikini in Cabo, you know super fucking scared of COVID despite her diseases she plays up since it took out her kidneys…so she’s on a boat in a white bikini, which is a pervert favorite cuz you can see through them when they are wet, doesn’t excite me…even though it’s a famous girl in a bikini in Cabo giving the finger to COVID despite being immuno deficient because she’s rich and famous and COVID doesn’t get in their way….

This is some throw in the towel, I look like a crackwhore, while having a boat party with 30 people, during a pandemic, cuz I am dying…shit…I mean she looks bad…


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Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

I just saw a 40 year old mom with a hot fat fit booty in leggings despite being old….like it is the holy grail because it goes against all logic….40 year old moms in leggings shouldn’t have hot asses but it does happen….it is a Christmas miracle….especially since I generally don’t see anyone….maybe Santa was looking out for me….or maybe I am just an easy to please pervert. Plus, I know when the leggings come off, it is still mom pussy, but for the sake of staying positive….40 year old moms can have good asses too….

Here are some stepLINKS….

Vanessa Hudgens Twerking in teh Desert

Porn Star Kendra Lust Gets Flirty With UFC Fighter Joanna Jedrzejczyk

A bunch of pics of Scarjo to Remind you Hollywood is Full of Shit

Hot Lingerie Catalog Pics of Some Model

Truck Rips Through Traffic

Man Punches Kangaroo to Save his Dog

Strapping a Gopro on a Turtle.

Stairs to the Eiffel Towers…Sells Big

Jena Sims Slips Into a Bikini Ahead of the Mayakoba Golf Classic

Some Hot Shoot of Josie Canseco

Hottest and Best Cam Girls You’ll Ever See EVER – in the History of LIFE

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Tiny Tits Tuesday of the Day

This is where I show my support to small titty women everywhere….or at least women who think they have small tits since big tits are so sensationalized, fetishized, jerk off to, titty fucked, sucked on, you know….but small tits still pack a big punch in their compact casings, there are so many good things about small tits and any one with small titty pride can probably tell you better, since my tits are man tits and they are huge, but yeah, there are so many good things about small tits, mainly that they are tits…

I like big tits as much as the next guy, but I also love small tits and the tight packages they come with….so here you go…tits.


Posted in:TINY TITS|Uncategorized




Charlotte Lawrence Farting With Her Nipples Out of the Day

Charlotte Lawrence has emailed the site to take down her shitty nudes on her quest to break free from the shadow of her famous and rich parents and pave the way for herself as a useless exhibitionist of the internet – like all the girls her age – because that’s how you get noticed wen you’re a lazy fucking rich kid, or really any kid who doesn’t believe in the concept of work, you do the CAM GIRL thing….and there’s nothing wrong with that, since we get to see tits, it just doesn’t require much thought…making all these retards even more retarded because they are rewarded for the dumbest shit…whether they are born rich LA people or not…

So yeah, Charlotte Lawrence has emailed me to take down her pics because she doesn’t see the humor in the site, she just thinks, or we assume she thinks that some creep got his hands on pics she made public and wrote mean shit about her and her mom Kate from Drew Carey show….and I guess I feel better about the whole thing, not that I feel bad about the whole thing, but I feel better about the whole thing when seeing what she actually finds comedic….fart jokes…

They say sarcasm is the lowest form of humor, at least they’ve said that to me over the years, since I am sarcastic about most in my trolling….whether that comes through in a BLOG post or not is irrelevant….but I’ve been called an idiot for my sarcasm….as it is the lowest form of humor…when clearly…fart jokes are even lower on that list…not that I am a comedy expert, not a Judd Apatow over here, he’s like overly into jokes and made hundreds of millions because of it…he’d know where fart jokes land on the scale…

Now if you’re not watching this on mute, you can see young rich LA kid nipples because it’s a fashion trend that doubles as a tactic to get likes and follows that can be converted to dog shit pop music…that isn’t pop, but it’s trying to be!


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Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

I think it’s funny that no one understands that this site is a parody of all those fanboy sites that existed all those years ago….I would come across them and laugh at how virginal and desperate the writers were. I was like “this is some INCEL shit” before INCELS were even a thing, you know before they were out there driving vans into people in Toronto, or shooting up bars in California…the INCEL was just a socially awkward, friendless, loser who was scared to live….but who would collect UNDERWORLD DVDs and write about how hot a celeb is….

SO I said, wouldn’t it be funny to make fun of those virgin losers by doing the same kind of thing, but instead of praising the celebs they fantasize about, tear them down because the hooker down the street who may be 300 pounds and who may smell like a mix of feces, vinegar and AIDS, is far more interesting because at least you can get her to eat your asshole….plus celebs are overrated pieces of shit who don’t have talent and who are basically just fucking lies…so celebrating them like a 12 year old seeing his first set of tits made no sense to me….

The whole idea was to make fun of fan boys, while making fun of their celebrities, but instead, I just come across as an angry fan boy…and that’s too bad.

I should work on my satire, on my devlivery, walk you through the jokes, but why bother, I’ll just post links…

Here are some stepLINKS…

Hailey Bieber is 24 and Looking Hot

Paige Spiranac Comments on a Golfer’s Dick

Monica Bellucci for Vogue!

Girl VS Punching Bag

Patrick Mahomes Puts Ketchup on Thanksgiving Turkey for Money

Topless Model Rachel in Leggings

Tyson Fury’s Wife Throwing Hands on a Punching Bag

Laziest Cat Ever

POV from a Guy’s Mouth

Drone OVer Moving Train

Cleetus and Cars Burnout 2020

Virtual Choir!

Diplo Busy 13 Million Dollar Malibu Home – Looks Like he Made It…

This Girl Has Invested 4 Years in Getting an NFL Husband and She is Only 21


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Salma Hayek’s Big Titties in a Bathing Suit of the Day

Salma Hayek is a very important set of tits that first entered our lives in the 90s and reminded us that Mexico is not just filled with neckless Mayans who work at the tortilla stand, but rather a developed country that has people of all levels of hotness, as most developed countries do….

The tanned skinned, probably rich kid, turned Hollywood Starlet that is now married to a billionaire that we’ll assume is the bottom in this picture….has been consistent about one thing all these years…the tits…

IN a lot of ways, she probably paved the way from other latin women with huge tits, like Sofia Vergara….by reminding them that America loves big fucking tits more than their tribe does, even though their tribe loves big tits, because they look like they can feed the village….

I used to know a black guy who would turn his back on any black strippers because he felt they were doing what was expected of them, instead of elevating their people by not stripping, I do not have the same approach with Mexican women when they are hot…even when old…like this.

The original pic had her kid on her shoulders, but I couldn’t let the titties go to waste so I spent 9 hours of graphic design work making this magic happen…all for the big rich famous mom titties….I am that committed to the cause.

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Lockdown Critic and Doctor in Germany Gets Arrested – WTF and Other Videos of the Day

When you see a lockdown critic get arrested for not respecting lockdown over a virus with a 99.999% survival rate…..you kinda start believing the conspiracy theories they try to play off as bullshit when in reality they are very real….FEMA CAMPS here we come…welcome to the New World…

Bear Jumps on Car…


Dump Truck Fail

Boating Fail..

Self Parking Fail

Mayhem at the Salon

Booty Catfish….

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