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Charli XCX Has Figured it All Out of the Day

Charli XCX understands the importance of showing off her dumpy ass as much as she can to get noticed, because that’s what Charli XCX has got press for, and press leads to music sales, and music sales leads to tours, and tours lead to her doing the same thing on stage and whether her ass […]




Charli XCX Performing of the Day

Charli XCX likes to show her ass to the world…because it is a good marketing hook…otherwise she would just be some low grade, relatively shitty, aspiring singer that no one would notice or pay attention to… This pantsless thing, in performance and in life…you know just some subtle, yet obvious exhibitionism…makes her matter… Now if […]




Charli XCX is Fun of the Day

I am pretty sure I’ve seen Charli XCX randomly in public…you know her ass spilling out of her pants…her tits spilling out of her shirt…looking all drunk and ready to get fucked for another hit…but then again, it could have been a crackwhore…I get people confused all the time…I blame Facial Recognition blindness…and confuse people […]




Charli XCX Ass Flash of the Day

Charli XCX loves showing off her ass…if anything I think that’s the only reason she exists. I’ve seen her in person at least once and she was wearing some leotard jacked up her ass, with no pants on, just casually…because I guess that’s how you get your music heard these days….you do it as half […]




Charli XCX Grabbing At Her Tits of the Day

Charli XCX is a new…..up and coming star…and I have never heard any of her music, but I like that she’s playing the edgy hipster who doesn’t give a fuck…you know the performing artist who puts on some sexual show involving her grabbing at her tits…while making possessed by a demon, as if she was […]




Charli XCX Upskirt of the Day

Charli XCX is pretty fucking clever on her quest of becoming famous, because once you get to a certain level of celebrity, where people think you are relevant enough to perform at their events, getting in the media suddenly becomes easy, all she has to do is wear short skirts, see through tops, thong panties, […]




Charli XCX for Complex of the Day

I’ve been doing this site for a long fucking time and back in 2006, I was featured in Complex magazine as the “Leader of the New”…that’s what they called me…where they basically said that Perez Hilton was the old and I was the new…thanks to my edgy tongued dialog and amazingly accurate portrayal of the […]




Rita Ora and Charlie XCX Compare Tits of the Day

Rita Ora and Charlie XCX Compare TIts because they are both irrelevant slags from the UK with big tits…ethnically ambiguous…trying to make it in America…almost in it together….or hating each other because there is only enough room for one of them…despite my life’s research into tits dictating that there is always enough room for more […]




Charlie XCX Ass in Concert of the Day

Charlie XCX is looking less sloppy in concert – for those of you who don’t know Chalie XCX – she’s a virtual nobody who was a bit fatter than this and who used her tits and ass as a marketing angle – in what came across as a bootleg Miley Cyrus, try hard, concept – […]




Charlie XCX Panty Flash of the Day

Charli XCX is some up and coming, not so cute, pop star, that reminds us that pop star is garbage, and unfortunately thanks to the internet, everything has become Pop… I just saw a Justin Bieber, EDM Music video by Diplo, who’s always been a pop producer, but who I remember being some underground RAVE […]