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Archive for the Wendy WIlliams Category




Wendy Williams Drops Like Bricks of the Day

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This video is the highlight of my day…

Wendy Williams dressed like the Statue of Liberty, likely mistook it for the Twin Towers, and dropping like she had a stroke, or died on TV, from the spanx being too tight, no oxygen to her brain…and the whole performance was as dramatic as you’d expect.

She probably just saw her bikini pics

In other black pop culture news…Cardi B was dressed liek Cruella Deville, and we support all strippers turned Number 1 on the Billboard Charts cashing in, except I do prefer when my strippers are more failed, broken and given up on life…

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Posted in:SFW|Videos|Wendy WIlliams




Wendy Williams Bikini Erotica of the Day

Wendy Williams in a black bikini

I always thought Wendy Williams was a man….

I mean I have accidentally seen her show…and I remember when she was on the Radio…and she just always screamed dude in a dress to me….or I guess in a bikini…

I always thought she was fat, I didn’t realize she was just fat tits…and I guess what I am trying to say is that I am all for transgendered people…I mean sure, it’s weird, unnatural…even creepy…but they are still people….albeit broken people…but people nonetheless…and they deserve the same opportunities as those who stick to the gender or genitals they were born with…but I sure as hell don’t like them posing half naked or starring in porn…I find it weird….

Maybe I’m being too hard on her…one may call me an asshole, cuz I wrote this post as if she was born with a dick, when she probably wasn’t and just looks like she was…but the real issue is that maybe she shoulda kept her fucking clothes on and never put t me in this awkward position of seeing her in this horrible, offensive, scary state….

I am just trying to defend myself here…like Seriously. Dude. Keep. Your. Clothes. On. Bro. GUY…Mister…SIR….

This is terrifying, but not as terrifying as me wanting to fuck it.

IT!! Overrated movie, too much CGI, but I still like Stephen King….


Posted in:SFW|Wendy WIlliams




The Wendy Williams Falling Off Stage Video of the Day


I don’t really know what Wendy Williams is, but I know she had some talk show at one point in time, that may even be on TV….is probably on the Radio…and that she looks like a he…

This is a video of her and her big bold on tits falling off stage, and it made me laugh…not as much as when I laughed at her crying about her COKE ADDICTION and/or her BREAST FEEDING ….

I am not laughing at this video because she looks like a he…I am all for transgendered people…whether they pretend they are moms or not…I mean sure, it’s weird, unnatural…even creepy…but they are still people….albeit broken people…but people nonetheless…and they deserve the same opportunities as those who stick to the gender they were born with…

I am laughing…because she deserves to fall…

Posted in:SFW|Wendy WIlliams




Wendy Williams Hides her Dick for PETA of the DAy

What the fuck is this about…I don’t even know who Wendy Williams is…I think maybe she’s a radio host or TV host…but know that this shouldn’t have happened…

I am all for transgendered people…I mean sure, it’s weird, unnatural…even creepy…but they are still people….albeit broken people…but people nonetheless…and they deserve the same opportunities as those who stick to the gender they were born with…but I sure as hell don’t like them posing naked in Animal propaganda ad campaigns…when they are barely human…at least in terms of physical appearance..

Maybe I’m being too hard on her…one may call me an asshole, cuz I wrote this post as if she was born with a dick, when she probably wasn’t and just looks like she was…but the real issue is that maybe she shoulda kept her fucking clothes on and never but me in this awkward position of seeing her in this horrible, offensive, scary state….forcing me to defend myself through the only weapon i have…my words…

Seriously. Dude. Keep. Your. Clothes. On. Bro.

I don’t care how many cute animals this saved, it’d have more impact if it was requesting people donate to get Wendy Williams in a sweat suit.

Posted in:Wendy WIlliams




Shut the Fuck Up Wendy Williams of the Day

Wendy Williams is some dude who used to be on the radio because his face and his sexual ambiguity scared little kids cuz shit looks like some kind of evil muppet, but the fact that she cries all the fucking time scares me. I wrote about me laughing at her crying about not breast feed her baby because she was a man and man tit doesn’t let you breast feed, but it turns out that in his youth, before all the surgeries, motherfucker used to be a cocaine fiend, something I’d expect from someone insecure about who they are, you know not compfortable in his skin, but comfortable in women’s panties, before realizing that he should be a she and when he became a she, turning his life around and really making something out of his life as a she, like some kind of new lease, and bitch starts crying again.

This show is a little emotionally unstable for me, hold it together, we know you think women are supposed to cry all the time, and that is part of the reason you got the chop, but we don’t need to see that shit every fucking day, not to mention running a segment talking to Whitney Houston who isn’t a guest on your show is as awkward as me writing a post to you when you aren’t even reading it, but I guess I do it for my tranny loving “straight” readers….so quit flattering yourself like trannies tend to do…..

Posted in:Crying|Wendy WIlliams




Wendy Williams Makes Me Laugh While She Cries About Being a Failure of a Mother of the Day

Wendy Williams is some radio host who they decided to give a TV show to, despite having the body and face for fuckin’ radio. I hate that expression and I know it is dated cuz no one listens to the radio anymore and there are a whole lot of ugly people on TV, but when we are forced to look at her manly fuckin’ face, it takes from whatever she’s saying and the good news is that in this clip from her pretty new show, she’s starts crying about how inadequate she felt as a mother for not breast feeding, cuz she was confused by the concepts, since it was not natural for her to know what to do, since she’s a fuckin’ dude and she even admits she has implants, the titty choice of most transgendered people, making me think her pregancy was more of a smuggling a baby in from some third world country and that who gaining 197 lbs and being bed ridden was just to make the whole thing more dramatic and believable….Either way, I love laughing at other people’s misfortunes especially when they are so clearly for fuckin’ ratings. Wendy Williams…you are garbage.

Posted in:Breast Feeding|Crying|Wendy WIlliams




Aubrey O’Day on Wendy Williams of the Day

Aubrey O’Day was on Wendy WIlliams, a show I’ve never seen, but assume is hosted by a man dressed like a woman, and Audrey and her talk about her weave, getting fired for not fucking Diddy and some Playboy bullshit and I guess she’s here trying to get the support of black women everywhere so that they invite her to their houses so she can fuck all their brothers, cuz that’s why she’s been getting herself thick for. She also sings some stupid song, shows off her body and hearing her talk her bullshit always makes me feel better about myself so I figure I should share that joy with you….with interviews like this someone needs to pull the plug on this bitch but never will because she’s black and no one wants to touch that shit for fear of getting called a racist…on the positive side of things – she hates on Heidi Montag and that’s a good thing….but really at this point who doesn’t….

Posted in:Aubrey O'Day|Wendy WIlliams