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stepLINKS of the Day

People don’t like my theory that it takes two people to get sexually assaulted, because they think of the little kids who are assaulted by sick fucking people, or innocent women walking home from work, you know just trying to live their life… They don’t realize that I am referencing the celebrities and instagram models […]




stepLINKS of the DAy

Porn is so accessble…..and it’s making the world really fucking weird… I remember when we’d have to watch porn as a group of dudes after someone stole a video from their dad growing up…and it wasn’t a homo circle jerk thing..it was a “how do I get that to take home to jack off to, […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

I don’t normally read the comments, and not that many people really comment on the site, because they are all robots or shy….I’m going with shy…but sometimes people comment and it blows my mind like this – COMMENT OF THE WEEK:




stepLINKS of the Day

One of my favorite activities going into Super Bowl weekend, and really any weekend, or really any day of the week, is to shove my unshowered, usually four or five day unshowered penis, that’s barely a penis, but a mound of flesh of some sort, that smells nice and rank in my wife’s face while […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Here are some stepLINKS…they are more magical than a street hooker on the first of the month who is short on her rent check and not willing to get evicted in the middle of winter….you know…but that’s probably because street hookers are so rare…now with the whole internet thing….but you can always pay homeless men […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Women are all about how men are mysogynists and hate women as much as women hate women – but don’t realize they hate women because they are crazy and aren’t able to reflect on their damn behavior.. My wife’s all “you men are pigs, you are all disgusting, the way society treats women…blah blah blah”…. […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Keep your PUSSY in your PANTS you FAT Pig…. Opps that was a text message for my wife… Here are some stepLINKS…. Seal Called Out Out Oprah and it’s Good CLICK HERE Ashley Graham Sexually Assaulted at 17 Cuz She’S Hot CLICK HERE Lady Gaga Cleavage CLICK HERE Weinstein’s Wife Scores 15-20 Million dollars in […]




CR Fashion Book 2018 Calendar Starring Some Models of the Day

CR Fashion Book is some pretentious bullshit put out by some ex editor or creative director of Vogue, which in and of itself is a fucking scam, because the fashion industry is a scam, but the general public think it’s important, high brow, interesting, exciting, exclusive, something to be a part of, something to save […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

Thanksgiving week…right…and it’s fucking freezing and I guess it’s time to post bullshit that I don’t care about but that I feel compelled to post because it’s a terrible fucking habit that I don’t have in me to quit…even though it’s far easier to not update this idiotic shite….I’m a grown fucking man…who doesn’t even […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I had to go to the hospital today, unfortunately, not because my wife finally had a heart attack, allowing me to live as a free man, with her life insurance settlement to spend on 20 year old sugar babies from the internet in exchange for getting my ass licked…which is always the worst… But the […]