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Archive for the Alexis Ren Category




Alexis Ren Erotica of the Day

Alexis Ren Slutty Black Thong Mirror Selfie

Alexis Ren has actually had an influence on society. Not that she’s done anything all that remarkable, she was just the most successful at doing it. Doing what exactly? Getting naked or half naked on the internet in a safe for work way. With some dude old ladies perved on because he had this fit surf look, the kind of thing a weirdo would call a “CHAD”…because the “CHAD’s” Get all the girls…or some shit…

Either way, she’s managed to keep her followers interested in her half nakedness, by continuing the half nakedness…which without the epic travel and adventure has left her just being half naked…a low level tactic by such a well followed person…but a tactic I like.

Why bother with storylines and bullshit….when you can just get half naked…it’s easier and you get all the same social media hits…with less work, costs, etc.

I don’t know why brands would sponsor her, but I know why people jerk off to her…we are perverts….that’s why.

Alexis Ren Showing ASs in Black Thong and White Crop Top

Posted in:Alexis Ren|SFW




Alexis Ren Red Lace Tits of the Day

Alexis Ren Slutty Big Tits in Red Lace Bra and PAnties

Alexis Ren has actually had an influence on society. Not that she’s done anything all that remarkable, she was just the most successful at doing it.

There was a time a few years ago, where her and her boyfriend were getting big brand deals to produce content featuring them doing “epic” things in “epic” places, that weren’t really epic, but that weren’t really being done at the time.

They got featured in the media, they were really all over the place, they went viral. Stories like “the power couple”…or “the dream couple”….where this girl and her great body was really just a prop….but more importantly a prop that wasn’t “Too Hot” for people, it was accessible and it worked…and girls, being the self involved narcissists they are, thought they were as hot and started producing similar bikini life, beach life, photos and now there are 1000 bikini lines, 1000,000,000 bikini models all within the Instagram ecosystem….while this one just puts out whorish contnet…with her bolt on tits…that aren’t as inspiring as they were…but that still exist because people still use instagram and don’t unfollow people…

Alexis Ren Slutty Red Lace Bra and Panties

Posted in:Alexis Ren|SFW




Alexis Ren Bolt On Tits of the Day

Alexis Ren Big Bolt On Tits Green Bikini

Alexis Ren and her bolt on tits, were probably at Coachella, doing Coachella things, likely paid by brands, trying to buy their cool factor on the social media where they struggle to be compelling, but where half naked girls in bikinis remain compelling, with massive audiences, because they are the foreplay to porn..

You scroll that insta feed, half naked bodies sprawled out everywhere, building you up to the “I should go jerk off now”….or “I’ll jerk off when i get home, I can’t do it in the coffee shop, they’ll kick me out like I was those black dudes”…

Because everything is tits and ass…pop porn…with little more to it…like this girl has no substance, besides the substance in her tits, and people are paying her money…it’s nutty…

Alexis Ren Big Bolt On Tits Green Bikini

Posted in:Alexis Ren|SFW




Alexis Ren Naked Again of the Day

“Alexis Ren Naked Again” is the name of my new song…not that I make songs, but I do like to think that if I did, it would be about Alexis Ren being naked again…at least that is what I tell myself while I watch her hold onto her bolt on tits in the water in some rich and luxurious travel destination like they are her life preservers, because they are her life preservers, you can’t sink when you’re packing 1000 CCs of good old rubber in each tit…

She’s the social media star, with the aspirational couple content, who turned slutty as fuck, even if she was always slutty as fuck, because slutty gets more hits than not slutty…

So here she is topless as fuck in her instagram video changing lives and inspiring kids everywhere to follow her lead and jack up their face and bodies to expose themselves for the most instagram hits they can get.

Posted in:Alexis Ren|SFW|Videos




Alexis Ren Getting Wet of the Day

Alexis Ren Wet and Naked in the Shower

Alexis REN is the kind of girl who went viral viral thanks to Instagram and got so much media hype thanks to being all famous, with campaigns for top tier brands like Wrangler Jeans that you may remember the poor kid in your high school in the 80s wearing..unless you were said poor kid…in which case you probably remember being judged when wearing them,…thanks for the memories K-Mart…who paid her 100s of thousands of dollars to just be herself…all thanks to riding some dude who knew how to game instagram and the media hard…

They broke up, she got bolt on tits, and the last year or two of her life involved her trying to navigate being a total slut…with bolt on tits…and she’s finally figuring it out again…you can be slutty without being too trashy…even when you’re trashy…and brands will come back to you because you have 100,000,000 followers…

So this is her taking it down a notch but still being perfectly slutty enough for me….

The only issue with her is that she looks like she has fetal alcohol syndrome…dopey fucking eyes…but no one is perfect really…

Here she is just casually eating…

Posted in:Alexis Ren|SFW




Alexis Ren Bolt Ons of the Day

Alexis Ren Big Fake Tits in Black Bikini on the Beach

Alexis Ren, who is a lot of hype and no that cute, is in some self produced, or maybe this is for an actual company or magazine, photoshoot that showcases her not so great face, her solid body, and her even more solid tits, because those fuckers are bolted on so hard…in an era where life is about the injections of fillers, not the actual implantation of a sac of fluid…both totally insane, but that’s the world we live in people…

Everyone you see is a fabrication, an instagram filter, who has the pressure of living that lie in real life, like this one who is famous for being a hot ass accessory to some homosexual dude who would pose and do bro shit, and who made a lot of money doing it…but where’s a ho to go from there…you know peaking at 19 as a the accessory…forced to continue her hustle, that I am sure is hardly a hustle at all…but that involves a lot of half nakedness…and bikini pics…because that’s her niche…

Posted in:Alexis Ren|SFW




Alexis Ren Needs to Chill of the Day

Alexis Ren is out of control, but not as out of control as other YOUTUBERS who made all the YOUTUBE MONEY and then had it taken away forcing them to shoot up the Youtube head office with the least amount of effectiveness in any shooting….leave it up to a woman to ruin mass shootings….they need a man to help them plan and project manage..clearly…

That said, this Youtuber, who was the hot pussy in some dude who pretended to be her boyfriend’s youtubes made real fucking money, we’re talking over a million a year, and instead of doing anything good with it, I mean in the grand scheme of content, elevating the consciousness of humanity, she went straight to clickbait porno shit….

And here’s some of that…

Posted in:Alexis Ren|SFW




Alexis Ren Looks Like Her Mom Drank Too Much When She was in the Womb of the Day

Alexis Ren Shows Ass on the red carpet

If this isn’t adult fetal alcohol syndrome, the adult with fake tit version you’d normally find in the strip club, but that thanks to internet scamming, and face tuning, you find at red carpet events for Sports Illustrated events…


Alexis Ren is a product of going viral, the WILIIAM HUNG, of the bikini model world, never actually being a model, but playing one on instagram, and thus finally becoming one…in a fake it til you make it situation.

She’s known for racy showing off her ass in weird poses that she photoshops the shit out out, literally and figuratively, and she’s now faced with showing up to places in real life to show the world that her feed is all a lie, but what she lacks in her retard looking face, she makes up in slutty poses, cuz that body’s pretty good, and that’s what we’re here for, or what she’s here for…you know propelling the WOMAN SPECIES to the next feminist level by reverting to the 80s and 90s offering the world nothing more than her tits / ass….the way it’s meant to be.

Other trash that wasn’t photoshopped, but live a life photoshopped – also at this event…


Kate Upton Mom Gunt


Hailey Clauson Lost 30 Lbs

Raven Lynn – A Tranny I assume

Bianca Balti – NIPPLES

WTF IS THIS – I THink she got lost on the way to her Walmart Cashier Christmas Party….Maybe SI is a Little Too Inclusive..



Posted in:Alexis Ren




Alexis Ren is SI Bolt On Tits Rookie of the Year

Alexis Ren cameltoe

Alexis Ren is the Sports Illustrated Swim Rookie of the year, thanks to being internet famous…

She’s the softcore romance novel pornographer / porn star/ model, who produced content for older ladies with shitty office jobs, in shitty town, just middle of the road fat, jaded, Walmart shoppers with a dream of being more than just tanned by the fluorescent tube lighting – but rather that they would get to travel the world …but instead were just sitting there doing data entry but taking breaks to check in on instagram or facebook or youtube to see what the other people are doing, you know other people who are young, in long, rich, hot, fit, traveling to luxurious paradise locations these women only dream of going….

It was some aspirational shit, then girl got bold on tits, and got recruited for SI, legitimizing her as more than just a prop some dude used to give masturabtion material to old ladies in their soiled bathtub in their run down house at night…a place they can have the orgasm their fat husband who watches football all day doesn’t give them…the fantasy.

Making moves, thanks to SI trying to stay young and relevant using young and seemingly relevant half naked girls.


More Rookie pics of Alexis Bolt On Ren

Some other SI Rookies

Posted in:Alexis Ren|SFW




Alexis Ren Got Them Titties on of the Day

Alexis Ren Big Fake Tits in gold bikini for SI

Alexis Ren’s bolt on titties for Sports Illustrated trying to stay relevant of the day – was the alternate title.

For anyone who has been a jaded observer of girls getting half naked on the internet, you will know that Sports Illustrated, with Victoria’s Secret were probably the most influential outlets to find and cultivate and spew titty models down our throats. They would do the dirty work of auditioning them, and recruiting them, and building them up in content that us idiots would jerk off to or stare at….they made many fucking stars…

But then instagram happened, and people like Alexis Ren were able to trick the algorithm, making their own fame in shoots that were of the same caliber as both those outlets who once decided who would be mainstream titty models on not…making Sports Illustrated obsolete…why bother waiting for shoots we see girls producing every fucking day…no hype in that…and I guess recruiting Ren for their magazine, is an attempt, like using Ashley Graham, is an attempt to piggy back off their followings on social media…and stay relevant…in what I’d say is too little too late….the word doesn’t need a bikini magazine issue once a year around super bowl…we have that shit daily from so many chicks, known and unknown…but keep on the scrambling, I mean there’s big ad dollars behind this so they can keep it going…I just find it pretty fucking boring.

here’s her 2016 casting call that I guess led to her 2017 shoot and her 2018 slutty bikini shoot with the bolt on tits…

Posted in:Alexis Ren