I'll Make You Famous…




Miley Cyrus Nip Slip of the Day

I like to think of Miley’s nip slip as a “If a bear shits in the woods, does it make a sound” moment……or maybe it’s a “what came first the chicken or the egg” moment…or it could be none of those things because I don’t know what either of those expressions mean. FAR too deep for a guy who stares at tits on the internet all day…

But I figure it’s got something to do with the fact that we’ve seen her naked over the last decade as this iteration of Miley Cyrus, that she’s basically normalized internet nudity, which has blossomed into a career girls aspire to have instead of boring shit like doctors, scientists, or lawyers…you know the standard jobs you have to go to school for only to make less money than your selfie porn you shoot for dudes on tinder for free anyway…

I am not saying that Miley revolutionized nudes, she doesn’t matter than much, but when a mainstream Disney kid is doing it, it’s easier for the at home slut dabbling with the idea to say fuck it.

Girls were getting naked online before Miley, that’s where her team of handlers came up with the idea…..

But yeah, when you’ve seen her tits, does a tit slip even matter…I’m going with sure. It’s a tit! Of course it matters.


Posted in:Miley Cyrus




Vanessa Hudgens Bikini Tits of the Day

I guess now the old as shit Disney Kid isn’t really reinventing the wheel now that a huge part of her self promotion and marketing to be as relevant as possible, to earn as much as possible, has taken the same approach as Will Smith, and been “what are the influencers doing, how do we compete with them, oh shit, they just post bikini pics, well I have to workout for my job anyway, I have to have tits for my job anyway, this is a fucking joke, I remember when I had to get up at 3 am to be on set for 4 am, to act and sing for 15 hours, now I just show some tit, I’m already so good at that, have you seen my early nude selfie work, I was made for this shit, the whole acting thing only happened because we didn’t have influencers 15 years ago…BUT WE DO NOW and it’s not very complex”….

At least that’s what I’d think if I was Vanessa Hudgens, which I am not….despite popular believe…..

Seeing that tits get hits and that influencers aren’t at all that impressive, making it pretty easy to compete when you’re abig star…

In conclusion, TITS get Hits so if you have tits, post pics of them for the fans, it’s really all they care about.


Posted in:Vanessa Hudgens




Workout Wednesday of the Day

The two most important stories in fitness in the past few weeks are:

1- Fitness helps fight against covid, the more fit you are, the less you’ll die of COVID, not to say fit people haven’t died of COVID, but they’re saying if you get healthy, your chances are better….shocking…fitness leads to a stronger immune system, a longer and healthier life, and you’ll look better to jerk off to…

2- Fitness is White Surpemacist, because the conspiracy theorists, trumpers and right like to be fit, and fitness leads to toxic masculinity and RACISM, all theat TESTOSTERONE they are trying to shame in a world of CUCKS.

That’s not to say I work out, but I would if I cared, and I totally think fit bitches are hotter than dumpy bitches, which is really what this is about.

Celebrate babes working out whoring out so you don’t have to…or whatever…


Posted in:Workout




Malu Trevejo Titty Shake of the Day

Malu is one of the most popular girls on TIkTok, or was one of the most popular girl on the app that TikTok bought that made all these idiots a ton of fucking money, and thanks to her celebrity, she’s managed to partner up with Bella Thorne to produce smut on OnlyFans, their preferred social network, because cucks pull out credit cards for lame shit they’d give away for free if they didn’t have so many cucks willing to pull out the credit cards.

On her 18th birthday, she bought tits…since then….her content’s been around her tits, and I don’t love fake tits, but I do love tits more than I hate fake tits, so here’s a little titty jiggle, but if you google hard enough, you may find pics of her butthole…WHO KNOWS…it’s the internet…SO MUCH lives out there.


Posted in:Malu Trevejo




Weed Wednesday of the Day

It’s WEED WEDNESDAY motherfuckers…

This is the day we celebrrate girls who take weed WAY too fucking seriously, but I guess it’s not legalized in all states or at a federal level, so it’s something to be an activist over….something far more fun that plastic straws, trans rights, INCLUSIVITY, now ALOPECIA Awareness by all the uptight people of the internet who are ruining the fun for the rest of us…

Weed is one of those tip of the iceberg conspiracies, like 9/11, where once you start digging, you understand that the psychopaths we let control our power grids, or infrastructure, our public health, our food supplies, have vested interest in keeping people medicated, not stoned, and more importantly, using chemicals instead of natural options, because they’ve got money to make and WEED is too easy to cultivate, even the average idiot can grow it, which gets in the way of self sufficiency…..HARD to opppress or control a poeple that are self sufficient…they want us being like little sugar babies asking daddy for our allowance because it gives them the power to say no…

Weed is the most MILD barely a drug, plus it gets girls naked….so here they are…

Winning for all.


Posted in:Weed




Romee Strijd Lingerie of the Day

Romee Strijd is one of them Victoria’s Secret models who was imported from some random ass country to steal the jobs of hard working American Women, because all the big brands fucking love Outsourcing all aspects of their business, I doubt ANYTHING Victoria’s Secret has been made in America, except maybe the SCANDALS that have surfaced from the importing or casting of these women….most of whom don’t make the cut….BUT ROMEE DID…

She’s now working for LOUNGE UNDERWEAR, some instagram brand that I guess poached the MILFS of Victoria’s Secret. I don’t know how production overseas really works, but I’ve been told that the factories are owned by Western companies in collaboration with Chinese Nationals, so it’s VERY possible that Victoria’s Secret positoned themselves as the backend manufacturer for ALL these other brands that are beating them at their own game…but who cares about the BUSINESS of underwear, other than the MARKETING of underwear, where part of the campaigns involve the models taking casual slutty selfies in full hair and make-up and/or FILTER.


Posted in:Romee Strijd




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

Not all pussy wedgies, frontal wedgies, cameltoes are created equally…some are just accidental, you know a fat chick with a fat pussy who hasn’t come to terms with sizing up…..or a mom who works as a lunch monitor at the High School who had one too many kids but loves her mom jeans….or a girl who does it as a billboard who knows that the transgenders are coming for their men, replacing them with their artificial vaginas, that can’t get pregnant, making them less risky to cum inside…assuming you don’t feel gay with a man who took being a woman so seriously that he folded his dick inside out…or a girl who just likes how it feels when she sits or walks…that tight hug from the pants complimenting the butt plug she’s got in…it’s a slutty, porn generation, orgasms support their anti-depressants and the dopamine hit makes things feel better…scratch that itch…

I don’t care the reason for the cameltoe…I just like looking at them, especially in REAL life, because those are pussies I wouldn’t otherwise see because you can tell they think I am disgusting by the looks they give me…..BUT I AM STILL STARING…it’s a “free” country…or an illusion of a “free” country…..we actually live in TYRANNY…BUT CAMELTOES DISTRACT NICELY.


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Carmella Rose Bikini Tits of the Day

Carmella Rose is some instagram model bitch, which isn’t meant to be insulting, some of these people make millions of dollars a year with their instagram posting, it’s the modern avon lady you can jerk off to because they don’t come door to door so you can’t pull your dick out and point at it saying “PUT LIPSTICK ON THIS”….

I think she’s one of the first line-ups of Instagram models from back in 2013 or 2014 when the whole thing started up, so she’s a veteran, just not the kind of Veteran you’d honor at a parade…..

These bikini pics, which happened recently, and despite being one of the old guards of half naked instagram, she looks amazing in that bikini, I guess you’d have to, but not really, I mean fat girls are doing the instagram bikini thing, so it’s nice to see a hot body doing it better.


Posted in:Carmella Rose




Weight Watcher Wednesday of the Day

Earlier today, I was scrolling through the internet and came across a random set of fat girl tits…and thought….those are some nice tits, because she had cropped herself or posed herself properly….and they were nice tits…..so despite having a no fat chicks allowed policy….I celebrate all women, even the fatties, even if I think they are gross, because them getting naked is a good thing, or can be a good thing if done right….plus I am married to a fat chick and some of my best blowjobs were at 3 am from fat chicks who confused my dick for a cheese puff….

The point is, if you’re a fat chick, and your fat didn’t go to your tits, or didn’t fill up those tits, it’s probably a pretty shitty place to be….you get all the health issues of being fat, but none of the benefits of big tits to trick people into actually thinking you are hot because of your tits, forcing them to fuck you like fat girls used to be fucked…with shame, depression, and a “it’s better than jerking off”…..but is it? attitude….

Here are some WEIGHT watchers to WATCH the Heavy Weights.


Posted in:Fatty




Bruce Willis Retires of the Day

Bruce Willis is retiring after a pretty legendary career from Bouncer to Moonlighting to Action star…and we will always have Die Hard to remember him by….not to reduce him to just Die Hard, I’m sure he’s had some good serious roles, maybe the Sixth Sense…or Pulp Fiction or countless other high grossing movies that made him rich as shit allowing his daughters to be lazy trust fundians who pretend to be artists or some shit…

I saw some article a week ago about some under the radar Bruce Willis being in dozens of movies you’ve never heard of per year, but that is no more, because he’s done…

He was diagnosed with something called Aphasia, which is some brain issue that fucks up your language ability, which I guess means speaking or understanding…..

The crazy thing is that it is a documented VACCINE injury on the VACCINE injury reporting system, I don’t know if Bruce was vaccinated or not, but they should probably let us know if he was before more people end up like Bob Saget…


Either way, end of an era…but luckily you have a 45 minute singing set from RUMER to kill yourself to.

I’m more into their hotter daughter – SCOUT

Posted in:Scout Willis