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stepLINKS of the Day

Is your favorite thing on the internet seeing girls you know leave comments on other girls you know’s social media….when you also know both women hate each other and independent of each other talk shit to you about each other…reminding you that the internet is so fucking fake..even though girls do that same shit in […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I think the Lil Nas trend is going viral in more than just his Country Rap song….because I saw a solid 14 black dudes on fixed gear bikes with hi-top haircuts, in tailored shorts and big glasses like it was the 80s in the Bronx and Theo Huxtable was going to come teach them how […]




stepLINKS of the Day

When an old lady sits and watches people at the public pool, people think she’s being sweet and old, when I do it, I’m a fucking pervert, sure I’m usually masturbating and I get that is perverted to some, but it’s nature baby….not to mention how are we to know that the old lady isn’t […]




Morning Hangovr Dump of the Day

Father’s Day, is always a day I find awesome, because as I see all this dudes who have aged terribly thanks to having kids, pretend to be happy in the park or at brunch with their kids, knowing they’d be far happier if they spent their day doing anything but that, like napping, or laying […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Girls with big tits are a breed of their own, because they fucking love showing off their big tits any way they can.. Yesterday I saw a girl with big tits at the grocery store busting out all over the fucking place….then I saw another set of big tits on a bike in a tank […]




stepLINKS of the Day

It’s gay pride month – so go out there and fuck every girl you can up the ass – whether it is your wife, girlfriend or sister – no vaginal sex allowed for the month – otherwise it is a hate crime against the homos we are honoring… Get your dick shitty….E.Coli EVERYWHERE….get that sweet […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

Every girl dresses and acts like they are hot but gets mad when they are called hot..which is confusing… Almost as confusing as when a girl posts up a nipple pic and angrily writes “Do my nipples offend you”….in a weird confrontational picking a fight kind of way….while posting her nipples…which I am sure don’t […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I wouldn’t say the best comment that people leave on slutty pics of girls is “Thank you for sharing”…but whenever I see it – I laugh. There is just a level of desperate loser that comes with that comment. Like dude clearly lives alone and has never had sex and is just trying to be […]




stepLINKS of the Day

On this memorial day…. I want you to remember that Instagram is just one big infomercial. All posts are girls trying to sell you shit. Like a bad late night infomercial…over and over and over…only less creative and strategic… I guess kids like to watch ads, think it’s cool, cuz they are so brain washed […]




MET Gala Nonsense Round-Up of the Day

The Met Gala is the event that happens each year when all the celebrities wear dumb outfits and show off their tits.. here is our round-up and I’m not talking about the class action lawsuit against Monsanto..I am talking about a bunch of pics of idiots who think they are important because they got an […]