I'll Make You Famous…




Scarlett Johansson Smoking On Set of the Day

Scarlett Johansson spoke to Vanity Fair about something I’ve been trying to tell girls for many years and that is that there is nothing wrong with nude pics, taking nude pics, or shooting porno…..here’s the quote…

“Those are old, from three years ago,” she told Vanity Fair of the hacked photos, which went viral earlier this year and sparked an FBI investigation.

“They were sent to my husband,” she added, meaning her now ex-hubby, Ryan Reynolds. She also said for the first time that she was the one who snapped the two nude photos.

“There’s nothing wrong with that,” Johansson continued. “It’s not like I was shooting a porno — although there’s nothing wrong with that, either.”

Which would be more believable if she didn’t get the FBI to stop working on drug cartels, kiddie porn rings, and terrorism plots in order to find the guy who answered her security question in her email to get this shit…even though the real mystery is where he found her email….I can only assume it is an inside job…I mean coupled with the whole CNN interview with the hacker report the day he was in jail….like it was on a set, or at least set up….makes me think publicity stunt…

Because seriously, nude pics aren’t a big deal…but people go nuts when they see them….shit goes viral…when what the FBI should be investigating is what she’s smoking on set in these pics….

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Amanda Seyfried at a Movie Premiere in Shining Shorts of the Day

I may post on Amanda Seyfried too much, but as the unofficial Amanda Seyfried fan site, because Amanda Seyfried is my favorite pussy in Hollywood, you know the new Lohan…..I have no choice….

If you’re wondering why I like her, other than the obvious reason, that she’s hot….then I’ll list the reasons here…She gets naked in movies, completely naked, and when naked, has sex scenes, with both men and women and she doesn’t buy into the whole celebrity thing, she doesn’t work the paparazzi like an attention seeking, if anything she’s fucking miserable, boring, and unshowered for the paparazzi in a not giving a fuck cuz she knows she’s hot kind of way….

She’s played the celeb thing right…and I predict a long career, until getting pregnant and ruining herself….and as long as I’m alive and she’s around, I’ll be watching from afar, penis in hand….

Here she is at a movie premiere in some shorts so shiny I can see myself in them…

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Fergie’s Neck is Scarier than Any Costume of the Day

Here are some picture of Fergie dressed up as what I assume is a Toddler in a Tiara, because that’s TLC’s kiddie porn show all the perverts are masturbating to, increasing their ratings, making them think it’s something that actually interests us, while motivating other moms to abuse their kids into the shit, in efforts of making in on the show, while paving the way for future strippers and pornstars…..

Well, as lovely as Fergie is as a person who once held my hand a few years ago, I think the real costume is whatever’s going on with her neck…it’s turned old lady, and maybe it’s the meth, or maybe it is the natural aging process, but whatever it is….shit’s scary….Could a teen icon from the 90s actually be middle aged….how will I be able to take her dance routine seriously when performing with the Black Eyed Peas….oh right…I never did…

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Heidi Klum Dressed Like Seal Part Two of the Day

Thanks to twitter…I could go through the whole process of Heidi Klum’s second Seal costume, to honor the man who came in her enough times to have a little army together, and unlike yesterday’s scarface costume, today she’s a Monkey, and as a guy who is not a racist, I would never imply Seal is a Monkey because he is of African decent, I obviously, was saying she’s dressed like him, because they are wearing matching costumes…obviously….

That said, I love me some Klum, and she’s wild on Halloween…looks a lot of fun and uses her movie contacts, large amount of disposable income proper, so here are the pics she posted to twitter that I stole to share with you because if you just went to twitter to find it yourself, that’d make me absolutely irrelevant, which luckily I am…but you don’t need to know that…

To See Some More of the Pics….

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Chrissy Tiegan and Kate Upton Hot and Slutty for Halloween of the Day

I wrote to Kate Upton and Chrissy Tiegan, not that they read what I wrote, but that’s the beauty of twitter…..either way I tweeeted to them that I would take their pictures that already live on twitter, save them to my computer, put them up to my site and write some useless drivel about their lives, cuz I don’t have a life of my own, and instead of being at the party with them, offering you my perspective of the shit, I just post their shit along with every other internet loser and say how hot it is….cuz it is hot….

Since I’m a man of his word…sometimes, when it is convenient, here are pics of some bikini models hanging out in costume, one a skeleton getting sucked, the other a toddler in tiara getting her ass sniffed, in a way that makes me wish I wasn’t in a committed relationship with my couch…and reminds us that we were at the wrong party last night…

But luckily re-using other people’s pictures everyone else posts is as good as being there and it is starting to depress me…..but then I look at these pictures and realize how good they are…and that I can’t actually compete, or be depressed when pussy like this exists…. so I’ll just go along with this hotness….along with everyone else….Now here are some good girls using twitter right…

Thanks Chrissy Tiegan and Kate Upton for reminding us life doesn’t suck for everyone…

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Jessica Simpson Hilarious Pregnancy Pic of the Day

I know that Jessica Simpson has a team behind her on this pregnancy publicity stunt, cuz she isn’t clever enough to dress as a “Mummy” on Halloween, the day she decides to announce on her blog that she’s going to be a “Mommy”, even though we were all 90 percent sure she was, even though I liked that 10 percent grey area where it was just where her fatness decided to deposit itself, like the permanently pregnant looking girl who works at Walmart the last 5 years, and who has never given birth…we all know someone like that, and it is always way more joyous when witnessing some unsuspecting asshole congratulate them, far more joyous than the actual miracle of birth cuz it does more self-esteem damage and less vaginal damage, perfect combination for me to get laid….

Either way, now she’s got an excuse for eating for two….at least for a few months…who cares..

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Kate Moss Bikini Pictures of the Day

I love seeing Kate Moss in pretty much any or all situations…there’s just something about her that I’m into…whether it is cuz she’s a top model with a thick pocketbook rocking out, even when pushing 40, or if it cuz she lives a rock and roll, unprotected sex with rockstars who needle share, smearing groupie juice, since rockstars don’t shower, all over her mouth and pussy, while doing drugs like she doesn’t give a fuck or like she’s invincible to AIDS….., or if it is cuz that she’s willing to get naked, cuz once you fuck enough people it feels like everyone has seen you naked, so why bother wearing clothes especially when you’re a model who gets paid to get naked, so most have actually seen you naked….or if it is cuz she’s hot….but Here are her bikini pics in Jamaica…while I ponder.

To See The Rest of the Pics

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Amanda Seyfried Shorts Take the Dog on a Walk of the Day

Love the fact that I know Amanda Seyfried probably lets her dog lick her pussy. I am just saying that because I have a friend in NYC who has a hot young neighbor across the street who constantly lets her dog eat her out, every night, and apparently she’s a seemingly normal person….leading me to think many girls do it…they just don’t talk about it…see cuz dog tongue is far better built and trained to eat pussy and dogs…can’t ever tell on you…you sick fucks…

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Top Women Facial Hair Fetish Videos on Youtube of the Day

Pretty simple, it is Movember, the month of growing a mustache to save a prostate because a prostate is the defining organ of your manhood, it is what controls your orgasm, and without it, you’re better off dead, so raising money for prostate cancer is key, cuz a percentage of us are going to need it, some sooner than others….

So I figured there’d be videos on Youtube of girls with mustaches guys have jerked off to, in keeping up my Youtube is a Fetish site..and here’s what I found…

Girl in Bikini with beard

A Woman with a Beard……

Girls with Mustache in Song….

Not Hot, But to a Mustache Lover, This Thickness is All He needs to envision pounding gently against his pelvis –

Girl Waxing her Mustache…

Guy Gives a Girl a Pube Mustache

NEVER TOOO YOUNG when it comes to Youtube Fetishes….

Ok…so girls with mustache porn or fetish videos aren’t that popular or hot…this post….a bust….a bust with a cause..

So, Girls send in pictures of mustaches drawn on your face…for me to try to jerk off to…I mean to help save prostate cancer…

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Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

In keeping up with the Halloween spirit, I decided to drink all day and pass out at 11, never leaving my house, only to miss all the real slutty costumes, cuz the real slutty costumes are always saved for the day of and not the saturday before. I failed but that’s all part of sucking at life…

Trampolines: A Montage – VIDEO

50 Sexiest Sports Hottie TwitPics

Free Cam Shows, Cheaper Than a Tuesday Night Movie

Sexy Halloween Costumes: Mina Stefan vs. the World

New Anchor Fails Are Always Good for a Laugh – VIDEO

Jeri Lee is Barely Covered

Here Come the Bullshit Excuses For Kim Kardashian’s Divorce

Live Cam Shows, Have Some Fun

Amateur Big Tits – VIDEO

A (Very Brief) Photo History of Kim Kardashian’s Failed Marriage

Reporter Haunted House Fail

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