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Miley Cyrus has Got Shorts of the Day

Miley Cyrus is in little shorts with short hair…and I would fuck lick those motherfuckers so fucking hard that my saliva makes them dissolve off her….cuz she’s gone fit and stylish and posts pics of herself in ways that make me forget the bobble headed cunt from Disney who was raped on many levels to […]




Miley Cyrus Has New Hair of the Day

Some dude hit me up to let me know or to ask my opinion about Miley cutting her hair, and I am glad that my legacy, or what people think I care about or know about Miley Cyrus getting a fucking ridiculous black hipster shaved sci/fi haircut, because I don’t care about any bitch’s hair […]




Miley Cyrus Ass in Little Shorts of the Day

Miley Cyrus is awesome…and she is pulling off some serious greatness on social networking lately….she’s doing better work than the paparazzi…and giving her fans a real reason to follow her….and that’s probably why she’s got more horny men up on her shit than she’s got teenage girls….cuz pervert men are far more loyal to pussy […]




Miley Cyrus Hot for Marie Claire September of the Day

I am a pretty serious Miley Cyrus fan….despite being average at best, she’s managed to make a fortune, dress in a way that makes her look hot as fuck, but more importantly, that has influenced teen girls everywhere to copy, making them look hot as fuck….She’s an icon that no longer annoys me, except if […]




Miley Cyrus Hot for the Internet of the Day

I am unfortunately hooked on Miley Cyrus. Like a tween girl 5 years ago, only far more perverted, I track her every move. I don’t go to her concerts, or sing her songs, or have her posters on my wall, I just look at the pictures she produces, with her thin young body, and realize […]




Miley Cyrus Ripped Stomach of the Day

Miley Cyrus has an amazing fucking body, which is all I really care about, because I don’t have the luxury of being in her entourage, or having her sit on my face, grinding against my chin, until she squirts….so I don’t get the benefits of listening to her whine, complain, like the annoying spoiled brat […]




Miley Cyrus Nude in a Bath of the Day

The most depressing thing about these pics is not that she isn’t showing her nipples. but is instead showing her back, because let’s face it, Miley doesn’t have to post nude yet, or really even ever, because she is set of life and the day she does pose nude, it won’t bee about the money, […]




Miley Cyrus Panties for the Internet of the Day

Miley Cyrus is good at Instagram…if she keeps this up…she’ll probably get noticed…I mean sure she is Miley Cyrus, famous as shit, fans coming out of her ass, guys wanting to cum in her ass….but isn’t getting noticed the only reason bitches post pics of themselves on the internet making hot faces…setting up shots…posing….it is […]




Miley Cyrus Hard Nipple for Twitter of the Day

Miley Cyrus is pretty good at social networking…and all the more interesting as far as I’m concerned now that she’s engaged, because you see all young girls who get engaged, do it because they still believe love actually exists, and those who believe in love, especially while rocking a ring on their finger, usually believe […]




Miley Cyrus Turning me On With Instagram of the Day

I am not sure if this is Miley Cyrus, she’s gone blonde and is blocking out her inbred looking muppet head with a magazine, but in keeping up with my creeper status, I am pretty sure it is her, because she was wearing these shorts the other day , unless her friend and her would […]