I'll Make You Famous…




Rita Ora Bikini of the Day

I don’t lurk, I get force fed propaganda I didn’t ask to see, but sometimes, I don’t mind staring at that propaganda I didn’t ask to see, because I don’t get influenced by the propaganda I see….I don’t know if it has to do with me being on the spectrum of autism, there was a marketing article about how autistic people don’t fall for marketing and I’ve never fallen for marketing….trends….hanging with the cool kids…wanting to be part of the cool crowd….in fact I hate the cool crowd and not because they don’t invite me to their parties…but if they did invite me to their parties I would still hate the cool crowd because they are the ones who aren’t organically cool, they are trying to be cool, which by definition isn’t cool…..how about you go to Hypebeast and get scammed on the latest limited edition sweatshirt that cost the brand 8 dollars to resell to you for 2,000 you embarassing fuck…

But yeah, if I was autistic, which I assume I am, just from an era before autism was a thing, I would rather it be some Aspergers coding things, so that I could be big tech that DOESN’T censor you…my propaganda would be FREEDOM….

So in today’s force fed propaganda, I came across Rita Ora sucking in her 30 year old gut in her skimpy enough bikini for attention, because these whores know that even with the record deals, the hosting deals, the brand deals, even their own brand promos, that ultimately they’re nothing but a set of tits….for all their accomplishments and money…they are nothing but a set of tits…and that’s fine with me cuz I’ve reduced women to their tits, at least unimpressive, try hard, slutty women to their tits, becuase there are women who aren’t pushing their tits on me and are actually impressive, smart, respectable, not shameless, confident, not needing men to jerk off to them, some may not even have social media, some could be really intelligent, maybe into the church or helping AIDS babies not making AIDS in their babymaker….just a rare and beautiful breed….Rita Ora just isn’t that…good tits though.


Posted in:Rita Ora




Selena Gomez Lesbianism of the Day

I just wrote a pretty disorganized rant that came from the depths of my soul about Vanessa Hudgens being some disgusting, over sexualized, 30 something year old Disney Kid, who you know is being told what to do, since these people have no minds of their own, and wouldn’t be out there being half naked and slutty on the internet if they weren’t told to, they worked too hard for their careers to throw it away with smut…so this is just one of her “characters” or “alter egos” at work…to brain wash the kids…

Well, Selena Gomez with her stripper pole that I doubt she has the upper body strength to support her weight on, but that she’s using because she’s also a Disney kid, or equivalent, and must push this porn agenda on the retards too….

GREAT JOB…cuz they aren’t rich enough to just shut the fuck up, instead they must be used as vehicles of propaganda…

However, unlike Vanessa Hudgens, this middle-aged looking body in bike shorts that don’t do her any favors, rocking her weird looking senior citizen looking chin skin, that could be part of her Kidney Failure Lupus bloat, you know when it’s not flaring up, it just sort of hangs there ready….but yeah, unlike Vanessa Hudgens, her attempt at smut with the socially accepted stripper pole, I mean I saw two fat dykes practicing in the park with a portable stripper pole, this is a real fucking movement of trash….but these two fat dykes are less erotic than any stripper pole show I’ve ever bought a lap dance from…

Save the stripper poles for the strippers, and stick to your shitty acting and making stupid money as a marketing puppet for these people who pay you….trash…


Posted in:Selena Gomez




Vanessa Hudgens Bikini Tits of the Day

You kind of have to wonder why Disney created Vanessa Hudgens has fully jumped into this being a gutter slut of social media, yet here we are..

A rich 30 year old who decided at the top of the pandemic to become the masturbation fodder she always wanted to be, since people like sex and it’s fun to be scandalous and inappropriate, especially after a year of being controlled by her handlers and not really allowed to get her pussy out there unless it was in a strategic leaked nude, but thanks to the generation of perverts, Zuckerberg and whoever the fuck else is involved, she’s here posing in bikinis like a shameless slut, she’s holding a hose like it’s her dick, or like she’s on an aggressive SQUIRT session from fucking all night at one of their sex parties, because everyone is so fucking empty.

We can assume that Vanessa Hudgens has no real personality of her own, no real creative direction of her own, and everything she’s doing is programmed into her…

I am not complaining that she’s on street corners begging for attention in spandex, I just don’t find it cool…

I don’t find Disney kids cool…

The fact that they are doing the whole instagram thing that was at one time cool, doesn’t make them cool…it makes them sell out mooch fucks culture vulturing off the sluts who were doing it first…

But luckily, as a celebrity, she’ll find sluts to partner ups with ehr cuz they want that attention too….

So when she’s not pushing Chinese biowarfare shots on the clueless fans, she’s giving them shit to jerk off to…

Great job Hudgens you dumb fuck rich person who doesn’t need to be this pathetic and desperate but yet…here we are…..

I actually hate her. This is part of the destruction of America…and if you can’t see it, you’re as dumb as I know you are…

Her whole point is to teach young girls not to have skill, or merit, or pride, or modesty, or to save the bikini pics for when the paparazzi catch her….but to shamelessly put it out there, monetize, be a vapid garbage girl who is nothing more than a body.

It’s terrible…and I like sluts…but I see the bigger picture here and that is that a Disney Kid you know is a puppet, pushing this clickbait distraction, to manipulate future generations….because the future generations who follow her have limited brain capacity and can’t work through this on their own…but can emulate it…totally irresponsible behavior…but at least she’s getting paid..I guess.


Posted in:Vanessa Hudgens




Tiny Tits Tuesday of the Day

I have known people who make fun of small tits, you know the idiot bro puppet who believes what he’s told, because he’s a simple or weak mind, and not because he actually believes in, he’s just going along withe the lie because it’s easier than either speaking out, being an individual, resisting the status quo, or even listen to their own boner that they get from looking at small tits….

I don’t know if dudes really give a fuck about small tits, as much as I think they do, but like BUSH, where men who are apparently into fucking girls say “ewwww” about a vagina because it’s got hair on it, the way it is SUPPOSED to, makes me wonder about them…and small tits get the same hate…weird.

Anyway, good things come in smaller packages, more manageable tits make for a happier life, and seeing women get ahead without needing to use their tits for attention, is pretty empowering too.

Small tit ladies have hotter bodies, I’ve always been about small tits, and guess what…they look more fit and feminine than the fat girls with big tits they are up against.

So if you’re a dude who hates on small tits, cuz you get no tits, I’m a huge fan of all tits, including SMALL tits, they typically come with hotter asses…a more important feature to have….


Posted in:TINY TITS




Lily Rose Depp See Through of the Day

I am a big fan of Lily Rose Depp, not necessarily because of anything she’s accomplished, or even who her parents are, however I am definitely on Team Johnny Depp, even though he’s likely fucking evil too, they all are, he’s just not AS evil as Amber Heard because he delivers the goods when he’s in the movies, consistently, over the years and he’s just someone worth watching if you’re going to watch someone on TV, IT MIGHT AS WELL BE HIM.

Bring Johnny Depp Back…or don’t…who fucking cares…

I am a fan of Lily Rose Depp because you know that she was raised with so much fame in France thanks to her mom and dad, in America thanks to her Dad, basically on a Global fucking scale….she was also raised with so much excess thanks to Johnny Depp’s hug payouts thanks to selling his soul to Disney….so she had Chateaus in the South of France, Islands in the Bahamas, mansions in LA, probably some baller apartment in NYC, who fucking knows where else…and she always had one up on all the other rich kids cuz their dad wasn’t as cool as her dad.

Anyway, I’m not circle jerking to Johnny Depp here….I am just giving some context to why Lily Rose Depp, who I thought had cankles, but when in heels, and photoshopped seem amazing….but I am staring at her pussy in her panties in the mic drop pic when writing this, so maybe I’ll be circle jerking to her….

She’s hot.


Posted in:Lily Rose Depp




Lea Michelle Cleavage of the Day

I have been a Lea Michelle hater for as long as I can remember her existing, but I guess I hate on all these celebrities who people play up as being hot, talented or amazing, because I am anti-establishment and hate seeing idiots sucked into mediocre bullshit…I would like people to pressure the industry to stop being lazy money grubbers, because like any industry, from Big Pharma to Hollywood, they follow the fucking money….so now we’ve got an industry dependent on Chinese audience, to make more money and all these fucks just want more and more money, it’s never been about making art, being inspiring, but always about making money and I guess pushing agendas on people, but money first…because without money, how can they reassure themselves that they are better than the rest of us, without the paydays they get, how can they assert their importance on us Pleebs…you get the drill, you know what I think..so I don’t need to go on about it…

What I will say is that I assumed Lea Michelle was trans, her parents so addicted to the money and the industry, the American dream…so I never bought into her tits, or her being anything I’d want to fuck, no matter how good she is at musical theatre, the most Faggy of theatre and all theatre is Faggy….

I know she staged a pregnancy to convince you she’s not trans…THEY SELL PREGNANCY PROSTHETICS….I DON’T BELIEVE HER!

BUT I also know that with the same tools all the trans are being brainwashed into doing to themselves, cutting and inverting their dicks into almost passable pussies, hot tits, and that Kardashian face, the tranny is far more passable than ever…and for whatever reason all the girls are making themselves look trans…all that WORKS out well for Lea Michelle…cuz she can keep pushing her lie.


Posted in:Lea Michele




Kourtney Kardashian Fat Ass of the Day

Kourtney Kardashian is just a reminder of how evil and satanic the entertainment or influencer world is….because this fat, and not in a good way, 46 year old mom ass in a skimpy bikini being monetized because her and her family are a fucking commodity…a horrible, low quality commodity, but a commodity never the less….

TEACH THE KIDS TO BE WHORES and to MONETIZE MONETIZE MONETIZE…a leader none of us need, or want, but that figured out how easy it is to manipulate social media, because the people drawn to social media, are fucking morons…

I AM trying to see her mom asshole behind her thong, because I am a supporter of anal with moms to avoid the blown out egg hole….but I don’t REALLY even want to see it and not because I am an impotent, low testosterone fuck, even though I am….but because she repulses me in ways that make me not want to see her asshole…when I typically want to see EVERY woman’s asshole.

In this series, you can see her and satanist Travis Barker doing their showing off in Europe because the rich aren’t impacted by fake or blown out overly marketed viruses designed to get everyone vaccinated…

I just hope that they got their vaccines blindly, even though I am convinced the rich have their own vaccines that don’t kill them off since they are the ones who hire the slaves and aren’t the slaves..

I think the most disappointing thing in all this is Travis Barker’s Descendents tattoo…Baby Milo…I mean…legendary punk band tainted by this pop punk puppet sell out cunt….and that’s the most disappointing thing in all this because I fucking hate the Kardashians and have no expectations from them…I mean besides destroying the minds of the youth who have been brainwashed to think these are their idols…their new religious leaders…which is why we are doomed…

I mean, I’ve heard at least one 35 year old Hypebeast reading faggot who still thinks they are 16 saying shit like Kanye is the savior or the Messiah…and I’m like “THAT DUDE IS MORE EVIL THAT ANY OF THESE OTHER ONES”….FALSE PROPHET MOTHERFUCKERS….don’t fall for it fools.


Posted in:Kourtney Kardashian




Tight Pant Tuesday of the Day

I know what you’re thinking….TIGHT PANTS TUESDAY is bullshit because we should be more about TIGHT PANTS EVERYDAY…because when we leave our house…it’s tight pants EVERYWHERE…

TIGHT PANTS EVERYDAY EVERYWHERE NOT JUST TUESDAY….what the fuck do you think, that it’s TUESDAY? Hell yes it is motherfuckers…and that’s when I do the weekly round-up of tight pants. It doesn’t mean they don’t happen daily…cuz girls are sluts who like to show off their fucking bodies without walking around naked…that’d be slutty.

I know what you’re thinking….THESE MASK MANDATES ARE CRAZY….who are the teachers who are going along with this…are they really just brain washed parrots doing what they told as they lazily wait until they reach retirement so they can collect that pension…they can’t argue and get fired and lose that pension…that’d be wrong…so LET’S PUT PEOPLE in masks….even kids, despite covid not killing, masks not working and kids being more at risk of getting sick from their dirty wet masks…

BUT I WOULD WEAR TIGHT PANTS as a mask, but only if they were worn for three days straight with no panties on a hot summer heat wave….

That’s the kind of BLACK LUNG I would sign up for…


Posted in:Tight Pants




Small Girl – Big Fall and Other Videos of the Day

What the Hell is This..

How Relaxing is This…

Bull Dog Saves Teddy from Washing Machine

Public Transit Brawl…

Unborn Chicken in the Egg

Why Do Girls Speak Like This…

Best Birthday EVER

What’s Mark Dice Asking the Idiots….

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

What’s up all you testosterone depleted cuck fucks questioning your gender and feeling your white guilt…because the tv and internet told you to.

Grow the fuck up…figure it the fuck out…

You are an embarrassment to humanity and an embarrassment to men…jerking off to the fear porn they are mongering…as you sit in your car with two masks on hoping that virus that has a 99.9 percent survival rate, that natural immunity is 13 times more protective than a stupid shot…because you’re the kind of guy who wears a condom all day in case you find an opportunity to jack off…with a condom on…get a grip, grow a pair and stop being a bunch of pussies..every man pushing woke shit, virus mandate shit, vaccine shit is an embarrassment to men everywhere. I am sure there was a time men fought, resisted and protected and now they are masking their kids and hiding inside because of the spookiest flu buggies around…motherfuckers…are ruining it for ALL of us…

I fucking hate you….

Here are some stepLINKS…

Oliva Culpo is Red Hot in a Bikini

Kourtney Turner is Off the Grid

Sarah Snyder in a Thong in Studio


Military Training Lacking Coordination

Hockey Team Gets Rid of Cheerleaders Because of Jealous Wives

Heidi Klum’s Daughter Walks the Runway for the First Time

The Know Your Meme Hipster is Worth a Fuck

Russian Dating Schools Teaching How to Suck Dick


TikTok Cows Getting Milked at the Grocery Store

Scottish Comedian Can’t Say “Purple Burglar Alarm”

Dog Saves Kids from the Ocean

Track Star’s Fat Ass

Cam Sluts Are Hot As Shit…

Posted in:stepLINKS