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Archive for the Lady Gaga Category




Lady Gaga in her Bra Selfie in Bed of the Day

If Lady Gaga was to do pretty much any publicity stunt, from spreading her asshole and shitting on historical objects, to raping herself with religious artifacts, to being fisted by an amputee reading poetry….no one would fucking care…

The only stunt she really could pull off that would get noticed, is public suicide. Unfortunately, she loves herself too much to do that, but we can hope with a little convincing that it’s her only option, and I guess we will have to wait until she gets real fucking desperate to make that happen…you know when fame really dries up and she’s got no where to turn as all her stunts will have been done and forgotten. So there is hope that we all out life her…

But for some reason, I am compelled to post her bra selfie, because this is the selfie generation and the most normal behavior I’ve seen out of her…and if that’s not relevant news that should beat out all the fucked up things in the world, I don’t know what is.


Posted in:Lady Gaga




Lady Gaga Naked in Some Huge Budget Music Video of the Day

I don’t know what “artistic” message Lady Gaga is trying to get across, because I didn’t watch her shit on Hearst Castle like William Randolph Hearst probably would have wanted his Castle treated 100 years after his death.

I just know 9 million people watched this insanely high budget garbage….that involves her naked and half naked…in what I would totally fuck if I could replace her face with one of a girl…and not some weak chinned freak….

I don’t know…this Lady Gaga shit is not making enough record sales to justify this kind of video, but I guess she’s not gonna let herself die the way we all expected her to die by now…but rather…she’s going to hump the air and roll around naked…

Posted in:Lady Gaga




Lady Gaga Gets Puked on at SXSW of the Day

I feel like Lady Gaga got this idea from every time anyone had sex with her pretty much ever…you know some people get cummed on as the fishing moves, some girls squirt, in Gaga’s case…it always ends in being puked on. Not because she’s a puke fetishist, but because she’s disgusting looking…

That said, this is some real reaching…it’s like this bitch has done everything for attention…ever cry for attention possible..the only thing left for her to shock and awe..or shock and confuse…or just bore…but still get our attention like the annoying kid in the group poking his own eyes out to get noticed…if you know what I mean…and if you don’t…it’s like we’ll look cuz it’s there, but it doesn’t impress, make a statement or make us fucking care, you useless vile human who rips off people for her Charity…

She’s garbage, been used to make money and it is safe to say, ready to be disposed of…and not just because she’s ugly, I mean she’s already ugly, it’s because she’s just not relevant…and her act is played out bullshit…

That said, I’d totally watch her porn.

Posted in:Lady Gaga




Lady Gaga Erotica is not Erotic for Harper’s Bazaar of the Day

I realize that there is nothing erotic about anything Lady Gaga does…even if she was masturbating on stage or in video with a Victoria’s Secret model, the Lady Gaga factor in the room would kinda ruin it all…she’s just got this face that scares the fuck out of me…but not enough to not grab her ass one night when drunk before she was really famous…and back then, around 5 years ago, her ass, despite her face was fucking firm and amazing…but it didn’t turn me on, but then again I am impotent and not much gets me hard these days…I blame the hormones in the food…or maybe the male hormones in Gaga.

Posted in:Lady Gaga




More From Lady Gaga’s Weird Nude Shoot of the Day

Photographer JEFF KOONS had the misfortunate experience of having the stare and deal with a nude Lady Gaga, and attempt to make her look appealing, by hiding her fucking face and focusing on her fit dancing monkey ass…and I can only assume the whole room smelled like death radiating from the depths of her soul through her vagina…cuz that’s what happens when the devil takes over your body…

He released some of the outtakes, because why not milk it when you can, he probably made a lot of money cuz of the album cover and booked lots of jobs, she’s a big deal especially when naked…I just think we should celebrate his hard work in putting himself on the front lines like that…it couldn’t have been a good experience…like a pulitzer prize winning war photographer…but with more gore….

Posted in:Lady Gaga




Lady Gaga and R-Kelly Behind the Scenes Picture of the Day

Terry Richardson is directing the R-Kelly and Lady Gaga video and he posted a behind the scenes picture of them in a white studio, Gaga in lingerie on all fours while Kelly pretty much overpower her…remaining me of every time Gaga went to the gay bathhouse back when she had a dick…

It’s not very controversial, it’s more like 3 people who are out of ideas coming together saying “anything we do will get watched, let’s just do what’s easy and what we don’t have to leave the studio for, I want to be done in an hour, I have naps to take”….

But I guess you can always imagine she’s about to get peed on, progressing in her artistic direction, into a place she should be…a place we call the “Kim Kardashian Urinal”…black guy peeing on overly famous for nothing white enough girls…

Who cares.

Posted in:Lady Gaga




Lady Gaga Naked Performance Art of the Day

Lady Gaga is out of control…or at least wants you to think she’s out of control, while she’s on some quest to go as high impact as possible so people notice her, even though she’s got herself some level of talent that got her to this level of fame in the first place, she figures she might as well just throw all that out the fucking window and do stupidities to turn herself into a fucking clown…which works for me when her clown performance involves her being tied up and hung from the ceiling naked…because any naked performance art that involves any girl tied the fuck up like a roast while naked…even when it involves garbage like Gaga…is worth looking at…even if her hanging from the rafters from a noose is probably better for society..

Posted in:Lady Gaga




Lady Gaga’s Bush in Candy of the Day

I could have gone through life never seeing Lady Gaga’s bush, because I think she’s the worst and there are so many other bushes I would rather see, yet, for some reason…a reason called me loving bush, this makes me happy, because her fans and the world will know that pubic hair is not the enemy, so I guess Gaga and I are fighting the same fight on this one, as much as I like to think that Gaga and I should never be on the same side of anything…because Gaga is the worst…but this..all thick and Italian…works for me…she’s won this round…keep up the good weirdness…

Posted in:Lady Gaga|NSFW




Lady Gaga Walking the Streets in Lingerie of the Day

We get it Lady Gaga…your money and your music aren’t enough for you…producing quality product that people just respond to in a positive way because it is good doesn’t make sense to your bottom feeding…grew up ugly as fuck and no one cared about you so you worked so hard to “show them”…still a broken girl…sad on the inside when you realized after you made it and “showed them”…you still were an ugly hack….

So walk around in your underwear…people will notice…people will talk…or maybe they won’t fucking care…because it gets boring…so when you drop something of value…like a great song or video…no one will bother with it…and when you do a high concept Cirque Du Soliel Tour…no one will go…because you’re annoying…

But I’m into any girl, especially one with success and no soul, even when ugly, walking around in lingerie for attention…it is the kind of broken…I like…


Posted in:Lady Gaga|SFW




Lady Gaga’s Nipple for Terry of the Day

If a desperate for attention, potentially very talented monster, who even calls herself a monster because she’s disgusting to look at, even for herself…shows her nipple…does it make a sound…I’m going with not at all..

You see what Gaga did in her popstar career was try to make as much noise around her as possible so no one really noticed or focused on how disgusting she was. Instead of being an authentic talent and putting herself out there…she put on a disguise and put herself out there win the most annoying of way…a way that involved some nudity, a lot of annoying, and now she’s struggling because there is no shock value left…

Sure she’s sitting on a pile of money, but when all you want is people to like you, and respect you and notice you again, that money, once you have it means nothing…

She sold her soul, sabotaged herself, and now when her nipples come out, they don’t make a sound, no one gives a fuck, and won’t give a fuck, until she livestreams her suicide for the sake of her bullshit “art” that is “art” cuz she says it is…another problem in society that we don’t need to get into…especially not when it involves clowns and their ugly clown faces…

Posted in:Lady Gaga