I'll Make You Famous…




Rihanna’s Shitty Bathing Suit Pictures of the Day

Rihanna’s been trying to keep it as Caribbean as she knows how by rocking her Bob Marley shirt so that we know all she’s legit, you know an authentic islander who can’t relate to the people in the islands since she left at a young age and turned all rich and hollywood, in fact they all hate her, even though that’s all she had going for her…and luckily I’m digging her hustle, even in her one peice bathing suit in the south of france cuz she’s all fancy and shit….pictures you can only see by clicking the link below cuz I don’t have the rights to them cuz I suck at being a legit business…

TO See The Rest of the Pics

Posted in:Rihanna




Lara Marsden is Brad Pitt’s World War Z Sexual Assistant of the Day

The word on the internet is that Lara Marsden is Brad Pitt’s personal assitant who he may or may not be fucking cuz actors may or may not fuck whoever they want as their relationships are actual fronts for their self absorded asshole behavior….

I pulled up her MYSPACE and grabbed this pic, but assume that since it is myspace, these pics are from 4 years ago….and that’s ok….cuz it just means she’s more damaged, dirtier in bed, and loving every second of being ordered around by Brad Pitt…

Scandal I don’t care about, tits I don’t mind….Brad Pitt is Brad Pitt and he’s got it made, whether it is all marketing or not, and if I was Brad Pitt, I wouldn’t be fucking this assistant, because I’d be dead from aids or a drug overdose long ago, you know right after my first acting job, cuz I’d fuck every single pussy that threw itself at me while spending my first million……..

What I’m trying to say is Angelina Jole is old and has a mom pussy and sometimes dudes need a tight young pussy to remind them what bein a man is all about….

TO See The Rest of the Pics

Posted in:Brad Pitt




Pippa Middleton’s Vagina in the Wind of the Day

I guess this is a tribute to her sister’s late mother in law…you know that recycled Elton John song he re-worked for her, cuz he figured she didn’t deserve the energy or time spent on writing a new song, I mean since she was just a lowly ex Princess with an Arab lover who was likely killed off by some secret society and not the paparazzi, because she couldn’t be associated with the most powerful family….

So she’s doing her “Vagina in the Wind” rendition of the song, through interpretive performing artist dance, or some shit that is classy no matter how you look at it, even if she’s from a line of middle class gold diggers….she’s all fancy now…and this vagina in the wind is like diamond engrusted and gold…She’s amazing….even if her leg has shit stains on it….I’d love to watch her crown…like she was her sister…cuz she’s the accessible one with all the feelings of inadequacies and daddy issues I want on my face….

Posted in:Pippa Middleton




Josie Stevens at Some Vegas Trash Awards of the Day

This bitch is representative of everything that is wrong with America….

The leopard print hair extensions was a great touch to this clown faced plastic twat who do this to themselves cuz they go over the top in what they think idiots may find hot….cuz they have no fucking clue what people actually find hot….this is like if Pam Anderson and Anna Nicole and Shauna Sand and every trashy stripper, hooker who thinks this is hot but can only afford shitty doctors had a baby then put on steroids….

Vegas is trash….so Josie fits right in and I can’t get over the fact she exists…I didn’t think people like this actually existed…it is like she came out of my imagination as the embodiment of something I use to define people like this…If you know what I mean…

Posted in:Josie Stevens




Rihanna’s Vagina Science Experiment of the Day

Rihanna’s rocking out, slutting hard, in concert wearing some really tight, shorts that likely don’t breate, and probably breed infections, bacteria, and new strains of diseases, all things you’d expect Rihanna’s vagina to have, thanks to years of whoring herself to get to this point of world dominance in the entertainment world…cuz I know that with her level of talent…there’s no reason she’s doing anything but working as a back-up dancer in a Barbados resort weekly entertainment…and I know that to get from Barbados to this…takes a whole lot of slut muscle hustle….

Her thickness could be hot to some, not really that great to me, cuz I think she’s played out, irritating, a snake who makes her man hit her only to get him locked up, but when you dress and move like this, I’ll still watch…I’m a pervert.

To See Some Pictures of Rihanna Fingering Herself on Stage cuz I Don’t Have the Rights to Them…

Posted in:Rihanna




J.Lo Gets Head of the Day

He must be an actor, cuz no one in their right mind would be this happy with their head that close to J.Lo’s devil pussy….I mean they’d be too busy trying to escape it’s allure…it’s magnetic, hard to resist, cuz it is J.Lo and she’s better to K.Fed, if you’re able to ignore that Mark Anthony guy who she was married to, who looks like he was out of a horror movie, something I can only attribute to having survived her twat….

I don’t knwo, i hate the bitch, I’m convinced she’s the devil, and thus her vagina is her devil’s tool to get everything her little spic, diva, ass wants.

Posted in:J.Lo




Whitney Port Picking Out Her Frontal Wedgie

As irrelevant as Whitney Port is…it’s nice to see her keeping busy by pulling her short shorts out of her snatch…it’s an interesting hobby, a little less interesting than the girl who was pretty much fingering herself at the bar for all to smell, but interesting enough for me to pay attention….cuz despite being grossed out by the frontal wedgie back in high school, when the mom of 6 lunch monitor wore pants 4 sizes too tight, in what was a vile situation, a vile situation I’ve developed a love for over the decades, and even reference that lunch lady sometimes when I jerk off, if only I knew what I know now when I was younger, right Rod Stewart, I coulda been lunching on her lady….in all it’s huge pant eating glory…but I was too young and my stomach too under developed to not vomit at the thought…but now…all I want to see is pussy definition…and girls everywhere…like Whitney Porn are bringing it…and it’s nice…even if she isn’t….

Posted in:Whitney Port




Mya’s Ass in a Tight Dress of the Day

Here’s some black booty, cuz there’s something that happens to me every summer, where I have a week or two of serious jungle fever…which I guess is a racist term…but the only one I know to get the poitn that I only want to go down on black girls….you see cuz I always have a black girl fetish, but Iwhen th e heat kicks in, it’s all I want, like other chicks don’t even exist anymore….and seeing pics of someone like Mya and her ass…cater to my fucking needs, which is good news for her, cuz I’m sure before today, she was struggling with her irrelevance and inability to get her career to the next level, you know peaked years ago and holding on….but now…she’s got a two week gig every summer in my masturbation habits…and really who could want anything more….? Not me. But then again I have no ambition.

Posted in:Mya




stepNEWS of the Day

The latest news isn’t really all that exciting, but I figure my time is better spent trying to make news, then findind news to post here….and that’s why I am going to sit on my couch plotting while napping….instead of digging for clips you don’t even watch…but I will say that I tried calling the cops on my friend who was fucking a cute immigrant saying that I thought I heard a rape going down in his apartment…cuz sabotaging good times is good times.

Here’s some stepNEWS….

In the molestation trial of former Plano teacher Joseph Garbarini III, prosecutors outlined a diaper fetish that his lawyer says does not prove wrong doing.


Latest Tattoo Craze: “Tattooth”
Trend setters have discovered a new place for tattoos: your teeth.

a href=”http://www.redlasso.com/entertainment/latest-tattoo-craze-tattooth/” target=”_blank”> CLICK THIS LINK TO SEE CLIP

Casey Anthony back in Florida
Casey Anthony is back in Florida because she’s supposed to start serving probation for her check fraud conviction on Friday.

a href=”http://www.redlasso.com/entertainment/casey-anthony-back-in-florida-7/” target=”_blank”> CLICK THIS LINK TO SEE CLIP

Posted in:stepNEWS




Snooki’s Disgusting Pig in a Bikini of the Day

It amazes me that Jersey Shore Exists. It amazes me when I talk to people who watch it religiously because I just wouldn’t put myself through that kind of shit for no reason, I feel like life has punished me enough….and I’ve done enough self abusive things that I can live a happy miserable life without this shit…..

It also amazes me that there are a group of people who watch the show, cuz they think these people are cool…I mean I just assumed as an industrialized nation, the only reason they exist is cuz people point and laugh at the the trainwreck…

It amazes me even more that anyone, even in Vegas, the asshole of America, would pay this pig to get half naked and host events….because the last time I paid for a pig to wear a bikini….it was when I was living on a farm and I got to cook the fucker and eat him over the course of a week when I was done fucking it….

That said, some stories are better kept to myself.

Posted in:Snooki