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Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

I’ve been talking to a lot of women about these sexual assault allegations on social media that are making men scared to ask for pussy pics / send unsolicited dick pics, and not one of the women I’ve talked to seems to think jerking off to a chick’s instagram profile and sending her a detailed […]




stepLINKS of the Day

We live in a world where the Boy Scouts let in Girls, but do the Girl Scouts let in dudes, unfortunately I know a few pervert drunkards who would get up on that….for the cookies…obviously… We live in a world where I get called an old creep all the time…by so many people yet there […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The highlight of my day was seeing at least 4 women, fit women, in leggings, rocking fitness thighs and fitness booty..all skinny, but thick, it’s something I’m into now…the whole squeeze my head like your making watermelons explode in Youtube fetish videos gets me going… The sadness of my day was seeing a big girl […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The highlight of my day was having a fight with some dude who was walking his dogs…that ended with him calling me a cunt over and over …a cunt…and I hadn’t been called a cunt to my face pretty much ever…and it was as hilarious as you’d expect… I didn’t beat him with a rock […]




Models for Alexander of the Day `

So Alexander Wang hired all the top tier people who don’t matter for their campaign – no one should care about…. Starring girls you’d fuck but don’t care about – Anna Ewers, Bella Hadid, Binx Walton, Catherine McNeil, Gigi Hadid, Hanne Gaby Odiele, Lexi Boling, Sarah Brannon, Kendall Jenner, Natalie Westling Not doing anything interesting […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

The most valuable lesson my mom ever taught me was that if someone’s about to stick something / anything in your ass – don’t resist…it does more harm than good…and for my entire life I have carried that lesson around with me – and passed it on to all girls I know and all girls […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I saw some Kylie Jenner looking girl in spandex pants, a hat and massive sunglasses like she was some kind of criminal, or celebrity, trying to stay undercover, but she was really just a mom with a lot of face injections who clearly likes too much cake, pushing her Uterus Droppings on their bikes doing […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The highlight of my day was seeing a crackhead looking woman’s skirt get blown up by the wind…because she who was nicely thin, possibly dying from malnutrition thin, but so good to look at look at from a distant – and from behind because you couldn’t see her toothless crackhead face – and more importantly…the […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I am less about sending unsolicited dick pics…and more into sending unsolicited ball sack pics…because ball sacks are always seen as an LOL moment, while boner pics are creepy and predatory….but ballsacks are like a creepy half retard kid dressed like a clown doing a tap dance outside the town Woolworth for whatever spare change […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

It’s a long weekend, so why the fuck are you on a computer and not at a pool, even a public pool watching the slutty moms who can’t afford pools of their own….forcing them to swim in other kid piss…wearing bikinis…and we like bikinis…or you could go to some campground and terrorize people in tents […]