Here are some pictures of Pam Anderson licking some dude in Malibu. I have never been to Malibu but you can tell that it is Malibu by the glass balcony, I am so happy that running this site has given me a vast knowledge of architecture and who knows maybe one day I’ll be that interior designer I’ve always wanted to be…
Speaking of designers, I was talking to a dude the other day who does Vagina surgery. He is basically a vagina doctor who helps girls out when they feel like their labias are too long, bunched up and make them look like they have a cock. So basically he spends his days designing the perfect vagina, he sits there with a pen and paper on a drafting board deciding on what kind of vagina he should make out of a girls old vagina and that whole concept, although seemingly psychopathic makes him a ton of money….
I was asking him what he does about girls he brings home. You know once you chop a vagina up and make it into your very own vaginal creation, can you go back to natural vagina that you meet in a bar or do you try to offer them the at home discounted version of your procedure? I didn’t really understand whether he took vagina and made it to his ideal vagina or if he took vagina and made it as close to a perfect vagina the client wants….but either way, working with vagina all day could probably make a man gay or really fucking horny all the time…
I was always the kind of guy who took whatever vagina came my way. I never took much thought into whether it was meaty, stinky or diseased. This one time I was banging a chick with a cluster of genital warts, but I just made sure to avoid contact with that part of her box….it actually made a fun challenge like trying to walk down the sidewalk and not step on the cracks…
Either way, here are some pictures of some Pam Anderson in action with some pussy from the backside….of the day…motherfucker…

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Posted in:Bikini|Licking|Pamela Anderson|Underwear|Unsorted|Vagina