I'll Make You Famous…

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I am – Pink is the New Blog Parties with AIDS

And by AIDS I mean people who scare me and may have AIDS like Perry Farrell, Marilyn Manson, Amanda Lepore and other tranny-lookin’ motherfuckers (I don’t mind Tommy Sunshine, he’s in my MySpace Top8). My problem right now is that these celebrity bloggers are working their way into the “scene” and poppin up all over the motherfuckin’ place, when they should be at home, alone like the losers they really are, before a misconception of popularity gave them some kind of ego. I hate seeing losers break out of their shells especially with something as lame as a blog. Bloggers were always the one who stayed in their lonely little dorm rooms while everyone else is out partying and getting laid. Blogging is NEVER a cool thing to do, and despite the fact that people read this shit, 3 years ago, they never would have, and people like Trent would have probably already committed suicide.

Now for Hipsters. Hipsters were at one point cool, and I don’t mind saying that no matter how much I hate them now. They were the art scene and the trendsetters. They were good music and goodtimes. They were dressing homeless for years and railing balls of coke in the privacy of the bathroom, because at the time coke wasn’t being done by the world and was looked down upon. Hipsters weren’t allowed in the trendy clubs, because there was a dress code, and they’d just do what they do for the love of what they do. What has happened is Vice Magazine, American Apparel, Electro Music…has made Hipster the new GAP. The losers who made fun of Hipsters in highschool while rockin’ their lame Gap style or Hip Hop thug gear or hjock-no-style or his slicked back gino hair have all become “hipsters”. Now, everyone is a hipster and when you go to any hipster event you are overtaken by whole lot of hipster lookin’ people who are really way too fucking lame to ever be hip….I don’t know if I got my message across, but for more hipster pics visit LastNightsParty and TheCobraSnake.

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I am – Frankie Muniz’s Girlfriend Likes His Money


I think it’s pretty clear that girls are the devil. By looking at these pictures you can tell that this bleach blond tattooed up dirtbag of a girl’s got Frankie by his little testicles. Now, I do not know if Frankie really has little testicles, but I do know that he made crazy money on Malcom in the Middle and the other lame movies he made. Definitely enough money to pay for his teenage angst of a girlfriend’s lame tattoos, Gucci Fanny Pack and cowboy boots. Point of the story, is that guys are idiots and always end up spending too much money on their bitches, it’s like they feel like a girl won’t leave them if you keep them happy. I remember when I was younger, I maxed out my credit card one Christmas on Lingerie, Jewelery and a whole lot of other shit because I thought I was in love. Two months later the bitch left me, 3 months later I realized how fucking ugly she was. I call it blinded by the vagina and that can be seen here in Malcom’s gf’s ass….blinded by the vagina, no doubt.


Frankie at the Beach….

Frankie at the pool….

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I am – Frankie Muniz's Girlfriend Likes His Money


I think it’s pretty clear that girls are the devil. By looking at these pictures you can tell that this bleach blond tattooed up dirtbag of a girl’s got Frankie by his little testicles. Now, I do not know if Frankie really has little testicles, but I do know that he made crazy money on Malcom in the Middle and the other lame movies he made. Definitely enough money to pay for his teenage angst of a girlfriend’s lame tattoos, Gucci Fanny Pack and cowboy boots. Point of the story, is that guys are idiots and always end up spending too much money on their bitches, it’s like they feel like a girl won’t leave them if you keep them happy. I remember when I was younger, I maxed out my credit card one Christmas on Lingerie, Jewelery and a whole lot of other shit because I thought I was in love. Two months later the bitch left me, 3 months later I realized how fucking ugly she was. I call it blinded by the vagina and that can be seen here in Malcom’s gf’s ass….blinded by the vagina, no doubt.


Frankie at the Beach….

Frankie at the pool….

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I am – Sex Scandal of the Day


So the story is that this girl banged her teacher and her boyfriend in a hotel room, the pictures got released to a bunch of her friends on Orkut and it started a crazy riot that involved police cars and tear gas. Now I can’t read portuguese, hell I can’t read period, so I don’t know what the fuckin’ story is, but here’s the email that came in with the lead.

She is a collage girl that go to fuck with her teacher/s, well in the
collage everybody find the pics and she have to wait to the police to go
out from college

If that made any more sense to you than it did to me, feel free to send the info my way, in the meantime check out the pics that surfaced on the internet and caused this ordeal. On a side not, I fucking love digital cameras, without them I wouldn’t get to see average everyday girls get slammed and that is really all I live for.

To see dirty pics click this link

Watch out there’s penis in the pictures and that may be not safe for work for you, even though everyone in your office has had sex at least once in their life, even the guy you think is a virgin in accounting has probably had his dick in some kind of pussy. Point is that all this censorship and rules and NSFW bullshit can suck my fucking dick, like this brazilian whore sucked these 2 dicks.

To read a couple articles on the scandal in Portuguese Click Here and Here

Thanks Chocolim.

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I am – Blood in my Link Dump of the Day


Here are a few links we found that you may like….or you may hate…I really take no responsibility for how you feel about them…because I hate you. Cuddles.

If you have any links – send them in HERE

Geri and Kylie Kiss on British TV
Hot Masuimi Max Video
Hot tits, Bad dye job (NSFW – she’s naked)
Now Girls Can Pee Like a Boy
Raconteurs (Jack White and Brendan Benson’s Band) Video
Pear Jam Is the Worst Band Ever

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I am – Weird Celebrity Fan Drawings of the Day


People are weird when it comes to celebrities. Take me for example. I have no real interest in celebrities, but realized that all my traffic came from the celebrity posts, so I just kept them up. I really have no idea what celebs are up to, but I pretend I do by posting their pictures and talking about them. The people who really do know about the celebrities I write about send in hate mail, hack my email addresses, try to beat me down in public and draw fantasy celebrities topless. These are the same people you do not want to have babysit your kids, but never really would because they are too busy sitting at home, on disability, jerking off to the originals of these.

Amanda Bynes

Avril Lavigne

Catherine Bell

Jennifer Love Hewitt

Katie Holmes

Kristen Kreuk

Adriana Lima

Lindsay Lohan

Michelle Trachtenberg

This is the guy I ripped off for this post

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I am – Ivanka Trump’s Nipples of the Day


Ivanka Trump’s nipple is definitely worth more than you are. The reason is simple, her dad is Donald Trump and he has probably given her a solid salary and a slammin’ trust fund. Like all rich kids, I can only assume Ivanka is completely fucked up but she keeps it out of the public eye. She doesn’t go to all the useless celebrity parties the rich kids like Kimmy Stewart, Paris Hilton, the Osbornes, Nicole Richie and all the others go to. She has a business degree and works for her dad’s company and seems to have a little more class. mainly because she keeps her vagina to herself, unfortunately.

I always loved partying with rich kids back in the days I used to party with rich kids. They never had a real care in the world and would never complain about financing our night out. The people I knew were nothing close to the Trumps in wealth, but doing a bunch of coke while getting my dick sucked by a highclass hooker in a penthouse hotel room was a weekly event that never seemed to be a problem. I have no pics of those nights but I do have pics of Ivanka. Enjoy.

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I am – Ivanka Trump's Nipples of the Day


Ivanka Trump’s nipple is definitely worth more than you are. The reason is simple, her dad is Donald Trump and he has probably given her a solid salary and a slammin’ trust fund. Like all rich kids, I can only assume Ivanka is completely fucked up but she keeps it out of the public eye. She doesn’t go to all the useless celebrity parties the rich kids like Kimmy Stewart, Paris Hilton, the Osbornes, Nicole Richie and all the others go to. She has a business degree and works for her dad’s company and seems to have a little more class. mainly because she keeps her vagina to herself, unfortunately.

I always loved partying with rich kids back in the days I used to party with rich kids. They never had a real care in the world and would never complain about financing our night out. The people I knew were nothing close to the Trumps in wealth, but doing a bunch of coke while getting my dick sucked by a highclass hooker in a penthouse hotel room was a weekly event that never seemed to be a problem. I have no pics of those nights but I do have pics of Ivanka. Enjoy.

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I am – Joe Rogan Picture on the Wall of the Day


I went to a comedy show and didn’t laugh. It was at a place called Jimbo’s in Montreal. It cost 10 dollars and I drank about 12 rye and gingers because rumor has it that Jack is a premium alcohol, and I was trying to save money. There was a fat slut in the corner who kept offering to suck the comedian’s dick, she claimed she was really good at it, probably from all that practice on her dad/uncle who molested her growing up. Only difference between her and Oprah is that she liked the attention her molestor gave her….

Anyway, Rumor also has it that Joe Rogan has played there and this is the proof, a picture with his autograph and praise of how great of a bar it is. The capacity of the room was about 15 people, so I guess it was the first and only time Rogan sold out a show and that’s why he was so happy with the venue. Either way, we have sent Joe Rogan a T-shirt, we consider him a friend of the site.

Check out his site by Clickin’ the Link .

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I am – Michelle Trachtenberg Stalker Post of the Day


I have so much fun stalking Lohan, that I decided to start stalking other celebs. If you aren’t sure what it is that I do, it’s simple. I find people who the person I am stalking has had contact with, whether it is highschool friends, people they work with on movies, their personal assistants/publicists, basically anyone who has ever met them. Then I write a creepy email to that person, in hopes of if getting back to the celebrity I am stalking. It’s my idea of comedy and since I have a Jewish girl fetish, I decided that Trachtenberg would be the second girl I stalk.

This is the stalker email that I sent the make-up artist and hair stylist for the movie Mysterious Skin. Her name is Nicole Le Bris and she has worked with Trachtenberg, here it is.

Dear Nicole,

I read that you were the hairstylist on the movie Mysterious Skin. I am currently stalking Michelle Trachtenberg and wanted to reach out to you, since you have touched her hair and face. I was hoping that you have some strands of Trachtenberg’s hair that I could possibly use for masturbation purposes. If not, I understand and her personal email will suffice.

I look forward to your response,

With Love,

Jesus Martinez

Trachtenberg Getting Coffee

Bonus – Trachtenberg on the Catwalk

Another Bonus – Trachtenberg’s Ass (part of the reason I am stalking her)

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