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stepLINKS of the Day

This keeping each other safe shit is so fucking mental….it’s at the breaking point… They want us LOCKED in and not talking to each other…and they’ve been forcing it on us, with their fear mongering and some people have had enough… I am sure to some people, it’s worth risking getting COVID to get their […]




stepLINKS of the Day

They implemented the vaccine passports here locally, which basically means the wheels are turning in the wrong side of freedom, because things are going to just get more and more restrictive…for everyone….even those who think they are on the right side of the conversation thanks to marketing… This isn’t about vaccine status or social media […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The internet scares the fuck out of me, I don’t know how anyone who uses the internet sleeps at night, knowing that the internet exists…from tracking you, to watching you through devices, I mean how we aren’t all schizophrenics in bunkers with 3 years of food stores confuses me…. These tyrannical billionaire overlords watching our […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

What’s up all you testosterone depleted cuck fucks questioning your gender and feeling your white guilt…because the tv and internet told you to. Grow the fuck up…figure it the fuck out… You are an embarrassment to humanity and an embarrassment to men…jerking off to the fear porn they are mongering…as you sit in your car […]




Lorena Rae Bikini of the Day

Lorena Rae is a German, potentially of Nazi origins, not because she’s a Nazi, but at 28 years old, her grandparents could have been, I mean people sort of just signed onto the propaganda they were being pushed, before it was too late to really escape what was happening, but LUCKILY that can’t happen again, […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I am the first to admit that I am an idiot. I’ve spent 17 years trolling and taking a piss on people for my own personal entertainment… I could be wrong about everything I say, sometimes I say the wrong thing on purpose, which is why I am not a serious person, everything’s a joke….even […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I don’t know if it is the algorithm, I’m on the Alex Jonesing re-targeting, you know I did mention something today and see the ads for it on Facebook 4 minutes later…always a nice reminder of “YOU ARE NOT ALONE”….and not in a staged ALIEN invasion to unite humanity under one world government kinds of […]




stepLINKS of the Day

And that’s a fucking wrap….at least for the weekend, unless I choose to not come back on Monday…by force or by personal choice….Only time will tell. I realize that no one actually cares about any of this, they are onto other shit, they just know what they’re told and that’s good enough, let’s get back […]




stepLINKS of the Day

If you want proof that technology makes us dumber, try to remember the phone numbers of the people you talk to, I know you’l have a few in there from before cell technology cuz we’re old fucks, but any new numbers in your life, you probably don’t really remmeber…. There was a time, your phonebook […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The real question is whether you’ve succumbed to your abuser like a groomed girl you have locked in your basement, or are you actually mad that there’s evidence that your election was rigged, that votes were counted twice, because it’s not about the vote, it’s about who counts them….wouldn’t that be cause for concern? Something […]