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All the Tits Out at the Rihanna Fashion Show of the Day

The biggest event in the history of events that happen at New York Fashion Week was the Rihanna Fenty Collection….because she’s got a big draw being RIHANNA…the human trafficked teen from Barbados with little to no talent who no one is mad was human trafficked because they fucking love the song UMBRELLA…. Everyone in the […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Anyone else pumped for some September 11th tributes that are just around the corner. We get to hear everyone’s first hand experience to where they were when it happened, unless you’re like me and stick to only reading comments and posts from girls who are born in the year 2000….Y2K motherfuckers…cuz those girls post all […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I feel like I understand the plight of the gay man because I used to be called a queer when I was growing up, I guess I still am, since I write this garbage content on celeb women on the daily…which makes sense.. But in the 80s, I was called a fag because I would […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I saw a handicapped girl at the mall in a push up bra with her tits out, she was missing a limb or had a gimp arm and a limp, but those tits were something special..something to work with…because I am an optimist and see the glass half full…there may not be hand jobs, it […]




All the Tits at the MTV VMA’s of the Day

Posted in:MTV|SFW

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I am very out of touch, which is funny, since I post pop culture, social media based bullshit celebrities, most that I’ve never heard of…. I prefer the idea of being off in a remote cabin in the woods, with no screens, or phones to stare at the sky for the rest of time, than […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Tales from the ice cream shop….where two really fat girls with their tits hanging out cuz they know it’s there only asset, all fat chicks with tits use those tits… Anyway, one was in a sporty gym outfit, because fat chicks love those. The tighter the better, sausage casing that bitch and give her some […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Do you ever walk into the Abortion Clinic, only to be asked at the front desk why you’re at the Abortion Clinic, to which you say…”I just love the way it smells”….only to take a deep breath and walk out.. Me neither…. I was watching a lesbian couple in the park, one looked like a […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I heard a story about a kid who got circumsized by a nurse, got gangrene and had to get his dick amputated. I have decided that will be my pick-up line, pre-emptively telling women I have no real dick, but the dick I do have has a rank smell, while tugging on their heartstrings and […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Things I practice on a daily basis: Seeing through the privacy screen they use on the fences at the public pools…after stealing a piece of it…you know to develop super voyeur powers. I make my dog sit behind it and I try to make out the details in his face so that no bikini can […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I realize that one of the main struggles of today is making sure a random girl you meet doesn’t have and Adam’s apple…because all these trans people are everywhere…I saw two today and unfortunately they had better bodies than a lot of women….tits everywhere, with pride, because they grew them themselves thanks to hormones…. But […]