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Miley Cyrus FOR ELLE US of the Day

Miley Cyrus has pretty much peaked. It’d be hard for her to top the cash grab she grabbed the last album and tour – and she’s really put her entire self out there – vagina bush and all – only to fade into obscurity – almost forgotten but still Miley Cyrus…until now, when she’s doing […]




Miley Cyrus for the Mouth Fetishists of the Day

New weird fetish – Miley Cyrus mouth on her social media – because when you’re into Miley Cyrus, the character she created for her tour, all naked all the time, but she hasn’t been in character since the tour ended, allowing her to go back to being the actual Miley Cyrus who doesn’t actually know […]




Miley Cyrus in a Bikini with Farm Animals Like the Inbred Hick She Is of the Day

Miley Cyrus looks well rested and normal – because her whole Miley Cyrus nude hipster from tumblr who liked crazy patterns and weird and obscure cartoon things – like Emojis and prosthetic tits – trying to claim being feminist, activist and it really connected to the kids who follow her – since kids these days […]




Miley Cyrus Cleavage of the Day

I hate saying that Miley Cyrus was a brilliant marketer and manipulator a couple of years ago when she decided to take on the Youth market in a relevant enough way….because I felt as an outsider that every move she made was a fucking lie, was a fucking rip off, was stealing from a generation […]




Miley Cyrus Still Lives of the DAy

I think it is important to celebrate Miley cyrus whenever she brings out her character Miley after putting it in storage when she went back to her future husband to live the semi normal life on their pile of money – because like all these other idiots – she is also a media manipulator – […]




Miley Cyrus for Plastik Magazine of the Day

Apparently these are pictures of Miley Cyrus that were never released before, but as you can see it was when she was playing the Miley Cyrus character she had created after fake splitting up with her fiance for the media, the tour, the press and the money that will set them up for less – […]




Miley Cyrus Clever Nipple on Instagram of the Day

Everyone who is anyone knows that Miley Cyrus is a young genius, who has a team of young geniuses, with a capacity to identify the morons of the world and exploit the fuck out of them, taking their money, filling their stadiums, like some kind of evangelical…in a faithless, religionless world of dumb, vapid assholes… […]




Miley Cyrus Still Exists of the Day

I just checked out Miley Cyrus on instagram to see if she still exists… Apparently, she does… It’s funny how we can be overexposed to some of these idiots, we get them shoved down our throat all fucking day – every fucking day… and then zero..or barely anything…except her getting her planets wrong. I think […]




Miley Cyrus “leaked” pictures of the Day

I doubt these are recent, but Miley Cyrus is lovely. She’s managed to take her Disney character and leverage it, almost perfectly into this polar opposite character who was always high, naked, advocating drugs, putting herself out there in a crazy TUMBLR kind of way and seeing a ton of fucking success with that hustle, […]




Miley Cyrus Skinny Ass Morning Twerk of the Day

Miley Cyrus skinny ass twerk for social media, is a lot of awkward, not so erotic, very “little boy” like which I guess is what people who go to Thailand for vacation like… But she does it with such conviction, like she doen’t give a fuck about humilating herself because she’s such a coddled ego, […]