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Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

I am always amazed when I see fat girls who are friends with skinny girls, despite being a different species of human…. I always think, does the skinny girl befriend them because she likes to be the hot one in the group, you know a little too insecure to hang out with other girls from […]




Top 10 Celebs Who Smoke Weed for 420 of the Day

Bella Thorne, who should really stick to weed, or DABS, because the meth is doing her WRONG Cameron Diaz, caught here toking up with Drew Barrymore Charlize Theron, the women who shot her own father, should start using CBD to chill out Em RatCow, making joints look more appealing with each puff Kristen Stewart, pot […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I am sure I’ve said it before, like all day everyday, but it amazes me that women, despite being as slutty as ever, don’t even take advantage of men the way they should… It is trendy to hate men, in this man world they have decided they live in….but they still like to fuck dudes…cuz […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I am so glad that skinny girls exist. I was just at the grocery store and saw some poor bastard buying bananas with a monster of a woman who told him something about how they have ripe ones in the fridge at home…that she wants to make a Banana bread with…and dude was excited about […]




stepLINKS of the Day

We live in a pervert porn obsessed era… where the girls are into being the pervert porno loving freaks…. I am from an era of porn obsession being a secret behind the scenes obsession that mainly dudes were involved in or exposed to….because girls were ladies and thought it was gross. That didn’t make them […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Some queer from facebook, who was defending some dude he has a crush on on facebook, despite being “straight”…wrote a comment directed at me – saying he would beat me up…or that he knows who I am and is going to beat me up…. To which I said “by beat up do you mean play […]




Oscars Round-up of the Day

The oscars…. I decided to LIVE TWEET on my TWITTER …the least followed twitter for the amount of time I’ve been on Twitter…the majority of my tweets were my deep hatred for Lady Gaga that is warranted, because I paid to rent A Star is Born to see the hype, and I quickly discovered that […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

Yesterday we determined that IVF is the opposite of Abortion…or on the same spectrum of Abortion and the protestors should be hanging outside the IVF clinics protesting all thes people trying to have babies that god doesn’t want them to have….like killing babies god wants them to have…but for some reason – no one cares […]




stepLINKS of the Day

It is pretty ridiculous how ridiculous this social media shit is. I know I talk about it all the time, because it is everything, and it is how I stay current….you know without actually posting on social media…because that shit is gay…. But I was at the grocery store buying some canned beans, as I […]




Tits at the Grammy’s of the Day

In very important news that isn’t important at all, but that the media tries to make you think is important, because they make money off this shit…The Grammy’s happened… I have a celebrity blog, and didn’t realize that they were on, because Award shows don’t matter. I can assure you that they had the least […]