I'll Make You Famous…




Anna Friel in Tatler of the Day

Anna Friel is a PUDGY BITCH I’VE POSTED ON BEFORE who is on a show called Pushing Daisies that I’ve never seen. She’s married to or dating some actor called Rhys Ifans, who was engaged to Sienna Miller, and thus likely has some kind of gutter STD, cuz Sienna Miller just looks dirty, and that dirty has been transplanted from his dick to this new pussy, so of course they’ll end up together, they have limited options once those things happen, I mean except for the fact they are celebrities, which kinda discounts the STD being a liability thing, cuz people will fuck celebs, scabby dick or not….

Either way, now she’s got slutty for a magazine called Tatler, that I thought was a porn mag, but clearly not porno enough….here are the pics..

Posted in:Anna Friel




Selena Gomez Behind The Scenes Music Video Preview of the Day

I know sex offenders who get off to sex offenders who look like they should be the one getting sex offended all underage and shit even though she’s of age…don’t need nude pics of the bitch to get off, they can get off to just showing her his penis while in public….so I figured I’d put up this Selena Gomez shit, cuz she is a big deal who everyone is looking at, and even if she’s not half naked and crawling around, she’s got a couple tube top cleavage bouncing…but that’s about as much as you’ll get in this wholesome, girl next door, not slutting out shit….but let’s hope uggs and skirts showing soe leg is enough for you…..and I have a feeling it is.

Posted in:Selena Gomez




Katy Perry New Geriatric Fetish Video of the Day

I can’t stand Katy Perry…anyone who reads this site knows that she’s a hack who basically found a bullshit song that doesn’t require being sang that was controversial enough and cheesy enough to talk to little girls everywhere making her this success…despite being barely hot, defintely dumpy, but busty enough that with enough marketing, she could carry herself into some realm of being labeled hot….despite being awkward in the way she moved and the way she’s built….

But here’s her new video that dropped today of her looking her best, all old as fuck,so that her we can accept her ugliness, cuz when a bitch is elderly, you don’t expect beauty and you don’t have to focus on her acne and everything else wrong with her, you accept her fat ass, and sloppy body cuz you’re only in it for the baked goods….and the impending, hopefully sooner than later death….

Either way, here’s her new video that exploits some emotions, taps into some lost love, in some cheesy shit that feeds into the scam that is her….But more offensive is that they play some Johnny Cash at theend…which annoys me more than anything about this smutty drivel crap that pollutes our life…cuz as a devout Johnny Cash fan, this should have never happened….we get it Katy Perry you’re a fucking LA Hipster…now kill yourself.

Posted in:Katy Perry




Streaker Fail at the Addington Races of the Day

This is amazing…

Some drunk chick went to the Addington races in New Zealand, got all dolled up in her dress and Royal Wedding headwear, you know cuz the horse races are a high society affair….where people behave appropriately and drink modestly as to not get too wasted…as they wouldn’t want that to end up in the society pages….unless of course you are this girl, who got fucking wasted, then ran on the track, with intent to streak, you know to really make a name for herself amongst the sheep she shares her city with……

But she was too drunk….you know drunk enough to make this deicision but too drunk to go through with it…like a drunk driver trying to get home, but instead running over a kid playing in his yard…only with less death…

See instead of flashing, she lost her balance and didn’t quite get past the tittes on the flash…all we got was panties she shouldn’t have been wearing…which is fine by me….even though I like seeing strange crazy drunk pussy….because what she’s doing pretty much defines my kind of girl…classy yet too drunk to stand…but not too drunk to give me access to pussy so that I don’t feel like a rapist as they snore….

Posted in:Viral Video




Girls in Bikini for a Men’s Underwear Ad of the Day

I hate posting commercials from companies for free. It just gets under my fucking skin because I know they are commercials and that I am doing what they want me to do in creating the viral video in the first place…but sometimes shit is too good and actually achieves what it is meant to achieve….and that usually happens when girls are in their bikinis…

So the company is called JBS…the viral video is bitches in bikinis running around with each other in a semi-erotic way, pretending they make the men’s underwear, instead of being he asian babies with their small hands working long hours in disgusting working conditions for 10 cents, that actually make the underwear….and that time of blinder over my eyew works for me….espeically with such big titties…

Posted in:Viral Video




Mom and Daughter Dance Video of the Day

This may not be new….It was uploaded to youtube in February….but someone sent it into me today and that makes it new to me….far less new thant this mom who has clearly seen better days….based on that face….but seeing her teach her daughter some medicated stripper looking moves….inspires…..this should be a mother’s day ad for Hallmark….the bond that is eternal, between mother and daughter….or some shit…

Posted in:Viral Video




stepNEWS of the Day

Here’s some news…..cuz I like the news….i tmakes me feel better about things – you know by focusing on other people’s misery…I”m an asshole like that….

Satanic Sex Ritual in Arizona Leaves Teen Almost Dead
A pair of devil-worshiping women lured a man to Wisconsin and stabbed him 300 times during a two-day ritual.

NJ School Bus Driver Busted For Driving Drunk
A New Jersey school bus driver was arrested for driving while intoxicated withs students on the bus.

9-Year-Old Girl Testifies About Driving For Drunk Dad
A 9-year-old girl cried Tuesday as she explained how she drove a full-size van in suburban Detroit while her father sat in the passenger seat after a night of drinking whiskey.

Teacher Chokes Student For Cutting In Line
A Denver teacher is under fire was accused of choking a six-year-old for cutting in line.

Cape football player accused of hazing underclassman

Ex-Youth Pastor Charged For Sex With Juvenile Boy
A former youth pastor in Fayette County, Georgia is charged with child molestation.

Teacher Accused of Groping Students
An Arizona teacher is accused of sexually abusing female students and according to court paperwork, it happened on school grounds.

Posted in:stepNEWS




Demi Lovato Shows Off Some Tit at the Latin Grammys with Other Bitches of the Day

Recently Fat, Bi-Polar, Rehab, Anger Management, barrel of headcase issues cuz she had no childhood, but was instead propelled into the competitive, abusive world of child stardom, to make her parents rich enough to buy the house and not have to work the plant their immigrant asses belong in…Demi Lovato….has decided to bring out some titty to some event…and it’s not all that exciting, I mean it’s not the 90s, and J.Lo kinda broke down that door of deep neckline dresses, desensitizing us….because our pervert levels are so much harder to reach thanks to all the porn we’ve been exposed to and all the stunts celebs have pulled the last decade…reminding her that maybe she should tap into her crazy side and smear feces on her naked body while fucking household objects in video the next time she wants to get noticed…since that’s why bi-polar people do when they are really bi-polar and not just pretending to be to justify being fat or whatever it is this twat is doing….

Who cares – here are the pics of her a the Latin Grammy Awards.

Here are the other bitches who were with her at the Latin Grammy Awards I wasn’t Invited to….all latin which I think is another word for elegant and well put together, subtle yet refined, all the time like this isn’t a fucking ghetto backyard wedding on Easter.motherfuckers

Shakira the princess at the Prom

Paulina Rubio Classy like a Mexican Catholic Christmas Event for Jesus……

Mayra Veronica a vision in red…

Sofia Vergara Not Titty Enough for my liking…….

Adrienne Bailon showing some side….

Posted in:Demi Lovato




Amber Heard Hot Bitch in a Hot Car of the Day

Sure these pictutres of Amber Heard aren’t some dominatrix inspired shit in a fashion mag, or some bikini scenes from Rum Diaries, where she looked amazing the entire time…and maybe seeing a bitch in a not so revealing outfits not something you can jerk off to…but for some of you who like cars, and the bitches who drive them, I figured these would be pornographic enough for you…..

I mean talk about spending her celebrity money wisely, I’m tired of seeing famous bitches with millions in the bank driving 15,000 dollar environment friendly shit boxes….

I like seeing some power under the foot of some slut I want to fuck despite her claims of being lesbian….or did she say bi….who knows, we’ll have to ask her publicist since that’s what I think that was all about…getting noticed and it worked….

Look at her now…

Posted in:Amber Heard




Malin Ackerman Showing Some Tit of the Day

Malin Ackerman was some pussy targeted to virgin losers everywhere in some action comic book movie targeted to virgin losers everywhere where she wore some tight fetish girl with her tits pushed up and pushed out for virgin losers everywhere….

I figure, since this is the internet and all cool people with social skills aren’t reading shitty blogs about celebrity bitches, but are instead living life, fucking bitchs, doing things real, not hiding behind a computer….the virgin loser readership of this site must be high and since I’m in a good mood, I figured I’d share her shitty cleavage with you…exciting? Not really…but tits nevertheless….

Posted in:Malin Ackerman