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Miley Cyrus is Pantsless of the Day

Miley Cyrus is still kinda exciting…in what is probably the least exciting possible way…you know she puts up pics of her pantsless…rockin’ her lesbian haircut with her friend who looks 11…pulling some hipter teen girl in her vintage clothes just wasting time…when really she should be pantsless in bootleg porn videos after burning through all […]




Miley Cyrus Turns Me On of the Day

I woke up to a text from a lovely, fit, young lady I want to do very very naughty things to…you know things I can only do with her vagina and my mouth and my penis….saying that Miley Cyrus had a sex tape drop….and I actually took the time to google the shit…before realizing it […]




Miley Cyrus is so Hot Right Now of the Day

Miley Cyrus may not be the future…her time may be done…her lesbian haircut may be a little too 15 year old girl at the mall trying to be hard and full of angst….all bi sexual hipster gone mainstream shit….but I’d sure be into K-Feding her and her muppet face…it’d be a life I’d be willing […]




Miley Cyrus Does Two and A Half Men of the Day

So….some screenshots of Miley on Two and a Half Men….even though I find it hard to believe Ashton Kutcher counts as a man….seeing that he’s a little bitch….dropped….because I guess Two and a Half Men fucking sucks and is starving for any attention it can get.. cuz the best thing that ever happened to them […]




Miley Cyrus’ Awesome Tit Pic of the Day

Miley Cyrus is awesome….she is a fashion icon and not just to robot lesbians who admire her dyke hair…but to tweens everywhere who are now going bra-less and spandex shorts everywhere they go….making me happy to not be a school teacher as with the early onslaught of puberty, coupled with parents who don’t seem to […]




Miley Cyrus in a Weird Photoshoot of the Day

Miley Cyrus released some new pics on her website…with her new hair…and some were semi-slutty…but not slutty enough for my liking…since there was no labia being spread….or objects being inserted…even though pics of Miley alone give me boners…because she’s at her fucking hottest…she’s built to last…good country structure that isn’t country at all but that […]




Miley Cyrus in Some Shorts for Some Rock the Vote Bullshit of the DAy

Miley Cyrus is amazing…everyone is shitting on each other’s face about her hair, but who the fuck cares about whether she’s got a shaved head or not…some of the best blowjobs I have had have been from bitches going through cancer treatment….but that was only because I worked at a cancer ward of a hospital […]




Miley Cyrus Tits with Animals of the Day

My second favorite person on Facebook wrote this today: Subway Preacher “The Bible said; women who lay with an animal like she lays with a man should b put to death.” Well good thing I like my pussy dead….or at least weak or debilitated…with terminal disease or chronic disease…or mental illness…or really under any or […]




Miley Cyrus See Through Bra for the Internet of the Day

Miley Cyrus is the fucking best and I don’t fucking know why…she looks like a muppet with a below average face but the fact that she’s rich, skinny, and dresses like a teenage dream, totally overpowers all that is wrong about her, from her cunt behavior, to her crooked inbred eyes….I just hope she’s tricking […]




Miley Cyrus is a See Through Sea Punk from the Future of the Day

Sea punk is some weirdness I’ve accidentally walked into at bars that are like goth, hippie, hipster weirdos with street punk hairstyles, outfits from the future, men who look like women and women who look like men, that I guess has trickled down into Miley’s hollywood, candy coated world, and that she’s channeled in her […]