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Archive for the Jessica Simpson Category




Thanks to Ozempic, Jessica Simpson is Modeling her Wares of the Day

Jessica Simpson is apparently heading back to the studio because her gay manager father has been seeing all that Taylor Swift has accomplished and it’s making him mad, because she clearly ripped off her hustle from Jessica Simpson and succeeded.

However, Jessica Simpson, despite not being a billionaire from her music career, she has leveraged that music career in order to secure a billion dollar direct to consumer fast fashion brand that kills the environment but that lets girls on a budget dress cute.

With the money from the clothing company coming in, why bother touring or doing that whole thing, she’s got a family and it’s work…but seeing Taylor break that billion dollar mark made ALL the old timers, except Britney who is probably dead, climb out of their crypts to take a stab at it.

So girl took all the Ozempic she could, leaned up, figured she can do some brand work for her brand while she’s feeling fuckable…why not double dip…

Anyway, short shorts on a chair on the beach because she’s old, lazy and has the mindset of a Texas obese woman on a scooter in Walmart buying Jessica Simpson XXXL shirts….knees all blown out…gotta take a breather.

Posted in:Jessica Simpson




Granny Jessica Simpson Has Found Her Tit of the Day

We have all known that old lady Jessica Simpson has had fat tits since she got her start as the original Taylor Swift.

The Country Popstar turned Billionaire who has gone through her own fair share of pro athletes with those tits….which is why I called her the original Taylor Swift.

She’s also been a victim to being a girl prone to having big tits, because like so many big titty girls before her, her gunt caught up with the big tits.

Then Weight Watchers (Wednesday) had a 1,000,000 dollar contract with her and she dropped the weight because that’s what 1,000,000 dollar deals will do to someone, even a billionaire.

Anyways, Granny Simpson has been using her social media a little more than she used to, I guess they’ve realized that selling at K-Mart is fine and all, the brand’s done well, but the people want Instagram content.

In her approach to instagram, she’s been using her big tits as part of the marketing hustle, which is the foundation of Instagram marketing.

So someone who has always had big tits but never had to pay up the big tits realizes that she’s got the big tits and is now playing up the big tits, maybe because she’s old and has to rely on all she has available in her menopausal years…..or maybe because everyone’s a whore…

I’m going with even billionaire popstars in their 40s can be whores…

Posted in:Jessica Simpson




Jessica Simpson Wears Bras Under Wife Beaters of the Day

Jessica Simpson has either starved herself out for her million dollar Weight Watcher’s deal, or she’s on the Ozempic hustle that 95 percent of fat people are on because they see it as the miracle pill that makes you lose weight, which to many a lazy overeaters is the dream pill, even if it comes with insane side effects, even if it makes you shit out your eyeballs, at least you’ll be less fat….

Either way, she’s not fat, her tits still fat, the face fucking weird, but she’s 45 and you’d expect that with her line of celebrity work thanks to all the filters and fillers made available.

Anyway the billionaire half retard who was early to the direct to consumer, shitty products for shitty people that the celebrities don’t actually respect, but prefer to exploit for their own personal gain by selling them shit they don’t need….is wearing a WIFE BEATER.

You are not allowed to call it a WIFE BEATER because it is triggering to either wives who have been beaten, or losers of the internet who empathize with wives who have been beaten, and decide what is fair or appropriate to expose wives who have been beaten, while not knowing any wives who have been beaten or any wives who have been beaten and are offended by the word wife beater to describe a shit of choice of trailer part wife beaters….because they are fucking bored scumbags.

She is wearing a wife beater, which was a fetish in the 90s, because they are semi-sheer, only SIMPSON has a bra on proving too much coverage of her old saggy tit, no nipples makes wife beaters and the people who like wife beaters sad…

Posted in:Jessica Simpson




Jessica Simpson’s Racy Photoshoot of the Day

A few hours ago the good people at FOOTWEAR NEWS, put out a feature on Jessica Simpson, who we can assume is an icon in the FOOTWEAR world because of her billion dollar clothing empire that existed in a pre-instagram era, making her the original influencer or direct to consumer scammer….

I don’t know if Footwear News is like being on the cover of Vogue, but I am sure it is in some circles of footfetishists…

The good news is that along with looking a bit like a spooky scary vampire, the popstar turned K-Mart brand billionaire is no longer fat and that is a good thing especially at this stage in her woman rot…

Posted in:Jessica Simpson




Jessica Simpson’s Got the Boot Fetish Content of the Day

Jessica Simpson may be expired popstar stock, but she was smart enough to make a K-Mart brand that made her billions, not that she was all that smart based on her reality show everyone would use to make fun of how stupid she was, but her team of people, from her gay dad manager to whoever else were smart enough to know in an era before social media, that the lowest common retard needs cheap clothing, and that celeb endorsement was enough to make them buy her clothing, and she’s fucking rich because of it…

Well, she may be expired, her big pop tits saggy, but she is still out there existing, with her tits out, posing in front of Christian barn doors to drive the point home that you can be Country and Christian while being jerked off to by the straggler last call, hanging around til the end fans out there who still think she’s the greatest chick around.

She’s not as fat as she’s been, I guess she kept off that weight weight watchers paid her millions to keep off, and her hard, masculine, menopausal face may be appealing to some of you fags into Jessica Simpson, while her boot porn is appealing to all you feet fucks that have inspired normal girls to monetize their feet on social media, you heroes.

Posted in:Jessica Simpson




Jessica Simpon’s 43rd Birthday Selfie is Terrifying of the Day

Here’s a picture that Jessica Simpson posted called “43 and Make-Up Free” according her bullshit caption.

It’s going viral because people looking at it see that she’s got lipstick or gloss on, or maybe it’s a face filter, or maybe it’s botox, fillers and photoshop., I don’t fucking know and I don’t fucking care, I just find it scary as shit…

It looks like some medicated psychopath all bug eyed coming to eat my fucking soul and not in a way that would make me cum.

It’s like I could imagine waking up after a car accident only to be held captive by something that looks like this, you know who pulled me out of the wreckage because she’s a big fan of my writing….MISERY shit…

It’s like some horse faced lunatic on meth trying to convince me to buy a blowjob from her….because Jessica Simpson without her big tits, especially at 43 and MAKE-UP free is not a good thing…

Here she is posing slutty, still scary faced, but more tolerable…

Posted in:Jessica Simpson




Jessica Simpson Public Urination of the Day

Jessica Simpson lives, unlike her counterpart Britney Spears, who I like to think they want you to think lives, but is actually institutionalized or dead, either way, I’m not buying it’s her running her social media, and with this Jessica Simpson post, I’m not sure it’s her running her social media either.

Maybe old bitches who had everything set up for them during the internet era, so they never really used technology and are just learning.

So they just don’t really know or understand how social media works, they get oversharing and weird dancing and slutty bikini pics, but they aren’t the kind of celebs who really know how to pretend they are normal, since they never had to be norma….

Or maybe this is exactly the kind of content the internet needs from Jessica Simpson, in this era of dudes with PEE fetishes, it makes sense for her to over-share the peeing for the fetishists…

I mean, knowing her pussy is exposed, piss dripping out of her, all on grass like a farm animal, is probably fucking hot to some people, I mean they’d just crawl under her pee stream and let it warm them up…and by some people, I mean me.

Keep up the pee fetish content girl, next time let us see where it comes out from via a close-up.


Posted in:Jessica Simpson




Jessica Simpson in a Tight Outfit Terrifies Me of the Day

Jessica Simpson is a live, rich and now skinny and she posted the above pic to her story!

I realize that women rot and that Jessica Simpson’s in her 40s, with a few kids, and has struggled with morbid obesity for a while before being paid a lot of money to lose th fucking weight, which I guess she’s kept off, but for whatever reason, whatever is going on with her face and I guess her body is fucking weird!

I am sure she’s still got her signature fat tits, but I can’t imagine how shitty they hang off her like two sacks of shit thanks to her weightloss, you know, lose skin everywhere, just imagine what that does to a mom pussy, but you know as a fat hater, I should endorse the skeleton version of her, you know we prefer the anorexics being too weak to run from our romantic advances to the fat fucks too lazy or out of shape to run from our romantic advances, so this should be a fucking celebration, but there’s something in her fucking eyes or maybe that weird fucking lumpy ass titty that’s confusing me!

She is still Jessica Simpson, billionaire fast fashion scamming the normies after a career as a popstar thanks to her gay dad’s hustle for the money so he could buy ALL the cock!

Posted in:Jessica Simpson




Jessica Simpson Onsie of the Day

Jessica Simpson’s still in her “skinny” phase of being a 40 year old mom, which is a better version of the billionaire popstar…because fat is disgusting and all it took this one was a million or multi-million dollar weight watchers deal to get her to put in the work…not that she needed the money..

She made it with her first career as a popstar, but then made it with a shitty clothing brand sold at K-Mart or some other middle of the road dog shit store for fat and lazy American trash women trying to look their best on a budget…

This was before idiots of the instagram were launching billion dollar brands…so despite being off the radar for years as a popstar, she’s still an influencer and earner…..which is amazing because I remember how dumb she was on her reality show, but then again she could play it up, these people have “TEAMS” that do all the work for them…even Youtubers have “TEAMS” as they pretend to be authentic celebs because google pays them shit tons of money…

All this to say, fat or not, dumb or not, Jessica Simpson, the Hailey Bieber of her generation, because she was the third tier on the popstar ladder, behind Britney and Christina, which is like how Hailey Beiber is to Jenners and Hadids….still seems to have tits…..Holiday Themed tits…with her pants around her knees they way you’d want them to be, only with less holiday themed pyjamas to ruin our dreams of seeing how her mom pussy hangs….which is probably her doing us all a favor…..but I like to see how long mom pussies hang….so not a favor to me…


Posted in:Jessica Simpson




Jessica Simpson Got Skinny of the Day

Jessica Simpson Skinny

Jessica Simpson may be old as shit, she may be the third tier of the pop stars of her generation, she may have 3 too many kids, as she rolls into her 40s….but she’s a billionaire from selling made in China clothing to poor people via Walmart and that has made her billions of dollars…..more importantly, despite being 100 pounds overweight for the majority of her 30s, except when Weight Watchers step in and offer her 1,000,000 dollars to lose the weight, but she has maintained her big tits throughout the highs and lows of her rich as shit life…

She not fat right now….for now…but she’s also not uncrossing her legs in slow motion, so what’s the fucking point…

There is no point…

That’s the point.


Posted in:Jessica Simpson