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Archive for the Weed Category




Weed Wednesday of the Day

Weed girls…like alt girls…are a little on the terrifying side of things…

I don’t think weed’s all that crazy, or that it necessarily reduces the quality of life, or makes you all schizo, even if it makes a motherfucker a laid back zombie who can’t be bothered or phased….

I just think ladies producing content around smoking weed, like it’s a sexual prop is weird….

Are they trying to big deal out of weed, like brag that they smoke weed, in a world where it is legal. Are they being ambassadors to the lifestyle MAN, or they are so involved in weed culture that they need the world to know they smoke, like it’s edgy?

I thought the modern take on ALT or GOTH was becoming trans and cutting your tits off, not this soft weed smoking approach…

Is it cheesy and unstable…..are they medicated, down to fuck, just trying to make money, just trying to manipulate the weed smoking man….

Shockingly, they aren’t too lazy, high, or mind numbed to partake in some sleazy self produced weed content because it’s probably better than an actual job….and they need that money to buy that weed bro…

Here’s a bunch of weed girls…


Posted in:Weed




Weed Wednesday of the Day

I am not a weed smoker, but I am very fucking suspicious about the whole weed smoking thing now that it’s been made legal in so many places.

I realize that smoking weed makes a motherfucker paranoid, apathetic and paranoid, so perfect to squirrel away in your house eating take out….

But for some reason, none of the weed smokers question the legalization of weed, if anything they are too excited celebrating their new found freedom, that not one of them stops and says…”why the fuck does the man want me smoking weed, this is fucking suspicious”…

Here are some people publicly posting, producing some eroticized version of smoking weed, you know like a blue movie of the 70s, only far lazier, lacking story, art direction and an actual fucking point, because no one really craves quality they just get their fap on to anything, even harder when it’s a niche they are stoked on, like smoking weed cuz they smoke weed, which is like dudes who get off to hot chicks into videogames, cuz they play videogames….you get what I am saying here…



Posted in:Weed




Weed Wednesday of the Day

I guess a huge percentage of girls smoke weed, at least in Canada, since it’s legal and people are depressed losers made happier by hanging out with other depressed losers, or at least by numbing themselves with weed so that they can lazily sit and stare at the wall while waiting for life to either happen for them or end of them.

I am a drunken degenerate so I’m not hating on the weed smokers of the world, but I don’t trust them with their Government weed, it actually creeps me the fuck out….

I don’t mind when the lazy weed girls aren’t too lazy to get naked on the internet, since self produced nudity is what makes the internet fun, especially when it’s produced by someone all high and out of their head, as if weed is that potent, so that they have an excuse for their behavior when they decide to email sites to delete all their nudes, as they do…way too often…

My only issue with weed girls is that they look like weed girls into snacks, but whatever, I’ll take it…


Posted in:Weed




Weed Wednesday of the Day

If your government wants you smoking weed, you should probably find a more fun drug like METH, or CRACK but they probably want you on that too, you know it makes you easier to control and manipulate when you have a vice that makes you a mindless shill who feels so detached from the system that you pay into that you don’t really matter, so let those opportunistic fucks do what they do, while you kick back with some government sanctioned weed and some government sanctioned NETFLIX series, you lazy fucks. It’s your lack of involvement that has made society collapse the way it has, I hope you are happy.


Posted in:Weed




Weed Wednesday of the Day

Weed may not be a strong enough drug to give girls the nod like opiates or other more fun drugs you can use as foreplay, but it can make girls lazy enough to not bother making the best life decisions, so that they don’t bother protesting your advances to fuck….while being less sloppy than being drunk….and down to eat pizza when done, maybe even down to fuck you because of the promise of pizza, making it a far less creepy way to get laid than roofies, or whatever you’re using for foreplay these days…

Here are some weed enthusiasts, which is lame to me, but probably excited to a loser who is into weed and loves when chicks are into the same things as them, especially when the chick is naked.


Posted in:Weed




Weed Wednesday of the Day

I may not smoke weed, I may think weed is nature’s medicine that probably helps people with all kinds of ailments, unless that’s just propaganda to get everyone to smoke weed, thinking they are getting healthy, when becoming brainless idiots….because the government started pushing weed on the public, which could have been for money, but they can just print as much money as they want, so it’s got to be more sinister…obviously, they aren;’t our friends…

So yeah, I may not smoke weed, but I am a fucking burn out anyway, so here’s a bunch of girls doing content with weed or weed adjacent things for the weed nerds out there, or to pretend that they are hard, edgy….wild…exciting naked chicks on the internet!


Posted in:Weed




Weed Wednesday of the Day

I always had an issue with weed, as a drinker, I just found it to be some lame hippie free love bullshit that got in the way of my anger and rage, but over the years I’d smoke some fucking weed to see what the hype was, sometimes while wasted and trying to sedate a woman into making sweet love to me, only to realize that the weed killed their sex drive harder than them realizing they were about to have sex with me, so I learned early on that black-out drunk was my friend, back when it was socially acceptable to have bad drunk sex, making bad drunk decisions, before it turned into the modern definition of rape…even when both parties were down for the fucking…

Anyway, weed is now legal in Canada and has been for a while, which I find very suspicious, especially now that I walk down the streets and see all kinds of people sucking their weed in like it’s their medicine, even those in masks who still fear the air, are pulling down those masks to get their weed up in their weak scared lungs…

From old ladies, to rich dudes, to middle agers, then there’s immigrants like Indians and Arabs all loving the weed like it’s the best shit ever, waiting in lines to get it at government facilities, and it’s all WAY too fucking suspicious to me….

I’m as paranoid as a traditional weed smoker is supposed to be, what’s in the weed, is it angel dust, why does the MAN want me high, it seems like there would be a reason for that, does it make us lazy, complicit, to stoned to fight or contest their LOCKDOWN actions, SEDATE the population and things will be smoother than when the population are a bunch of angry drunks…

But I don’t mind when girls use weed in their slutty content, it’s a little weird, lame, showing off that they smoke weed, like who fucking cares, you good complicit government supported consumer…..but the slutty content overrides all that noise….so here’s a round up…


Posted in:Weed




Weed Wednesday of the Day

I don’t really know why girls who get named on the internet incorporate weed into their content, is it because they find weed cool, a crutch, or a distraction from the fact they are naked, or are they trying to appeal to nerdy weed dudes who identify as weed demons and who only like bitches who get down with weed, because they are on the same wave length or whatever….

I don’t really like the whole weed thing to being with, fucking hippies with their chilled out fucking hippie bullshit, all fucking laid back and slow talking like “they are so stoned man”….

I don’t think stoned girls increase my chances of getting laid, if anything stoners are annoying about basically everything and not fun or blacked out enough to make bad decisions…

So why would I be into this shit, oh right, the nakedness aspect…..fine.


Posted in:Weed




Weed Wednesday of the Day

Weed girls are either dumpy, lazy, ghetto, trashy, down to earth hippies being all BOHO in their Tie Dye, and here’s a mix of a wide variety of them to celebrate that weed culture, which is a thing because weed smokers are lame and try to go over the top with their love for the herb by over promoting it in all aspects of their life, which is apparently less annoying on a half naked chick being a pervert than on some punk kid in his weed hat, shirt, pants and necklace smoking his weed on the streets now that it’s legal…

I think I had more respect for weed smokers when it was illegal, because weed smokers now are just mainstream and hive mind retards, but if they get naked, it’s a little more appealing since they are naked….funny how that works.


Posted in:Weed




Weed Wednesday of the Day

I don’t know why, but for awhile I was into weed, I thought, anything natural to chill a bitch out at 3 am and potentially make her eager to fuck, rather than more booze that will just make her black out and call you a rapist for fucking her when drunk, where as weed allows for clear mind and laziness to just go with it and remember it the next day as a non-rape….

But yeah, weed is seemingly harmless and healthy with health benefits but being skeptical about the government while living in the land of legal weed, where walking down the street makes the zombies seem more zombie-like while they are all huffing on their weed, not being as crazy as a daytime drunk, but rather just being robotic or some shit….it makes me think that they legalized weed for a BAD reason, because they know something I don’t know and that they didn’t do it for the money, they can just print more of that, but if daddy government wants you high, you know it’s not for your health and that’s why I suggest you avoid it…..stick to drinking, at least it’s fun even with the rapes.


Posted in:Weed