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stepLINKS of the Day

It seems like GOD is really making it very obvious as to how dumb people are, it’s like “we get it GOD, people are fucking dumb”….clearly it’s to open the eyes of the masses….Those simple minds who can’t SEE need to be spoon fed this shit so that they see through the EVIL plan….LET THE […]




stepLINKS of the Day

People love their fucking medicine that they feel the need to push that shit on you, like the modern day peer pressure of “try this, you’ll get so high” has gone from fun street drugs that will likely get you laid by a crackhead in that scene, to “get your vaccine” like we’re cosplaying or […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I’ve been hearing all kinds of stories about how people with the shot are testing positive for HIV and that the shot is basically an AIDS shot, where people are getting AIDS in the most boring way. Just lining up to the slaughterhouse with their sleeve pulled up, after a generation of not having weird […]




stepLINKS of the Day

What happens when trans women, women who cosplay and/or believe to be men so hard they grow their clits out, become the toxic masculinity they hate? When do they become the patriarchy that the same people hate so much. Assuming they have more testosterone pounding through their blood than all the cuck men out there […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

Jesus Martinez didn’t kill himself….I just slept in but I’ve been self destructing slowly over the last 30 or more years which I like to think is living life to the fullest and not having a disrespect for the life we’ve been given. I appreciate everyday we’ve been given because it’s all so fucking ridiculous. […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I may be an anti-masker, cuz that shit’s fucking dumb and would rather die off of a virus than have to breathe in my own polluted mouth air….not to say that I don’t wear masks…or smell everyone around me through the mask because cigarette smoke, asshole stench, homeless park smell, or stale cum on the […]




stepLINKS of the Day

My life philosophy has always been “Kick them When They Are Up”….there is nothing more irritating than seeing people who think they are so clever, like they’ve figured it all out, or like they are sitting at the right table and are important because of it…. You have to remember that the popular kids in […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Remember we’re all in it together, turned into YOU DON’T BELONG HERE, pretty quickly…but the truth is, they didn’t lie to us about that…we are all this together…regardless of color or status…we’re the slave class and we should really start to appreciate each other in the event we end up in the camps together….you bring […]




stepLINKS of the Day

It’s safe to say that people have morphed into the worst possible version of themselves because of the internet….don’t be a fool who falls for the divisive bullshit…wake up ya’ll… Sure, there is no loyalty anymore, which I guess is part of human nature, you know to be a flip flopper, friend dropper, turn your […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I made the mistake of watching the new Jessica Chastain HBO show, where she’s married to Oscar Isaacs, who I actually like as an actor, mainly because of his Folk Singer movie, but I am sure he’s been good in other things… I didn’t actually watch the show, I got a solid 3-4 minutes of […]