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Half Naked Models for Fashion of the Day

The CR Fashion Book is out and each model is a different horoscope because that is how high concept for fashion works when you’re fucking lazy and just riding off the reputation of your over hyped, but “connected” magazine brand. It’s like bitch who runs it is a famewhore celebrity groupie scenester and in turn […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I may be influenced by the internet since I don’t leave the house and when I do I avoid all eye contact. Maybe it’s the autism. Maybe it’s the deep want to be invisible…not in some emo way…just it makes life less annoying. That said, it seems like everyone I come across is a sex […]




Miley Cyrus Muff Dive of the Day

Miley Cyrus is celebrating her boyfriends birthday, the guy’s name is Cody Simpson and not only does he look like an embryo smeared on the walls of a back alley abortion clinic, but he’s also pretending to go down on her over her jeans, cuz the aspiring Bieber who never quite made it to Bieber […]




Naked Models for a Boring Calendar of the Day

This is some BORING fucking content…. Not to mention, V Magazine is the fucking devil. It is some scammy bullshit that people just assume is relevant because models do shoots with them, it’s all an inside job, clickbait bullshit likely owned by Victoria’s Secret or the Kardashians or some other scenester shit in NYC…because look […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

As someone who doesn’t work, I hope you are all off for your Christmas holidays, since it is the most wonderful time of year, and slaving away at your shitty office, even if it is a nice office, even if it is a modern office, with free food and a gym cuz you work in […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I am always weirded out by married couples at the grocery store where the wife is clearly in the process of transitioning because she’s built like a fucking truck, has a fucking beard…and is bossing her defeated husband around about the fucking produce with all her 200 pounds that make her have the body of […]




stepLINKS of the Day

It’s always fun when the obese woman from facebook who used to post pics of her cats and loneliness…finds the ketogenic diet, High Intensity Interval Training, Juicing, Kettlebells, Olympic lifting, and some self help guru philosopher to quote consistently like she wasn’t fucking obese a year ago….and this fitness and wellness is just a replacement […]




Tits at the Country Music Awards of the Day

The Country Music Awards happened last night and the sluts came out because Country Music went viral now that Diplo has jumped in on the Genre to mooch off it and re-sell to dumb bros who otherwise would hate Country Music… I have been a country music fan since I was a kid, Johnny Cash, […]




Miley Cyrus Erotica of the Day

Miley Cyrus is bringing that smut, half naked for halloween, even though she’s always naked, so often it’s boring and all I can see is teeth, and not because of Vagina Dentata, but because of her teeth…bigger than the horse Billy Ray rode into Nashville on before releasing Achy Breaky and creating a legacy in […]




Halloween Round Up Part 2 of the Day

Halloween Round is still going on in Canada, at least in Montreal, because the Mayor decided the weather was bad….and that November 1st was a better day for Halloween, playing God or some shit…so I get to see moms in slutty outfits talking their babies out for candy, despite candy being sugar and thus the […]