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Phoebe Price Modeling Bikinis of the Day

Phoebe Price posted these pictures of her modeling bathing suits for some Italian swimwear line yesterday and I couldn’t help but laugh….I mean what kind of sorry fucking company would use a bitch like Phoebe Price as a spokesperson for shit…I mean she’s a struggling spokesperson for herself…and squeezing her tired, useles, old body into […]




Phoebe Price’s Titties Eat Lunch Cuz She’s Got Nothing Else Going On of the Day

In today’s totally irrelevant…god knows who the fuck she is….but I’m friends with her on Facebook and she pays the paparazzi to take pics of her that the media produces cuz after her dad died of cancer she got an inheritance that allowed her to go to LA and live the good life unemployed…pretending to […]




Phoebe Price Flashing Nipple in a Bikini of the Day

The highlight of my life in both real life….and internet life….is not HAVING PHOEBE PRICE AS A FRIEND ON FACEBOOK …. If anything, I ignore her….It doesn’t make me feel like I am brushing internet shoulders with a famous person….It just depresses me that I know she exists…. This past weekend, she posted these pictures […]




A Horrible Phoebe Price Optical Illusion from Hell that Nightmares are Made Of….of the Day

So many half naked Phoebe Prices in one picture….using mirrors to simulate her own army of clones coming to invade every paparazzi hot spot to hopefully get noticed and make it in the tabloids….a challenge she sets herself out for everyday….like a hero going into battle…because approval from the media….is like that approval her dead […]




Phoebe Price Pulling the Same Stunt of the Day

On october 10, 2011 -> Phoebe Price pulled the exact same stunt that she’s pulling today, only she was wearing one of those stupid winter hats all these idiots are wearing cuz they think it is fashionable, when really it just makes them look like fucking assholes…possibly because she is a fucking asshole who knows […]




Phoebe Price Vagina Flash Working it for the Paparazzi of the Day

I still don’t know what Phoebe Price is. I don’t know why the paparazzi take pics of her. I don’t know whay she dresses skanky despite being old and doughy and I sure as hell don’t know what’s going on a the pumpkin patch, but it does represent all that is wrong with Hollywood, where […]




Phoebe Price in her America Bikini of the Day

The highlight on my Phoebe Price relationship wasn’t the day she added me to facebook, but was the day I was the first person to LIKE when she went to the hospital for cracking her head open…. I mean other than trying to figure out who the fuck Phoebe Price is or why the paparazzi […]




Phoebe Price Showing Off Useless Tit of the Day

I still haven’t figured out what Phoebe Price does and why that doesn’t include starring in a sex tape….I mean she’s a real fucking bottom feeding attention seeker and that’s what they fucking do…but for some reason…all this old lady with a red pussy does is get in a bikini or put on a dress […]




Phoebe Price Attention Whore of the Day

This pumpkin patch is a fucking joke….There is no way this many celebs need pumpkin, but more importantly, there’s no way celebrities care enough about finding the perfect pumpkin, or the great rewarding experience that comes with choosing their own pumpkin…they could just send their hired help to do it. This might as well be […]




Phoebe Price Does Wonder Woman at Comicon of the DAy

Phoebe Price is too old for this shit…but for some reason she manages to get herself into every event she can, whether she’s got business being there or not, so I have have no idea why she is at Comicon, or what she’s promoting, or if she’s just walkin’ thru cuz she knows the paparazzi […]