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Archive for the Instagram Babe Category




Mathilde is the Instagram Of The Day

Mathilde Tantot is a French from France / Persian instagram model who I think has been showing off her hot ass body since early instagram influencer-ing. She has almost 9 million followers, most are likely perverts waiting around for their next ass clickbait….

She has a sister named Pauline Tantot who is on the same strategic hustle as her, with over 5 million followers waiting for their next hot half naked ass picture.

They clearly make serious fucking money with their softcore content, they seem to live a life of luxury, with horses and ski vacations. They run their own clothing companies and really managed to properly execute shameless self produced half naked content.

She’s got an OnlyFans because obviously she has an OnlyFans, these girls make upwards of 1 million dollars a month off that shit, you’d have to be an idiot to not have an OnlyFans when you have a body that has generated millions of followers. There are clearly paying customers waiting to be swindled into SEXTING an AI robot version of you, so might as well scam them for all you fucking can, it’s not your fault they are desperate losers who don’t understand they aren’t sexting the actual model but rather a team of sexting experts based at an offshore call center.

Point of the story, scamming desperate dudes is good for fucking business…and it’s easier when you’re built like a TANTOT….

Image Credit – Instagram

Posted in:Instagram Babe




Noelle Leyva is the Instagram Of The Day

Social media is life, so it’s time to start showcasing the social media stars who may be virtually unknown and anonymous, in part because of how aggressive the AI filter and photoshop is, but also because everyone’s and influencer and no one actually keeps track of any of them on the same level they do with actual celebs, even though the social media star is arguably more interesting and less coddled than an actual celeb, despite likely being self involved narcissists….but they had to push to get seen, or buy fake followers to get seen and now they are all fighting to be seen more or harder than the next guy!

So here is a social media babe being hot with the hot content – her name is Noelle Leyva

Image Credit – Instagram

Posted in:Instagram Babe




GIADA is the Instagram Of The Day

Hollywood celebrity is dead.

The story of the small town hot chicks running away from their seemingly arranged marriage to their high school sweetheart by hopping on a bus to achieve bigger dreams, only to end up turning tricks in some budget motel to survive when arriving to Hollywood, but occasionally breaking through and getting a Soap Opera job, or an Extra job, or if they are lucky a meeting with a Weinstein-like producer that allows her to level up and get closer to those dreams….is no longer relevant.

Social media runs the world.

The eyeballs are on the influencer, the creator, the model and the self starter who produces and uploads that content, seducing and engaging their audience, captivating us with their hot pics…brands throw money at them, perverts throw money at them, and even Hollywood recruits them when they are relevant enough.

That means showcasing these people most of us have never heard of and digging through the 100s of 1000s of hot chicks and even average at best chicks, producing their hottest pics, through professional shoots, AI, Filters and Fillers all in efforts to get seen, noticed and to live their dream life of vapidness….is the future of the site but more importantly the now of the site….

So here’s GIADA

Image Credit – Instagram

Posted in:Instagram Babe




Eleonora Incardona is the Instagram Of The Day

This instagram chick is named Eleonora….She appears to be a 33 year old “influencer”, which means her entire existence is being the annoying friend on the internet telling you to consume shit you don’t need for either a payday or a commission…and it’s all so sad.

I don’t think we like friends in real life who either brag about all the stuff they do, all the stuff they have, or their judgemental tone when they find out you buy your clothes at the Walmart….because the second hand store is considered cool now and they don’t judge you for upcycling women’s panties into face masks and hybrid panty t-shirts….

The point is, being an influencer or at least referring to yourself as one is like saying “I’m the popular girl”….or “I’m the prettiest” and I rarely believe people saying it believe it, but rather just say it because the more they say it, the more WE will believe it, then maybe they’ll believe it too…but they’ll fucking fake it for all the free trips and products and money they get….and you probably would too. It’s a fucking scam, on some telemarketing stealing your banking info level, but nicer to look at…

The good news, slutty content, the bad news….influencer face.

Image Credit – Instagram

Posted in:Instagram Babe




Vanessa D’acquisto is the Instagram Of The Day

Vanessa, who’s instagram handle is Yelenda, which makes me think she used to work under some kind of stage name like a stripper, has that instagram model look you’ve all been so conditioned by.

She looks like one of the many girls getting cosmetic procedures despite probably being decent enough looking at the start of her internet content career, because all these women are desparados trying to be the hottest they can be, not actually feeling the hottest they can be, so trying extra hard to be the hottest they can be, and it’s all so insecure and sad.

She refers to herself as a Satanic Girl, and I’d agree, that this social media shit is Satanic, cuz people who have found god would come across as less lost I’m sure….and clearly Zuckerberg or the Kardashians are agents of satan profitting off this sadness1

But she’s got tits…and that’s what matters because I’m not a therapist and I don’t care what the motivation is for posting the tits, or jacking up the face for when you post the tits, keep that shit to your sad self…

Image Credit – Instagram

Posted in:Instagram Babe




Sarah Houchens is the Instagram Of The Day

The great thing about the internet is that all these girls are trying to get famous, which means you can end up in a park, at a grocery store, at a kid’s birthday party at a McDonalds and see a group of women with their pants bulled up inside them like a butt plug, trying to get the picture for social media, too busy to notice you masturbating to them as the create their content….

That’s about the only great thing about the internet…the porned up normies who don’t know how to handle themselves in the world…

I am not saying that this girl is a product of the whole weirdness or pornographic internet but she’s half naked and taking these kinds of pics, to be an empowered enough women to appreciate you sexualizing her, the way nature intended…and that’s the great thing about the internet.

Image Credit – Instagram

Posted in:Instagram Babe




Giulia Ottorini is the Instagram Of The Day

Since the girls of the internet want to get noticed, you should do your part in attempting to notice them.

There’s an endless stream of girls trying to get noticed on the internet, they all blend into each other, and that’s not always a bad thing because it raises the stakes higher and higher in order for them to get noticed….

So do you part and spend all your time scrolling through the endless sea of content to find the ones you like, you are a modern day Christopher Columbus and this is your NEW WORLD discovery….only it will probably cost you a lot of money and you’ll get nothing out of it…but that’s ok, you’re a loser and used to that outcome to your efforts….

Image Credit – Instagram

Posted in:Instagram Babe




Sara Rosa Sfamurri is the Instagram Of The Day

Sara Rosa Sfamurri is some exclusive content vendor of the internet with a hard face and even harder titties….that she likes to show off for her exclusive content that she sells and the whole thing would be more exciting with more holes…like buttholes…but you know, when positioned the way she’s positioned in terms of her business model, that is only something that happens with the right amount of money because she’s a product and we’re the consumer…this is the infomercial, the magazine ad, the couple booklet all designed to get you in the fucking store that is her monthly subscription fee.

Is she worth it, I mean some people may think she is, I’m not really one of those people, since porn is free on the intrnet and less scammy even with all the spam.’

Image Credit – Instagram

Posted in:Instagram Babe




Shawteemay is the Instagram Of The Day

You kinda know when to expect when they name themselves “Shawtee”….like “shorty”…..a Kardashian ethnically ambiguous set of big round tits and a fat ass that is likely build off the belly fat sucked out of her and transplanted in her ass.

I’m not saying that Shawtee is a whore, I’d never imply such a thing, but she kinda is.

I find this look scary, but so many girls have this look so it must matter, or convert into dollars in some capacity, you know just keeping it classy and contributing to society with her art…and inspiration!

Image Credit – Instagram

Posted in:Instagram Babe




Bibi Pospiech is the Instagram Of The Day

I just posted a post on social media influencer who may be super influential, or just faking it because this is a fake world where everyone wants to feel like they are famous or important.

I don’t think this Bibi Pospiech is all that different….because these people produce the same content, they all look and dress the same, are they human or are they AI, are the human or are the Sex Bots, are they Human or are the Sex Workers….I know they call themselves influencers and want everyone to know it, but are they actually influencers ore are they just fake spam account followed big tits looking to get free drinks from dumb bros….

I’m not sayinng Bibi’s any of those things, but I’m just categorizing her with all the other girls who give being a hot half naked big cleavage girl who looks like this a bad name in their desperation in their social content.

Bibi could be and probably is a lovely creature sent from Instagram Heaven and we appreciate her for that!

Posted in:Instagram Babe