I'll Make You Famous…




I am – stepLINKS of the Day


I feel hungover and I took down my luxurious designer Christmas tree that some bitch in a Range Rover who reads this site gave me after I tried to steal it from her, but got caught cuz I suck at most things I do even stealing Christmas trees. We forgot to water the fucker and the whole back of it was yellow, I couldn’t fit it through my window so I decided to put it in a garbage back…the shit was too big for a garbage bag so I took one of my wife’s dresses, cuz they are big because she is big and tried to wrap it in that…still no luck. I spent 3 hours wrestling with the fucking thing, and ended up using duct tape I had lying around, wrapped it up and moved it out. Now the floor is covered in pine needles like I live in the fucking forest, which would explain the smell of shit that seems to never go away, we found out it was from my wife’s rash….When outside I saw some dude in a fur coat, walking a designer dog, obviously a fag in his 60’s who thought he was fabulous, until I saw him fishing through the garbage checking out some old VCR someone threw out…I guess he wasn’t a fag, he was just insane….

Speaking of insane here are my stepLINKS, Click Them….

Flickr Girl Peeing In Public

Hot Britney On NYE

Old Jennifer Connoly and Nick Nolte

Hot Party Pics…

Hot Jennifer Connoly Video

Zoo’s 100 Topless Pics of 2006

PS3 Sluts

You Need a Rolling Stones T-Shirt

Rihanna Performing on New Year’s Eve

Trish Stratus Posin’

Hilary Duff New Year’s Eve

Joe Simpson Pimps His Daughters for Football Tickets

Justin Timberlake is Single so He Can Bring Sexy all Over Your Back Homo

Bastardly Bikini Special Part 9

Vida Guerra’s Bathing Suit

This is a place to find all the latest celeb trash

Britney Spears Passed Out on New Years…So Did I But No One Seems To Care…

Here’s some Woman I don’t Know in a See-Thru Dress

Some Party with Dildos and Bikinis and Mikey Avalon…

Christina Ricci is in a Movie Called Black Snake, Where She Plays and Out of Control Slut… Here are Some Pics

The Best Breasts from England….

NYC Homeless Dudes’ New Years Resolutions…

Nice Belly Sweetheart

This Counts as a Flickr Upskirt to Me…

Some Girl Who Thinks She’s a Model’s Photobucket

Homo New Years Pic of the Day

New Years Ass Crack

Family Pictures from NYE 2006

New Years Eve Dance Off

New Years Eve Singing

Some Girl in a Red Bikini

Fat Girls Talking ABout Penis

This is a Lookin Good Sweetheart in VIdeo…

Any Girl With a Stripper Pole In Hr Living Room is Amazing….This is Iris.

Here’s More of Iris…

It’s NYE and We’re Listening to The Police, Let’s Get Out the VIdeo Cam and Show the World How CRAZY we are…

I call this Depressing NYE

An Old Man Talks About Dildos

Girls With Long Tongues…The Video…

Amazing Flickr Tits from Some Girl in the Army

More of the same Flickr Girl

Cologne that Gets you Laid for Less than an Hour with a Hooker is Cologne Worth Buying…

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I am – A Very Lohan New Years of the Day


Lohan is dating a black person, which sucks because if I ever get to hang out with her, I won’t be able to make the table laugh for lack of material. I already went through this in my last post, but I’ve never promised you original content, I am all for recycling except when it comes to in the home, because I spent enough time as a janitor to know that I will never stick my hand in the garbage again because I can’t be bothered with saving the world from Global Warming, I have enough problems just paying my rent, trying to save myself from homelessness. I didn’t see that Al Gore movie, so maybe that’s why I am so ignorant, I don’t even realize where I am going with this, I was trying to talk about Lohan and I fucked all this up…..

When I left my house yesterday for the first time in 2007, I was on a mission to find food for the family because I didn’t have anything in my fridge. I didn’t realize that everything was closed on January 1st, other than Lohan’s pussy, which is always open rain or shine. If Lohan’s pussy was a restaurant, I wouldn’t have been walking around for an hour yesterday, either way, this total gaylords walked by me, one was white and the other was as black as they come, I’m talking middle of Africa – Eyes and Teeth kinda black. They were both light in the feet and happy to be alive, I can only assume the AIDs results had come in and they were safe to bareback not that AIDs would have stopped them anyway, I hear fags like to fuck, maybe you’d have better luck fucking dudes than trying to get ladies. Anyway, this GIRC (Gay Inter-Racial-Couple)had other issues in mind, they were talking to each other about how racist people are when they walk around in public together, maybe they were referring to me, but I wasn’t looking at them for being inter-racial, I was looking at them cuz they were faggots. I hope Lohan doesn’t have to face the same social-pressure and wish her luck in her new big cock endeavors. Cuddles.

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I am – Cassie Rock’s a Bikini of the Day


I was watching John Ritter’s biography at my neighbor’s house. One of the people they interviewed said that his daughter Stella is going to keep him young because he had her when he was 50, I guess you could say she was wrong. Speaking of wrong, I came across these pictures of some girl named Cassie, I had no idea who she was but Wikipedia taught me proper. She’s a 20 year old R&B singer with a Filipino father and an African-American/Mexican/West Indian mother….which is obviously a pretty good mix because you all want to bang her. Perverts.

I was hanging with some black people at the barber shop near my house the other day and realized that half of my socially awkward book of jokes would have to be censored if I wanted to walk out of there alive. It made me realize that I have no ethnic friends, and the reason is probably because I offend them all before we get a chance to exchange numbers. I’d make that my new year’s resolution, but I already decided that my resolution was to drink and smoke more because it’ll be easier to do and a lot more fun than trying to make myself a better person….I’ve already had about 1/2 the bottle of scotch my Lawyer gave me for 2007 earlier today. I’d say that’s why this post sucks, but there’s probably more to it than that….

I just got a text message from Stavros saying “Happy New Year to you to bro”….He think I am someone he knows and is trying to be polite, I think it could be a good opportunity to take the site to the next level, since he’s a billionaire heir marrying Paris Hilton…

Speaking of sluts, here’s Cassie. PS. I love white bikinis a lot.

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I am – Cassie Rock's a Bikini of the Day


I was watching John Ritter’s biography at my neighbor’s house. One of the people they interviewed said that his daughter Stella is going to keep him young because he had her when he was 50, I guess you could say she was wrong. Speaking of wrong, I came across these pictures of some girl named Cassie, I had no idea who she was but Wikipedia taught me proper. She’s a 20 year old R&B singer with a Filipino father and an African-American/Mexican/West Indian mother….which is obviously a pretty good mix because you all want to bang her. Perverts.

I was hanging with some black people at the barber shop near my house the other day and realized that half of my socially awkward book of jokes would have to be censored if I wanted to walk out of there alive. It made me realize that I have no ethnic friends, and the reason is probably because I offend them all before we get a chance to exchange numbers. I’d make that my new year’s resolution, but I already decided that my resolution was to drink and smoke more because it’ll be easier to do and a lot more fun than trying to make myself a better person….I’ve already had about 1/2 the bottle of scotch my Lawyer gave me for 2007 earlier today. I’d say that’s why this post sucks, but there’s probably more to it than that….

I just got a text message from Stavros saying “Happy New Year to you to bro”….He think I am someone he knows and is trying to be polite, I think it could be a good opportunity to take the site to the next level, since he’s a billionaire heir marrying Paris Hilton…

Speaking of sluts, here’s Cassie. PS. I love white bikinis a lot.

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I am – Christina Aguilera’s New Year of the Day


I am probably the most sexually frustrated internet celebrity, not because I am sex obsessed and impotent and the only naked bitches I get to see are my fat wife and strippers who charge me money I don’t have to grab their fake titties….I am probably the most sexually frustrated internet celebrity because all the other bloggers are virgins, and you can’t miss what you’ve never had….if you’re a virgin and 25, jerking off is your sex, and when that gets boring like fucking your wife night after night for 20 years, you just give it up and focus your energy on celebrity gossip, TV and collecting DVDs. That said, I was talking to some dude who lined up a 3-some on New Years Eve, the very same New Years that these pics of Aguilera were taken, and after he got the girl into his hot tub naked, and after they started making out with each other and sucking on each other’s tits, dude moves in for the hotter girl. Rule number 1 of threesomes is that you focus your energy on the ugly girl, cuz it will make her feel sexy and give the hot one a complex forcing her to put more effort in. Anyway, dude focused on the hot one, the ugly one got jealous and made what could have been potentially an amazing ring in to the New Year, I’m talking better than Ryan Seacrest, if that’s possible, into a jerk off session like you had…

I guess the point of my story is that I have no point, here are the Aguilera pics.

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I am – Christina Aguilera's New Year of the Day


I am probably the most sexually frustrated internet celebrity, not because I am sex obsessed and impotent and the only naked bitches I get to see are my fat wife and strippers who charge me money I don’t have to grab their fake titties….I am probably the most sexually frustrated internet celebrity because all the other bloggers are virgins, and you can’t miss what you’ve never had….if you’re a virgin and 25, jerking off is your sex, and when that gets boring like fucking your wife night after night for 20 years, you just give it up and focus your energy on celebrity gossip, TV and collecting DVDs. That said, I was talking to some dude who lined up a 3-some on New Years Eve, the very same New Years that these pics of Aguilera were taken, and after he got the girl into his hot tub naked, and after they started making out with each other and sucking on each other’s tits, dude moves in for the hotter girl. Rule number 1 of threesomes is that you focus your energy on the ugly girl, cuz it will make her feel sexy and give the hot one a complex forcing her to put more effort in. Anyway, dude focused on the hot one, the ugly one got jealous and made what could have been potentially an amazing ring in to the New Year, I’m talking better than Ryan Seacrest, if that’s possible, into a jerk off session like you had…

I guess the point of my story is that I have no point, here are the Aguilera pics.

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I am – More Jessica Alba Bikini Pics….of the Day


I spend my life walking around trying to observe as much as I can to bring back to this site and write about, I spent all of last week turned off and life was a lot more fun, because instead of looking for funny and thinking about how I need to remember the funny for the site that never comes across as being as funny in writing, I was living…That said, I have no fucking idea what to write about. I know that I’ve had a lot of good things to tell you fuckers but I just keep forgetting and I don’t think it’s got anything to do with being drunk.

Jessica Alba is probably the hottest celebrity out there, I think she may be a little overrated but her body is solid, her face is nice and she’s banging some dude who isn’t you. So stop fixating your energy on these celebrity sluts, and find a local slut in your hometown who will actually let you bang them…because I am sure every town has it’s own Jessica Alba, not that she’d date you, but at least you can climb up the tree outside her bedroom and watch her shower. Here are the most recent Alba bikini pics in Miami, because celebrities are lazy and like beaches and so do I.

See the HQ pics HERE

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I am – Jamie-Lynn Sigler Bikini of the Day


I’d like to wish 2007 a happy birthday. I’d also like to thank IMDB for teaching me all kinds of interesting things today. Like that this bitch was married to her manager in 2002 and goes by his WOP named DiScala and that she had an eating disorder, which makes sense, because anyone with hips like that should have body image issues. I bet she wishes that her hips could lie her into a size 2….That joke didn’t work out as well as it could have. I also found out that Carly Simon sang at her wedding, and that I was wrong in thinking she was married or related to Paul Simon, when she is actually the daughter of Simon from Simon and Schuster publishing….

This is where I stop writing and post the pics, you’re welcome because big hips or not, she’s worth a round, but I generally have no standards, so that may not be saying much.

and some more…

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I am – Jessica Alba Bikini Pics of the Day


After watching the ball drop, I headed out to some shitty hipster party I was told was going to be the place to see girls flashing their tits and sucking cock in the bathroom like I read about on the Internet. I showed up there at about 1 am and there was a massive line-up. Every dude was wearing a hipster fur hooded jacked and I made friends with some really awkward looking tall guy who couldn’t understand why the party was 35 dollars to get it. I got up to the security guard and tried to convince them that I was on the DJs guestlist, because I didn’t have 35 dollars, unfortunately my new found awkward friend fucked all that up for me when he told the bouncer that my name wasn’t the one I gave them, because I know there’s always a Phil on guestlist…Either way, I didn’t get in so I just walked back home in the cold wet rain. At least I woke up to Jessica Alba’s ass….

I find the bitch over-rated, but I find a lot of things over-rated, so that doesn’t mean I shouldn’t post them because let’s face it, this site isn’t about what I want, it’s about what you want. I’m nice like that. Happy New Year fucker.

These are the rest of the pics:

More HQ pics HERE

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I am – Michelle Trachtenberg Bathing Suit Pics of the Day


I don’t really think anything eventful happened last night, I remember watching the ball drop on ABC while Dick Clark fumbled the countdown because he’s had a stroke and I guess people with strokes sometimes have trouble counting. I haven’t watched the Ball Drop in years, I was usually out being crazy, causing trouble, seducing prostitutes with 10 dollar bills but since my dick has gone south, there really isn’t much worth doing.

Speaking of money, here are some pics of Michelle Trachtenberg in her bathing suit. I can only assume she’s vacationing in Florida, because that seems to be what Jews do during the Christmas vacation….this is a one-piece and I don’t know what she is hiding, but I am sure none of you will ever find out…I can only assume it’s her dreidel and by deidel I mean cock.

Maybe I’ll post more later, and maybe my posts will actually be funny and worth reading, but you’re asking a little too much out of me on this Glorious and Magical January 1, 2007 of the day, because my posts are never worth reading. Cuddles.

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