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Archive for the Miranda Kerr Category




Miranda Kerr Breast Feeding Picture of the Day

It’s days like today that I envy being a baby….Not the kind of baby in the Octomom Infantilism Fetish Pictures , but the kind of baby you gets to sleep all day, have everyone go crazy over him, and who gets to cry when he wants tit his mouth and his new mother in all her new mother anxiety shoves her tit down my throat, provided that new mother is someone like Miranda Kerr or any half decen bikini model, cuz knowing my luck, I’d be born to the pregnant man who Oprah made famous.

I am a huge fan of breast feeding, especially in public, it fascinates me and sucks me into a better place, so these Miranda Kerr Breast feeding pics inspire, while the Octomom Fetish Pics are just comical….and I’d only take them serious if I saw the damage 14 kids does to a twat….cuz that is a fetish of mine….freakshow pussy….this infantilism shit is just stupid….

Now back to Miranda Kerr….

I think that picture might be old…I posted them drunk…So here are the Octomom Pics…Tagged to shit by TMZ…Cuz this is their big break in their useless internet reporting….and they want everyone to know it….This is hardly an actual infantilism video…strictly done for press…Enjoy…

Posted in:Miranda Kerr




Miranda Kerr’s Yoga Stance of the Day

This is the position Miranda Kerr was in when Orlando Bloom dropped his load in her not knowing she was skipping her pill on the regular cuz she wanted what all crazy women do when they are hormonal and lonely want…and that’s a family to continue the here genetic legacy with a man she feels meets her requirements….bitches are like scientists when it comes to getting knocked up…except maybe my poor black neighbor with a dozen kids of different cree, color and nationality cuz of different daddies who seems like she takes more of stray cat approach….and then there’s the Mexican down the hall with 5 kids who takes the the farm animal approach… I guess the strategizing is for white chicks cuz white chicks are boring and like to play it safe…

Either way, imagine this picture of her in her getting knocked up pose lead to and if you’re not like me and scared of pregnancy cuz it’s disgusting, you’ll dig it…

Posted in:Miranda Kerr




Miranda Kerr Naked Pregnancy Picture of the Day

Miranda Kerr is very pregnant with Orlando Bloom’s kid and it is safe to say these nude pictures are the end of her…except maybe for the handful of dudes I know who love seeing naked pregnant chicks for some demented “nature is beautiful” logic that doesn’t include “there’s a fucking creature growing out of sperm inside her fucking vagina” logic that I’m more of a fan of.

I guess now is just a waiting game to see if she ever bounces back…cuz most chick’s don’t…but most chicks don’t rely on their bodies to get paid…and instead rely on their bodies to get pregnant which they already successfully pulled off meaning it’s easy to retire and at least she gave us her big, milk filled nipple faucet her spawn will be sucking off in a very unattractive way in a few months as material while we wait….

To See A Tribute To What Was Miranda Kerr but What May Never Be Miranda Kerr Again – Follow This Link

Posted in:Miranda Kerr




Miranda Kerr and Adriana Lima for Victoria’s Secret Holiday 2010 of the Day

Looks like some pervert got his hands on his Mom’s Victoria’s Secret catalog cuz mom’s are the only ppl still getting this shit by mail, which probably wasn’t that hard since he still lives with her, and scanned the shit like this was the late 90s….I guess it’s a nice fuck you to the advances in technology, but I’m pretty sure it’s not meant to be, but is instead one of those things the pervert hasn’t been able to let go of…..

So here’s Miranda Kerr in lingerie….

Here’s Adriana Lima….post pregnancy…covering up the mom stomach while showing off the mom tits to distract us from the whole mom thing…

Between you and me, I find all these pictures boring and repetitive…we’ve seen it all before Victoria’s Secret….step up your game and push some limits…I’m done with this Sears Catalog grade jerk off material….and need pussy lip to really follow through on what you set out to do in the 80s when you started….

Posted in:Miranda Kerr




Miranda Kerr’s Naked Ass in Some Magazine of the Day

I don’t know what magazine this is from, I just know that it’s supposed to be from October, which means it is new enough for me to put up here and not get the Miranda Kerr weirdo fans man cuz they’ve already seen this shit, jerked off to the shit and pretended to marry the shit, not that a bare supermodel ass should ever get anyone angry, except for maybe fat chicks, but they get mad about everything cuz they hate their fat lives and no matter how hard they try to eat their way happy….they just never quite get there…

Here are some hot amateur style goodness…

Posted in:Miranda Kerr




Miranda Kerr in Some Bikini Pictures of Victoria’s Secret of the Day

These are supposed to be new, but all these bikini catalog shots look the fucking same, so I don’t fucking know when they are from, because unlike you, I don’t keep tabs on the model number of the bathing suits a bitch is wearing in the pictures I jerk off to, not that I jerk off to catalog bikini pictures, but I can only assume you do….

Old or new, they are still of a pretty hot bikini model doing what she gets paid tons of money to do and I guess that makes her better at wearing bikinis than all the other bitches in the world who do it for free, but I am not really too sure about that…I just know it’s good enough for my shitty standards and apparently for Victoria’s Secret….so here are the pics…

Posted in:Miranda Kerr




Miranda Kerr Plays with Balloons for the Pedophiles of the Day

I am sure there are a few guys out there who are going nuts over these pictures and not because they are of a lingerie model but because they are of a girl holding a balloon like she was 5. I am hoping that you are not one of those people because sexualizing little kid activities is really fucking creepy, unless that little kid activity is oral sex in the backyard after playing doctor…but that’s totally different than kids playing innocently in the park with their balloons, cuz it’s an activity people of all ages can appreciate…one of those timeless classics that doesn’t make you a pedophile if you try to incorporate it into sex with some girl you got drunk enough to agree to sex with you…but dressing the bitch up in pigtails with a balloon and grass stained knees while making her pretend she lost her mom while talking in a baby voice isn’t….so I don’t know what Miranda Kerr is doing or who she is trying to appeal to by being cute and playful like she’s 5, but it’s gotta be bad…

BONUS – PICTURES OF THE BITCH INJURED – cuz if you’re like me, injured means easier to attack….

Pics via Fame
Pics via Bauer

Posted in:Miranda Kerr




Miranda Kerr is a Catholic School Girl for Numero of the Day

Numero #114 Miranda Kerr from Greg Kadel Studios on Vimeo.

Miranda Kerr is doing some Fifth Element meets Catholic School Girl meets fetish club in this latest photoshoot for Numero magazine. She’s showing her tits, which is good, because she’s a model and a model is essentially just an overpaid stripper who doesn’t look like her face and pussy are falling off due to use, crack addiction, many babies with different men, a broken life of suffering, struggle and doin’ whatever it takes to feed their kids cuz their shitty implants fucked up the milk producing ability, only better….

If you can afford their day rate, pretend you’re a photographer, and set up an elaborate scene….bitch will take off her fucking clothes and do whatever it takes, and that’s always nice when her career is based on being in lingerie and swimsuits, making us need to see her nipple color, shape, size and texture to help us get off to her….we’re desensitized and have more needs than we used to.

I don’t really get the whole Catholic Schoolgirl fetish. The reality is that every Catholic Schoolgirl I have ever met has been heavy into blow and fucking….shit oppresses them so much that even when they are 20 they have ill-feelings about the nuns, but more importantly, the way they rebel is always with their pussies. This one I used to fuck would make me fuck her with a virgin mary statue she stole from her mom years earlier cuz it was the only way she could cum. I am not even joking about the shit, it’s like Catholicism totally fucks people up in a pretty decent way when you’re on the receiving end….not that you care about me fucking….

But you do care about Miranda Kerr in this photoshoot….and here are the pics…

Posted in:Catholic Schoolgirl|Miranda Kerr|Photoshoot|Tits




Miranda Kerr Pantsless and Boring for Elle US of the Day

Here are some recent pics of Miranda Kerr in Elle US. The problem with American fashion magazines, or really America in general is that it pretends to be conservative and wholeseom and “Safe For Work” because they built their society on the good Christian book, and not on criminals, prostitutes, bootlegging, gambling, and murder, where as Europeans have come to terms with the fact that they are degenerates who like seeing tits, so they don’t censor the shit, especially not when it comes to fashion, cuz fashion is supposed to be so forward thinking or some bullshit….

So these pictures of Miranda Kerr in Elle US bore me, mainly cuz I’ve seen this model bitch pretty much naked many times before, but those pictures are played the fuck out and I am always welcome and inviting to new pictures of her bare tits, whether they are high fashion, or straight from the security camera installed in her bedroom…cuz she is hot and hot girls deserve to get jerked off to by people they’ve never met and don’t know exist, especially when those hot girls make a living prancing around half naked already….

Either way, here are the tame pics…

Posted in:Elle US|Miranda Kerr




Miranda Kerr’s Bare Ass and Titties in June GQ of the Day

I like that everyone is finally catching up with me in terms of admitting that they are perverted. There was a time when GQ, Maxim and all the other magazines would push the boundaries as far as their advertisers would let them, in terms of getting girls almost naked without actually getting them naked, because naked means porn, so people like me would have to hit the internet to post the good fucking stuff, not to say that what I post is good, but to say that I don’t censor a fucking nipple because Coca Cola will pay me 100,000 dollars not to, I’m an idiot like that….but now all of a sudden everyone is getting more Euro and actually getting down with nudity, because let’s face it, nudity is natural, despite what all the Jesus freaks tell us, and the reality is that I appreciate their efforts, cuz anyone who can afford to get a supermodel naked to share with the rest of us is a noble fucking thing, but I just can’t wait til they step it up a few notches and start publishing pussy lip, cuz nipples and bare ass aren’t shit without vagina lip…

Either way, good shoot, good spread, good times.

Posted in:GQ|Miranda Kerr