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Sofia Richie in a Bikini of the Day

Sofia Richie posted a few boring bikini pics where she pretends to read at a high school level when you know she tapped out in the 5th grade when she realized that Lionel was her dad and that they were billionaires, so that she could just live basically the life of a princess with no […]




Sofia Richie’s Bikini Top of the Day

I don’t really give a fuck about Sofia Richie, I only really appreciate her because she’s Lionel’s official daughter, where as Nicole, because I’m old and remember Nicole, is just some bitter adopted twat trying to mooch off Sofia’s inheritance…so I like to give her any attention when I come across her hot selfies, just […]




Sofia Richie in a Bikini of the Day

I wasn’t going to bother posting these pics Sofia Richie posted of herself in a bikini, they new pics of an old trip, and who the fuck cares…. However, I already downloaded them thinking I was going to rant about how the entitled LA rich kid has it all figured out. Align with the Kardashians […]




Sofia Richie Bikini of the Day

Lionel’s actual daughter, who we hope gets Nicole written out of the Lionel will, even though she’s already milked the Richie name harder than an actual Richie, because adopted people are all fucked up in their head…. Sofia, the rich kid with everything, who decided to become a social media influencer to rip brands off […]




Sofia Richie Bikini of the Day

Sofia Richie is in a bikini on some luxury vacation because she’s rich, what the fuck else is she going to do, not shower and shop at Salvation Army to seem more legit amongst the other rich kids in Brooklyn pretending to be poor, in efforts to come across as having more substance than they […]




Sofia Richie Catwoman of the Day

Sofia Richie did some Catwoman shit, which I guess is clickbait for the nerds of the internet, since the internet is mainstream, it’s safe to assume you’re all a bunch of nerds, who chose screentime over real life, porn over sex, texting and liking pics that don’t matter over living…..nerd shit… She’s doing her “Halle […]




Sofia Richie on Treadmill of the Day

Sofia Richie is Lionel’s Biological daughter who was sold off to the Kardashians to be a player in their stupid fucking show that should be cancelled for being a fucking terrorist attack on the nation because their audience are too stupid to realize how evil they are with their monetization and face injections to offset […]




Sofia Richie’s Ass in Leggings of the Day

I don’t find Sofia Richie all that hot, but she’s hotter than her adoptive sister and inheritance thief Nicole Richie, which isn’t saying much, because even with her fake tits, that bitch looks like a wet rat…even when she’s dry…which is probably why she ended up with a fucking. loser like the Good Charlotte faggot, […]




Sofia Richie Working on A Yeast Infection of the Day

Sofia Richie is basically manipulating the media. She’s been tarnished by the Keeping Up with the Kardashian clan who adopted her and made her their own. The big news I heard but didn’t google is that Keeping Up with the Kardashians is finally over, they say Kanye gave Kim the “Family or Show” ultimatum and […]




Sofia Richie Cameltoe of the Day

Lionel’s official daughter, not the mooch Nicole, has been sold off to the Kardashian empire who I guess manage all her social media deals for her thanks to the covereage she got being on their show…instead of going to the best schools in the world, launching the best product in the world, or doing something […]