I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the Megan Fox Category




Megan Fox Still Lives and is in Pictures of the Day

Megan Fox in a one piece

I don’t know whether these Megan Fox pictures are new or old. I do know that they are rumored to be for some bootleg version, or international version of a known magazine brand, which really means nothing, sometimes those bootleg magazines aren’t even affiliated with the American one people think of as relevant because they’ve been around forever…

I do know that something’s going on in her middle aged brain – probably from mental health issues, maybe post-partem depression after so many fucking kids, with her captor from when she was hot, Brian Austin Green, someone she’s stuck with since he originally brain washed her, not necessarily someone who she’s been exclusive or loyal to, a girl’s gotta make a living, case some movies, feel important, become brand ambassador to a classic Hollywood Lingerie shop…at 40 years old…

So she’s trying to stay hot, stay remembered, matter and it’s weird… I prefer when sex tapes are the solution to feeling a need to be wanted, not shitty posing…but whatever…people, mainly perverts still like her…and that’s what this is about really…this Christmas time of year.

Posted in:Megan Fox|SFW




Megan Fox for Esquire Greece of the Day

Megan Fox for Esquire Greece

Megan Fox is reaching for the stars….and by reaching – I mean really fucking reaching and grabbing for anything with even a remote level of relevance to in turn bring her back to a place of relevance – because she was the hot chick in movies many years ago….and besides being in Transformers, I don’t even remember any movies she did, because she’s just that important of an actress, her impact in the hollywood industry felt deep within the core of the industry…she is more than just a plastic surgery ridden mom of 4 trying to keep hot…and doing any magazine that will do her…much like a 45 year old divorcee sitting alone at the hotel bar just hoping the a dick walks in and falls into her….so that she doesn’t feel so fucking busted up and broken down…even though she is…

This isn’t magical..but it happened.

Esquire Greece? Where’s the olive oil lubed anal my greek co-worker at the factory once told me about having with the obese receptionist…WHERE IS IT…

Posted in:Megan Fox|SFW




Megan Fox Slutty Lingerie Selfies of the Day

Megan Fox Slutty Lingerie Selfies

What is going on here…NAUGHTY NAUGHTY selfies…that are designed for lovers being posted on girl’s main feed…why? for money? for attention? for validation? for both?

I guess, Megan Fox is still around…and she posted up some lingerie selfies…

She partnered up with some Lingerie company and got a piece of the action…in what is a weird fucking marketing deal…considering she’s a mom who no one cares about…hot from a long time ago…still looking decent, but old and irrelevant, but she mattered, for whatever reason and I guess her groupie fan decided to use her for old times so he got to meet her…when the world is full of instagram models…who are hotter.

I don’t get it, but I do get moms posting up social media lingerie pics when they look like this…which is good,…since we are not starting at her battered vagina…I mean a dozen kids..terrifying…

Posted in:Megan Fox|SFW




Megan Fox in Lingerie of the Day

Megan Fox in Lingerie

Megan Fox is still around…

She got a piece of the action from what was a popular, but trashy, but popular lingerie company in the Paris Hilton days of relevance, especially around Halloween…

They fell off hard, clearly bad marketing direction that killed them, then they sold off and continued to make bad marketing decisions by hiring a washed up mom of 3 with another washed out person…who is OLD…and who no one cares about…so I don’t get how this happened, why it happened, how it happened, but I hope the person got fired and when they get out of the contract…the idiot signed because he was a groupie of Megan Fox…weird…

This is beyond weird…



Posted in:Megan Fox|SFW




Megan Fox for Frederick’s of Hollywood of the Day

Megan Fox got a piece of the action from what was a popular, but trashy, but popular lingerie company in the Paris Hilton days of relevance, especially around Halloween…but they fell off hard, clearly bad marketing direction, because we are in an era where more people than ever are wearing lingerie in public on their social media and shit, and they should have no reason not to be booming…but clearly…they are out of touch…because they cast Megan Fox, a mom of 3, who no one gave a fuck about even when she was Megan Fox….

What a wreck ….

She did one shoot for them, that they are still milking, and probably not making that much sales because she’s Megan Fox…photoshopped to shit…

Posted in:Megan Fox|SFW




Megan Fox in a Bikini of the Day

Mom of two, Megan Fox, was in a bikini with her handler, who I assume fucks her really fucking good, blinding her from reality, stifling her career that could have been much more than mom of two, showing off her 6-pack, despite being a mom of two, not because she’s a superhuman, but because her body is all she has going for her, and without it, she’s just another has been hot chick who can’t act, but who looks good, despite all her plastic surgery…so she works for it..

Now I don’t care about Megan Fox, she’s old news, the ravaged baby making that happened to her vagina, just killed any little bit of interest I may have had in her, I just think her body is pretty banging, no matter what evil it represents, and I can see past that evil and send it to all the moms I know who don’t look like this, to mock them and call them out on their “Can’t lose my baby weight” lie.


Posted in:Megan Fox




Megan Fox Working it for the Leggings of the Day

Megan Fox put on a little grocery store fashion show….with leggings jacked up her ass…because she knows she was once the hottest thing with no talent in Hollywood, before being locked down from David from 90210 who she either has by the balls, or who has her by the balls, because they’ve been on forever, and now they have a bunch of babies, and no career between the two of them, as these things happen…but they are rich, and the paparazzi still care, plastic surgery face or not, she’s still worth looking at, when staring at her ass…


Posted in:Megan Fox




Megan Fox Shitty First Pitch in Korea of the Day

When it comes to overrated babes from the 2000s, who are pretty talentless, but embraced by the industry and shoved down our throats as the it girls, or the hot girls, or whatever the fuck they are….I am far more into Jessica Alba…

Maybe it’s because she just raised 70 million dollars for her IPO of her HONEST company, and a figurehead of billion dollar companies gives me boners…I mean if you’re going to deal with a loose pussy with two annoying kids, even in your fantasies, it might as well be worth over 100,000,000 dollars…instead of being worth the royalties the baby daddy still gets from 90210…a role that defined him…and trapped this Megan Fox…

In conclusion, I’ll still watch her throw a pitch at a baseball game, I got nothing else to do.


Posted in:Megan Fox




Megan Fox VS Nicola Peltz Bathrobe Selfie WARS of the Day

Megan Fox got Instagram this week and apparently, that’s a big deal, because people are actually talking about it like it matters…and more importantly, she’s already got 200,000 followers…because she’s Megan Fox…but I just thought it was funny that Instagram, an app everyone uses, so Megan Fox being late to the party, just tells me how much of an idiot she actually is is something people talk about.

I am more into the fact that Nicola Peltz, the new Megan Fox in Transformers who Megan Fox definitely hates, judges and all that typical girl shit, posted a Bathrobe Selfie, and then Megan Fox did the same, in some catty girl shit, you can assume the Marketing Team at transformers is paying for…

Posted in:Megan Fox




Megan Fox’s New Face in Cosmo of the Day

Mom of 2, Megan Fox, hit Cosmo this month to show off her new Robotic face that she got in honour of not being cast in the new Transformers, but rather being replaced by a younger, hotter version of her for the second time, because Megan Fox was never a talented actress, and really she was never that hot…she just went viral and it wasn’t very sustainable, not when her 90210 creeper was locking her up and tampering with her birth control to trap her forever and destroy her career like he did to his own career….because that’s what getting them when they are young and brainwashing them is all about…

Posted in:Megan Fox