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Archive for the Kylie Jenner Category




Kylie Jenner the Transition is Complete of the Day


Kylie Jenner, like her father, has gone through the transition of becoming Kim Kardashian…despite being white…not that you’d ever know that because of her color, and her body shape that was created in a lab in their basement, jacking up her face, sucking fat out of her non-athletic stomach and injected into her ass – so that she can be the video vixen her family wants her to be…

The rumor is that she has a sex tape, which would be the actual full circle, coming to completion, hatching of the devil….and in the meantime….she’s posting weird troll erotica…because this family is the fucking worst – as you already know…but trying to figure out a 19 year old that looks like this is always funny, especially because all of her followers do bootleg versions of her facial injections and look like fucking clowns – that we can experience every time we leave our house!


Posted in:Kylie Jenner|SFW




Kylie Jenner’s Got a Wall Calendar of the Day


Yes…A wall calendar….

I like to refer to Kylie Jenner an the Kylie Jenner experiment, because she seems like the final thing, I mean other than used condoms (as if she uses condoms) that Bruce Jenner shat out of her pussy hole….where she was cultivated in the test tube that was Kris Jenner’s uterus….probably while in her mid to late 40s as one last way to cash in on her stage parenting…despite the health risks that would happen birthing at that age…creating what looks like some novelty item, maybe a sex toy, a doughy marshmallow filled circus freak in a onesie or leggings…or other trendy fashion items because she is materialistic…she represents all things money grubbing, mall brand, consumerism, garbage…and her ethnicity is massively obscure looking….is she orange, white, black…who fucking knows…but they did a real number on her in the basement BOTOX clinic the family houses in one of their 5,000,000 dollar homes…TERRIFYING…

Is she human, barely. Can she sell nonsense, definitely…..kids looking up to her, terrifying, she’s just some doughy faced muppet…living the vapid garbage empty existence…where her dead eyes dance in a boomerang video on instagram….getting paid…as some half retard leader to a group of full retards…but in reality retards actual retards have more to offer….than these “buy skinny tea from a fat chick in spandex” idiots…

So she’s decided to push the limits of her capabilities as a Glamour model, and is selling Calendars, none of the profits go to charity, or do any good, they just buy her a new Rolls Royce and her mom gets her 50% for orchestrating it…and it’s actually the one thing she’s done that makes sense, because she’s so bootleg, ghetto, vile, disgusting, you’d think, despite all her instagram fans, that they couldn’t afford computers or smart phones, they sold them for crack and were like “what day is it, I need to track my welfare check”…or maybe they use it to track their periods that are few and far between so that they don’t get knocked up when turning bareback tricks…

Who the fuck wants, uses, needs a wall calendar…mechanics? Is Kylie big in the mechanic world…these cunts sell anything…

What fucking trash….

Here’s an instagram pic to reaffirm how vile she is…


Posted in:Kylie Jenner|SFW




Kylie Jenner Dressed Like Christina Aguilera for her 35th Birthday of the Day

Kylie Jenner was invited to be some kind of puppet at Christina Aguilera’s 35th birthday, because Kylie and X-Tina are homies who probably do drugs in their Calabasas homes together, or maybe they just have casual movie night, maybe they are neighbors, and BFFs because all these people are vapid, too rich for their own good, garbage that I think should be the first to die in the nuclear holocaust….but I never get what I want…so they keep on fucking winning…while polluting the fucking world….

It is super weird when someone shows up to your birthday – dressed like you…but all these narcissists – self involved – they all love likes and following…relevance and are addicted to it…because that’s all they know..

Either way…weird…



Posted in:Kylie Jenner|SFW




Kylie Jenner’s Bikini Photoshoot of the Day


Mutant 18 year old Kylie Jenner and her body that was built in their creepy family plastic surgery basement….where they take body parts from random dead animals and ex boyfriends these women burn through – and staple it to their faces so that they look like instagram filters because that’s how they sell protein powder….and other bullshit that they make too much money off – because the world is ridiculous and love fucking followers…

If you’re more interested in the skinny Jenner – who has less weird mutant plastic surgery…but still has work done and is the worst fucking human ever…

Posted in:Kylie Jenner|SFW




Kylie Jenner is So Fucking Sketchy of the Day


What better way to start the Art Basel week’s celebration, where every basic internet bitch and her sugar daddy flock to the mean streets of Miami beach, to wait in line to get into useless parties that don’t matter, but that give them something to do – because that’s what life on the internet – with a social media account is about…being in the fucking scene along with 1000s of other people who are in the fucking scene…

Then to post some pictures of Kylie Jenner, who was at Art Basel Last year, because her body is a fucking art project coordinated by some plastic surgeon somewhere, who has figure out how to suck out all her stomach fat, and inject it in her 18 year old ass, all while managing to mangle the fuck out of her face, so that she doesn’t need to use facetune when photoshopping herself for important pictures of flat stomach teas, or this CELLULITE cream…cuz bitch is a fat fuck who sells bullshit gimmick snake-oil to her retard fans….probably the root of all fucking evil in the world…and in her defence, she’s actually the victim because her mom and sister abused her into this…

THERE will be a retaliation – there will be blood….it’s just a matter of time as to when that goes down..

Here’s a video of the weirdness…

A video posted by Kylie (@kyliejenner) on

Posted in:Kylie Jenner|SFW




Kylie Jenner Hard Nipples of the Day


Kylie Jenner’s friend is some instagram style photographer – and Kylie is just a top level instagram model -or personality – because a model would mean she’s got a tall, lean, model body…as I only consider models to be actual models – and the rest of the girls – who get naked or half naked – who are targeting black dudes who love social media and who are the reason vine existed – with the big fake asses and in Kylie’s case…fake everything else…you know 18 or 19 and already rockin’ a jacked up face and liposuction body – that allows all these girls to skip the instagram filter as they’ve instead purchased it in real life – to follow them everywhere they go…it’s like the real life facetune is shaping and filling and botoxing – and it’s a terrifying concept – it has totally negative effects on young girls who follow these idiots…but at least they are staying current with slutty half naked pics – because despite being vile and disgusting – I still like seeing them naked for attention…all the money in the world doesn’t seem to make them stop fighting for likes. It’s addictive, and far more fun than watching a heroin addiction, except in the Kardashian – kill all men in their life case – because seeing them die off would be a blessing to the world…something we could #blessed all day….

All these instagram pics look the same – but here’s some of her nipples from the shoot she’s been milking like it was the cow that is her, or her sisters…or I guess her dad turned mom…

Posted in:Kylie Jenner|SFW




Kylie Jenner’s Lame Topless Pic for Sexual Predator Tyga of the day


We live in a world where Kylie Jenner topless and riding her sex offender who fucked her at 16 – when he was already a baby daddy – because they are rich but still fucking trash – is a trending topic on social media – because social media is fucking terrible, it is shaping the world and dumbing them down because people fucking love fake news – so much that Mark Zuckerberg has to move in and make statements about fake news – and his fight on fake news – because he is pretending that he isn’t the reason Donald Trump, when Trump himself says that Facebook is the reason he won….yet humans are still using Facebook, while protesting, instead of protesting Facebook for it being the fucking devil…

That said, it’s interesting that this puppet, the youngest in the litter – was thrown out to the black men to babysit her while her dad was becoming a woman and her mom was puppet mastering and cashing in – and if you want to see the puppet master in action HERE’S HER MOM HANDLING KENDALL JENNER and it’s creepy…but not as creepy as hand down pants riding your babysitter weirdness going on here….

Posted in:Kylie Jenner|SFW




Kylie Jenner’s Totally Natural Body of the Day


Kylie Jenner is the blackest white girl ever created for the sake of social media by a family created by social media – who are probably mad at themselves for not running for president because the power of their social media alone is big enough to make it happen…the first immigrant / terrorist / porn star / social media monster with a vagina you’ve all seen – and can google if you want to make sure she’s actually a woman – unlike Hillary….

This is their youngest of that generation – who is also a muppet…at least shaped like a muppet…because she’s had the weirdest fucking surgeries to created this “social media body and face”….which is actually a thing and happening across the globe…all these bitches with their face fillers…it’s so stupid…but give her a break…her dad’s a woman now, her mom only cares about the money she makes the family and her boyfriend just milking her like she was still underage because she’s a cow who needs to be milked…

All fleshy and weird…exsiting….


Posted in:Kylie Jenner|SFW




Kylie Jenner’s Nude Pic of the Day


Kylie Jenner is as bullshit as her father is – when it comes to sex appeal…

She’s a fucking puppet that her mother may have created, but probably had her staff create, in effort to continue selling product to the next generation, in what are the biggest AVON ladies in the world….who sell nonsense direct to consumer using their channels built on social media – due to being rich…..it’s terrifying…not just because kids look up to this, but because this looks like this….

She’s got such bad fillers and body procedures that she looks like a white girl trying to be Kim Kardashian, who she happens to share half her DNA with….it looks like she has meat stapled to her face…and young girls are following her lead…dudes find her and her clown face hot…and here she is naked in paint, her stomach fat sucked out and ass filled in…a monster really…but she exists and thinks she’s important…and in a country of retards who get their news off social media…she probably is…

Here are more of her terrible selfies…

I prefer kendall’s pizza nips…but they are both garbage….


Posted in:Kylie Jenner|SFW




Kylie Jenner Trashy Mutant in Stripper Clothes of the Day


Kylie Jenner…would be interesting or fascinating as a sociological study…if she wasn’t just a vapid, superficial, shallow, pile of plastic surgery that may not be invasive, and that may just be smoke and mirrors, but whatever it is…makes her look like a young Kim Kardashian…even though she’s not Armenian, she’s 100 percent white, she’s just jacked herself up under the management of her evil family to keep the money rolling in. It’s fucking twisted.

I don’t know why this stripper or porn look is hot, I think it’s hilarious that these girls do this to their faces, or get the fat sucked out of their stomach to give them a waist and jacked into their already fat asses…looking like strippers or pornstars that no man I’ve ever known has really liked or thought was hot…other than for being broken….and damaged and probably shitty in bed because of how sexualized they make themselves…..

But for a rich white girl, to make herself look like a light skinned black girl in the sex industry…makes no sense to me….and this happening all over the place…I see it when I leave my house and that is fucking crazy…because it isn’t hot…dude like young innocent girls who look like girls…it’s just silly that this exists…

More importantly, for brands to partner with her – because of her sister or her following, that is really engaged in all she does…is also fucking nuts to me….but it exists..and it…like it’s father…is an it…as these tits in a bra in public aren’t enough for me to acknowledge her having any more sex appeal…that a pile of dog shit, or lard in the dumpster outside the diner.

She’s terrifying. A Monster. Halloween everyday….

I assume this will end in suicide eventually…let’s just hope it’s a murder suicide…take them all down…because you’ve been abused girl…you just don’t realize it…

Posted in:Kylie Jenner|SFW