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Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader “Skull Fucked” at Sinical Ball of the Day

I was sent this video of Dallas Cowboy cheerleader Colleen Meghan at some Fetish ball in Houston on April 13, up on stage screaming and getting spanked by some dominatrix fetish motherfucker in some alen looking fetish costume.

The video stars off tame, with some spanking as she humps the air, and ends with a little face fuck after she does a few sit ups to get warmed up.

It’s pretty clear that she’s in on this situation with “Lexa Lusty” the fetish star and I don’t think fetish is that big of a deal, and she probably won’t lose her job over it, I mean if she is even a Dallas Cowboys cheerleader, something I am sure has a contract stipulations that you can’t suck dick in movies, even if you’re destined to be a pornstar, while working for the organization.

I just think it’s funny, although creepy as fuck. I mean she’s just trying to have a good time, and here I am putting that good time out there like it’s a bad thing, even though more girls need to be half naked and spanked at parties while I watch.

Posted in:Videos




Bikini Video of the DAy

Like women, tits, vaginas, not all bikini videos are created equally. Sometimes, they are awkward, not very erotic or appealing, sometimes they are fat or hairy, and sometimes they have dicks.

This shit is ridiculous, no idea where it is from, but it reminds me why I do drugs.

Posted in:Videos




The Best Video On the Internet Ever of the Day

I’m pretty pumped that the internet and webcams have penetrated the white trash, inbred, uneducated, monster of a person who makes up 75% of the American Population….because videos like this exist. I like to think this is why the Internet was invented.

This freak is on webcam talking about squirting and it’s not very sexy, but it is very fucking creepy, something I think should inspire horror movies…or a reality show.

This bitch is the next Chris Crocker, the next William Hung, she’s a viral sensation, but it’s so awkward watching her.

Video of this retard via my homies at NEWSFILTER (NSFW)

This is my porn.

Posted in:Videos




Road Rage to Start the Day of the Day

This is hilarious. I think this is staged, but the story is that this guy was trying to start a fight, slamming on his breaks, causing an accident, triggering him to go nuts.

They are apparently in the marines, the driver a civilian, and the maniac raging, apparently gets arrested.

I’m just not getting why this guy isn’t breaking windows. Or why the guys who hold him back, look like they are his friends, wearing the same T-Shirt, and hair cut, but maybe that’s just the style when you’re a marine….

It’s pretty funny.

Posted in:Videos




Vanessa Hudgnen’s $$$EX of the Day

So Vanessa Hudgens has finally made it in the world as the tramp she always wanted to be, you know back when she was posting nude pics to the internet, Spring Breakers was just a way for her to legitimize that, and the only thing that confuses me in the whole thing, is that if she’s so fucking horny, why doesn’t she work out a bit, cuz seeing her belly hang over her bikini is alright for a random drunk girl by the pool at 4 am you’re willing to fuck cuz you want to fuck, but not for a celebrity, especially not while filming a movie in a bikini.

That said, she’s launched a song with some dubstep sounding EDM producer called YLA, called $$$EX, milking the Spring Breakers shit, cuz it’s the only thing she’s done that has any “hype” around it, with people she wants hype from….and yesterday they released this video, that may or may not feature Hudgens, but that is pushing the horrible song, Harlem Shake Styles.

Possibly the worst, but girls in bikinis aren’t so bad, even when they are bad.

Please don’t buy this song or encourage this movement.

Posted in:Vanessa Hudgens|Videos




Ukrainian Pole Dancer of the Day

I am not sure if this is new or old, because I don’t watch Ukrainian TV on the regular, in fact, I just assumed these communists didn’t have TVs, but I’m also stuck in the 80s, in most things in life….

Apparently, they have a So You Think You Can Dance, probably because all of the world’s best ballerinas and male order brides come from behind the iron curtain….and this one is a combination of both…..in the form of a pole dancer….capable of joining the olympic gymnastic team or the underground human trafficking sex trade….either way…she’s pro..

Posted in:Videos




Mexican Weather Girl Cameltoe of the Day

In Mexican weather girl news, here is a clip from one of our finest, even if I haven’t been to Mexico in 4 decades, I’m still fucking Mexican people, showing her camel toe on the job.

I figure it’s just typical Mexican vagina behavior, you know hungry for tight pants, while waiting to be off the air to fill the void with semen, in efforts to have 15 kids to make the new pope proud.

They start young, they keep it Catholic, but at least they give us a glimpse into their vaginas world, before it is too late and they are too fat to bother with.

Making me a fan of this thickness and her pussy lips.

Posted in:Videos




Nutella on Booty at the Ultra Festival of the Day

It is the Ultra music festival in Miami….which is essentially just a group of party kids taking over Miami during Spring Break…to party like idiots for a few days…to the “best” DJs and rappers in the fucking world….and these dude decided to head out there with a jar of Nutella and a few 20 dollar bills to spread in a booty of a willing girl….and lick it off cuz girls will do do anything for either a video camera or…..20 bucks…..

This may be ridiculous….but the real question I have in all this is why am I not the dude making videos like this…I’ve failed myself….

Posted in:Videos




Human Statue Gets Even of the Day

If you’ve been on the internet today, you’ve probably seen this video of a Human Statue getting even on a heckler, who is going out of his way to annoy and test his Human Statue abilities…without realizing that anyone doing Human Statue performances is already at rock bottom, they’ve pretty much given the fuck up on life, cuz no one wants to paint themselves grey everyday to stand around and beg for change for their alcoholism…I mean we are talking the bottom of the barrel….barely a human in society…with nothing to live for….probably with a seeded past….and huge criminal record…making me think dude’s pretty lucky he wasn’t shanked…or dude didn’t try to eat his face off…

I would side with the Human Statue…because let’s face it the heckler is a fucking asshole…but without an address….he barely registers as human to me….just a thug motherfucker….who doesn’t realize his job is to get harassed by people…that’s what he’s paid the big bucks for…when he signed up to this shit instead of getting are a real job….asshole…

Posted in:Videos




“I Just Need a Girlfriend” of the Day

This is ridiculous…..and makes me feel uncomfortable watching it…it’s pretty homo….but the dude is fucking jokes….talking about his vampire fetish….his cat Mr Whiskers….his ex gf from facebook who was a hermaphrodite which is something that must have to do with atheism….and his list of requirements for his gf needing fat blowjob lips….and a big tongue….no asians….a nice tan, big boobs, nice tan….and it goes on…

This kid needs his own reality show….his comedy….is gold and the internet will love him like he was Jennifer Hudson in dreamgirls…

Posted in:Videos