You’ve probably all heard the updates on this story. Ledger didn’t die of the AIDS he got on the set of Brokeback Mountain and he didn’t kill himself because he couldn’t live with himself for having had sex with Lohan or because of his ex Michelle Williams who got knocked up by him and locked him down by keeping the baby. He died by accidentally taking too many over the counter sleeping pills and it was rumored to have happened in Mary Kate Olsen’s New York apartment, but that was later proven to be a lie.
I don’t know why I am putting up the pictures of the body being taken out because it’s pretty fucking depressing to look at and almost as morbid as you can get, but let’s just hope dude staged this death like he was Elvis and is moving to that mystical island celebrities who “die” prematurely go to so that he can finally live his dream of producing a Biggy and Tupac album with Andy Kaufman or some shit.
Even though lots of people die before they turn 28, shit’s still too young and it’s too bad that Hollywood drags these kids through the mud forcing them to live these lives of drug and alcohol fueled excess, but we all know if any of us were in their situations, with their level of disposable income and free time, we probably would have died a long fucking time ago. That said, here’s one more Rest in Peace Mate.
That said, I don’t judge and know pretty much nothing about this dude, I just think the whole things too bad and to celebrate dude’s life, I am going go watch some Kangaroo mating videos, but between you and me, I was planning on doing that anyway.

Here are some pictures of Lohan wearing her black tights and showing how sad she is that her ex fling died by hanging out with some new cock…..I guess it’s one of those “to get over someone you get under someone else” situations…but then again getting under someone else is kinda Lohan’s life story…..Let’s expect this emotional time to be the excuse Lohan’s been waiting for to go back to the bottle because she’s already milked her parent’s divorce as much as she’s milked every cock she’s come across.

Update – Fine, I take it back, here’s Lohan sad on the phone since Ledger died or she’s on the phone with her agent and he just told her to act sad because it’s good for business or she just found out she spent all her money and can’t afford designer leggings or she just realized that all the herpes rumors are true or she just realized that she has a yeast infection and can’t fuck for a week or…I don’t fuckin’ know….she look sad.

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