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Archive for the Genevieve Morton Category




Genevieve Morton Doing Bikini Instagram of the Day

Here is fat Sports Illustrated model Genevieve Morton – who no one really gets why she’s a Sports Illustrated model based on her lack of fitness…but who we assume was fucking an athlete early on in her career that allowed for his team to pitch her to Sports Illustrated, only to be used yearly ever since, because Sports Illustrated is loyal to their tricks, and because they felt sorry she never got any actual work. At least that’s what I assume.

I always saw her as the Kate Upton who never was, mainly because she’s an immigrant. I always wanted to see her and kate Upton have an food eating contest, because I am weird. I don’t care about her moving to LA to get famous…but I’ll post her lesson in angles…it’s like look at these big tits…they distract from everything else….

Keep on tryin’ trick.

Posted in:Genevieve Morton




Genevieve Morton Titties be Peddling of the Day

Look a suntan lotion paid Genevieve Morton to post a picture of her sloppy body and huge tits that distract from her average at best Miss Piggy face…up on some low grade Kate Upton hustle, hoping that at 29, her career will turn around enough to land an old as fuck dude with a lot of money, so that she doesn’t need to exploit herself, or really humiliate herself like this…

I mean could her cash grab be any more obvious…posing with product placement, not even trying to be subtle…

You know the brand probably paid her 10,000 dollars for this…maybe even more…totally undeserving, backwards and a reminder that our world is a very confused place….proven in the fact that this Slave Owning South African…has any fans…all because a magazine featured her in a bikini a few times…which is world changing talent…in the event you didn’t know…

Posted in:Genevieve Morton




Genevieve Morton Hosts Vegas Pool Parties of the Day

Genevieve Morton is some fat Sports Illustrated model people get mad at me for calling fat…even though she is fat…I mean even she knows she’s fat…otherwise she’d wear a two piece and her gut that’s hanging out wouldn’t be there….

She reminds me of Miss Piggy. A South African Miss Piggy, who like all other White South African’s is really nice to black people. You know, the kind of girl raised with good morals and values when it comes to slavery…

She’s on some “Get famous now or never” kick and she’s done one or two campaigns, which is more than she’s ever done before. She’s hosting pool parties in vegas and she looks like sloppy shit doing it…but people seem to like her massive tits, without realizing she’s got a massive everything else…

She’s the worst.


Posted in:Genevieve Morton




Genevieve Morton is Turning Up the Heat of the Day

Genevieve Morton makes me laugh.

I get that guys think she’s awesome because they read Sports Illustrated and Sports Illustrated told them to. I get that she’s a better looking version of Kate Upton, which isn’t really saying much…other than fat blonde
chicks can get famous. I get that she might be coming to terms with her fleeting celebrity, you know it’s barely fucking there so she might as well push it as hard as she can. In doing that she’s posted and released her nipples in at least 2-3 photoshoots the last month. It’s like after a decade of this shit, she’s finally committed to making it work…and I guess I support it, only because I like desperation. I also like gold diggers and opportunists…who are just trying to get by using their tits…

Her dream is to be a comedic actress in movies…my dream for her is to watch her eat her way out of an all you can eat buffet…

Here are some instagram pics of her reaching for attention – tits get hits – let’s hope this time around it sticks – kind of shit…

The formula…so easy.

Posted in:Genevieve Morton




Genevieve Morton Nipples of the Day

Genevieve Morton is one of those fat overrated models who should never have been in Sports Illustrated Swimsuit, but for some reason, she managed to scam her way in.

She’s not hot, she’s dumpy as fuck, and I guess that her level of low level fame proves that Sports Illustrated Swimsuit can only make one fat blonde model famous at a time.

I’ve heard she’s moved to LA, that she’s trying to get in movies, and I guess she’s broken down enough, laying in bed crying about how Kate Upton beat her at her own game, and now is vindictive and on the attack…and attack she takes seriously…because she’s finally showing nipples, getting naked, never too late, even when it’s too late to hooker.

I like to think this rivalry would have been better won in a food eating contest…but maybe I am just too logical a thinker for these fat girls who think they are hot…

What I am not against is nipples…

Posted in:Genevieve Morton




Genevieve Morton in Lingerie of the Day

The scam is working! People are finally hiring her for work. Now I don’t know how much they are paying her, or if they are paying her, maybe she’s just doing it for free food, because based on her body, I am going to assume she likes food…a lot…maybe even too much…


THis week, more lingerie, like how did this happen…it was only 3 weeks ago when people would say “Who the fuck is Genevieve Morton you keep calling fat and useless”…and I’d say…”Some opportunist gold digger who scammed her way into Sports Illustrated because they needed a South African girl because that’s a strong market for them, but who never was able to get a job or relevance like Kate Upton despite all the press they got her, and despite her huge tits”…and then they would say “why do you know this, you’re a fucking loser, you shouldn’t know about useless people and their life stories unless you are fucking them”…and I agree.

Here’s her lingerie shoot…

Posted in:Genevieve Morton




Genevieve Morton’s Lazy Workout Video of the Day

I don’t like Genevieve Morton’s look at all. I think she’s dumpy, fat, uninteresting…the bootleg, South African Kate Upton, that’s Sports Illustrated loves, but that makes me think Sports Illustrated is lazy, because there are way better looking South Africans, this one’s a sloppy fail….

I have heard that she’s a gold digger, opportunist, who moved to America and leverages her Sports Illustrated resume to fuck or at least suck off big Producers in hopes of getting an acting job. I don’t know if that’s fact, I would take her more as the girl who would be at the all you can eat buffet, stalking up….

As far as I’m concerned, her best move would be to post videos of her and Kate Upton competitive eating, because it would be appropriate for people like me, who can see past the big tits and see dumpy….

But instead she made fitness videos and even gave herself a Hashtag #genevievemortonfitness. Following the trend all the other models are doing….only hard to take seriously because her workout of choice is as lazy as her body looks…

At least she Made Up For It With THis Nipple on Instagram Rebellion…

So apparently she booked her first modelling job ever. I always assumed the only job she would book is the pig in a pig wrestling match…but I’m an asshole…

Posted in:Genevieve Morton




Sports Illustrated Does the Monster Mash of the Day

Here are two trolls who you know as Genevieve Morton and Kate Upton, who I am going to assume must have fucked their way to the pages of Sports Illustrated to fool some decision maker along the way that big tits are good enough to get a bitch in a magazine since the readership of Sports Illustrated are middle american hicks who just like tits, and who are used to staring at their inbred obese wife’s moustache every night eating casserole…

These two troll bitches…lucked out, and they know it, that’s why they are posing together in this picture knowing they have no business being swimsuit models, but that they are just filling some fat chick quota needed to keep the average man readership locked down…


Posted in:Genevieve Morton|Kate Upton




Genevieve Morton – Plus Size Model – in “Thinning” Swimsuits of the Day

America is so blinded by fat, because all their women are obese, one comes a long pushing 160, and they get all excited because there’s a little hip to waist ratio, something they aren’t used to as the girls they fuck normally have bellies hanging over their elastic waist plus sized pants…

While South Africa likes their white bitches thick, because they are black…but more importantly, it’s still a sign of money and not dying of AIDS…

So I get why Genevieve Morton is a model at home…but I don’t really get why she’s all up in SI, I mean other than keeping the critics of the girls they shoot at bay, saying “what do you mean we only do anorexic girls with fit bodies and fat tits, look at Upton and Morton…or as we like to call them in the office the TONS because that’s how much their combined weight is in both food they consume and standing on a scale holding hands like a bunch of fat fucking lesbians.”….

Here she is posing in bathing suits made for fat chicks, called Miracle probably by a division at SI, called the Miracle Suit…all full of SPANX and she looks more fit than usual..but she’s still plus sized modelling which is only hot at 3 am while too drunk to have standards…

Posted in:Genevieve Morton




Genevieve Morton is Fat of the Day

There is a terribly sad trend going on in bikini models – they are all eating too much salt, or just eating too much…

This Genevieve Morton chick probably got cast by this company who booked her from her hot pics of yesteryear…before Kate Upton told her it’s ok to be plus sized…because dudes who buy magazines are into fat chicks…cuz they are married to even fatter chicks…comparatively…these are babes……not knowing they were getting a pig…only to get a big old pig…unable to re-schedule because budget was spent..they just went with it…despite what they actually wanted.

Call me old school, but I like my bikini models to be fit…I don’t think there is anything wrong with getting a girl who does her squats in a bikini and paying her…but I do think there’s a whole lot wrong with getting a girl who looks like she ate her weighted squat weight in donuts…in a bikini…

The funny thing in all this is that she’s gonna be in SI Swimsuit this year. High Standards yo…

Someone needs to give me a magazine, where I will recruit actual fucking babes…not girls who played Babe pig in the City in their church Christmas pageant…while eating a plate of pork products…seriously.

Posted in:Genevieve Morton