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stepLINKS of the Day

I may have a sluggish as shit website that no one cares about and I may not be dropping the hottest exclusive content because no one knows the site exists or sends me their hot exclusive content and I am not in a position to get out there and produce the hottest and exclusive content […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Apparently the Barbie movie is making the HIVE mind woman break up with their shitty boyfriends, I haven’t seen that sit, because the now super rich Greta Earwig grosses me out, HOWEVER…. I do find it funny that the HIVE mind idiots are buying into her bullshit and breaking up with their boyfriends, assuming that’s […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I saw a grown ass man, probably in his 50s, rocking a little summer dress and straw hat, that you’d expect to see in pictures of your European grandmother in the old country in the 1900s before she came to America…. He didn’t have any make-up or a wig on, he was just straight up […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Maybe I am old, crotchety, bitter, angry, jaded, confused demented, not drunk enough, not on enough anti-depressants, motherfucker who is like “In my day, people were humans” but the reality is that it’s like the fucking twilight zone out there. I feel like I am one of those motherfuckers they made movies about, who woke […]




stepLINKS of the Day

May your night be as exciting as the air conditioned grocery store on a hot summer day after a flash storm in this braless society….. May your night be as exciting as walking in on these public flashers and public masturbators who I never stumble upon, but who I know exist because I see all […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I am a firm believer that you should not be on the internet clicking suspicious links, but rather outside staring at suspicious tits, trying to figure out if they were born male or female and whether they’ll let you find out. Real life happens off the computer, but if you are here, click on the […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I haven’t been doing the stepLINKS daily, and it’s been the best thing in the fucking world…. It’s summer, it’s nice outside, the ladies are half naked, I get inspired by all the tits I see, which is weird because you’d think at this point in the game, I’d be over it, you know jaded […]




stepLINKS of the Day

It’s memorial day weekend, so along with honoring your fallen soldiers, which is obviously depressing and frowned upon by the likes of Bud Light and Target, because they’ve conditioned people to have no national pride in this globalized freakshow of a world, where the military doesn’t represent your freedom to the average person and the […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I didn’t do the links this week because I had a broken computer and no back-up computer because we aren’t that kind of website with resources and shit…. I did really like life substantially better without doing the links and it will likely be the future of this site….because at a certain point you gotta […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I may hate technology. I may think the internet brings out the worst in people, but I always thought people were the fucking worst, so seeing that they are worse than I thought because of the internet is saying a lot for how shit it is…but the worst thing about the internet is that it […]