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Archive for the Vanessa Hudgens Category




Vanessa Hudgens Ass in her Car of the Day

I don’t know what I post pictures of Vanessa Hudgens….I don’t find her all that hot, I don’t find her relevant, I don’t find her exciting, but at the same time I don’t hate her…I don’t think she’s disgusting…and I appreciate that her nudes from many years ago featured bush in an era of bald pussy…because I love bush…and the era of Bald pussy, the pressure girls have to have bald pussy, all thanks to bros and steroid cheese dicks…always made me mad…especially when all Hollywood…not that she had a choice to not have bush…the sexts were shot at night and like all hair little monkeys…five O’clock shadow happened…not thaT it matters…

What matters is that I dig these pics of her crawling into her car in some 70s looking jump suit…all jacked up her pussy and ass while grabbing her tits…as jump suits do…you know so fitted that if you move your shoulders the wrong way…your vagina gets fucking filled up with fabric the way I like it…

That said, I don’t even know if that is a jump suit, I’m not a fashion designer here, I just see pants in an ass with a shirt the same color…who cares…what matters is that I think I’m into her because her legal team hit me up and threatened me a long time ago, and historically, I’ve always loved girls who fucking hate me…and sending lawyers after someone…is pretty hateful…increasing my want to have her ride my face, or really for me to ride her face…to almost unmanageable levels…


Posted in:SFW|Vanessa Hudgens




Vanessa Hudgens THIGH of the Day

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Vanessa Hudgens is really into her upper thigh…and so are you..because ever since High School musical you were stoked she wasn’t Ashley Tisdale…or maybe, if you’re like me…you like her because her legal team came after me becuase I posted nude pics that she leaked and they pretended she was 17 and that I was the criminal “Take it down or we’ll get you arrested for being a sex offender”…even though she was 19…and the one who produced and leaked the pics…even though it wasn’t properly planned because she had 5 o’clock shadow…the kind of monkey who needs to wax daily…she’s just that kind of weird immigrant…from what I assume is a jungle somewhere…

Either way, she’s not naked, not as fat as she’s been and into her leg…and so are you..


Posted in:SFW|Vanessa Hudgens




The Hudgens Sisters are Interesting of the Day


I knew that Vanessa HUdgens had a younger sister who is more of a party slut, who goes to rave, and not so much an actor who does anything more than being Vanessa Hudgen’s sister…probably a better place to be than being the actual famous person because less people give a fuck about you…but you can still get the perks with one phone call…

I knew she had bigger tits, that she shows off on the regular but not as effectively as her sister who releases nude pics, untrimmed, often…something I love…and would like her sister to participate in…because it makes girls more interesting…

I didn’t know she was a fucking tank twice the size of her older sister…a monster even…terrifying…yet erotic now that I know..and I’m probably not better for it…but who cares, I did a post on it anyway…that’s the very useless power I possess…


Posted in:SFW|Vanessa Hudgens




The Tits from the Blurred Lines Video Ignored by Selena Gomez and Vanessa Hudgens of the Day

The one with the back tattoo and the double chin is Selena Gomez….

The one with the flowers in her hair is Vanessa Hudgens…

The one posing awkwardly, like she’s on set of some instagram shoot for her instagram, the only venue that really cares about her, even though she’s tried hard to be a real movie star, which in and of itself is pretty good for a set of tits from a viral music video, I mean most tits in Viral videos are forgotten…but these ones pushed it as hard as she could…

It’s like she’s went to troll these two famous chicks, by standing next to them, hoping to look like they are actually friends or like anyone actually cares about her or takes her seriously…for the photo opp…

Or maybe it was her way of saying “Omg, I’m so much hotter than these Disney Trolls, even though Disney told me I wasn’t good enough when I was 5 and auditioned”…always a fame whore…

The funny thing is that Selena and Hudgens are probably what Emrata idolized and got naked to be…

Either way, the whole thing…pretty fucking creepy….just trying to fit in…I’m onto you…tits from the Blurred Lines video..

Posted in:Selena Gomez|SFW|Vanessa Hudgens




Sarah Hyland and Vanessa Hudgens int he Most Important Bikini Selfie of the Day


Sarah Hyland is the creepy 12 year old looking 25 year old from Modern Family…a successful show…where she plays the girl I assume most dudes watching the show want to fuck…while Sofia Vergara fucks herself in the corner…because of her tits….because dudes love young looking girls…they are perverts…

Vanessa Hudgens is the pudgy, hairy little monkey from HighSchool Musical, who I assume some people wanted to fuck, because they like hairy little monkeys when they are from the disney channel…it fuels their perversion…

Together, they are with some dude….who may be a chick…in what could be a drug ridden orgy, as the kids these days do..especially rich and famous ones who have seen some shit, .even though these aren’t kids, but they were robbed of their youth and fed hormone suppressants to play kids on TV and get their parents PAID!

Posted in:Sarah Hyland|SFW|Vanessa Hudgens




Vanessa Hudgens One Piece of the Day

Vanessa Hudgens posted a series of videos of her in a one piece…doing some jittery gif type movement that I guess she thought was futuristic or cool…until one of her fans with epilepsy dies in a convulsion…ruining the fun for everyone else….who like seeing twitching titties in a one piece vibrate like it was 1999 and you were loading a PORN gif on dial up internet…

Vanessa Hudgens is always so innovative..from nude selfies rocking her feminist bush..to this…and despite being relatively insignificant, she’s Disney trained and the only High School musical tits I believe will release more nudes…or get nude in movies…but I guess I only know two High School musical girls and the other one is just a nose.


Posted in:Candice Swanepoel|SFW|Vanessa Hudgens




Vanessa Hudgens Fetish Picture of the Day


Here’s Vanessa Hudgens…being…amazing… and she knows it…

The one thing I know about Vanessa Hudgens, other than that she’s a hairy little well trained Disney performer…if you know what I mean…

She’s also…pretty clear on the power of marketing behind selfies…when those selfies are either nude, or speaking to any fetish, because the core of humanity are fucking perverts and as Disney Taught her, if you feed inot that perversion…you come out on top…even if it means letting a lot of guys cum to you…

I mean flexibility posts are never anything less than “look at me spread my pussy as far as humanly possible, airing out the matted bush, sweat and Zac Effron, but still spreading her fucking pussy at a serious level, and that’s amazing…and why Gymanstics matters.


Posted in:SFW|Vanessa Hudgens




Vanessa Hudgens Bikini of the Day


I don’t know what the deal is behind this hard faced, strong jawed, teen nude model, who at 17 showed the world her bush like a feminist before her time, when really she was just a hair little monkey who had had a bikini wax earlier that day, just up on some “Cousin It” hustle, or those dudes you’ve probably scene at the circus freak show / Jerry Springer over the years, who have that hairy everywhere disease…not that it matters..

I think she looks better now than she did then, maybe she’s coming into herself as a “stage” actress, you know feeling good about herself, and her career, when prior to Broadway, she was a just a Disney kid and no one respects those, especially not their parents who whored them to the company to live out their dreams…

Posted in:SFW|Vanessa Hudgens




Vanessa Hudgens in a Bikini Top with her Sick Dad of the Day

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Vanessa Hudgens posted this picture asking you to pray for her father…to collectively, positive energy, him…because I guess he’s sick, maybe dying and there’s nothing happy about that…

But I’m glad out of all the pics she probably has of her and her dad, she chose the one of her in her bikini top….

I wonder if that was her favorite pic with him, or if it was his favorite pic of them…you know for…inappropriate reasons…I mean genetic attraction is a real thing…

I guess it’s a little less busty as her younger sister’s “Positive energy” post…

All this to say, this is a family I like, death and sickness is bad, but if she ever needs a stand in dad, that goes for both of them, they can come sit on my lap anytime….

Here’s some paparazzi pics of her CLICK HERE

Here’s some Stella Hudgens Big Tits…

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Posted in:SFW|Vanessa Hudgens




Vanessa Hudgens Looking Hot of the Day


I knew Vanessa Hudgens mattered the second I got a lawyers letter after posting a nude selfie that they claimed was taken when she was 17, before nude selfies were that common, back when you had to negotiate hard with girls you were in long distance relationships to get before sending to your friends to show off what you fuck, even if she’s got a huge bush….

You know, when they still mattered, when they still counted for something, when they weren’t being done by every celebrity A- Z lister…and girl you know…or even walk by on the street…

Every girl has nudes…But not every girl has the confidence to leak nudes with bush….back when bush wasn’t trendy or fashionable…

What I am trying to say is that I’ve always believed in her….she’s the magical, ethnically ambiguous, Disney trained, slutty enough angel sent from heaven…

And she’s finally looking hot…which I guess is all that matters in this superficial world we live in…

So here she is looking hot..which reminds us that despite what Amy Schumer and all the other fat slob comedians, actoors, models, who are talking to fat women, because they are easy to talk to, it’s not like they are out on dates, and they are vulnerable and looking for relatable people in the media, so they talk to them, in order to get richer, are saying…

Skinny is a better look…


Posted in:SFW|Vanessa Hudgens