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Archive for the Pussy Wedgie Category




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

Even pussy’s gotta eat sometimes….

It seems more often than not….based on all the pants I see jacked in vagina all the time.

It’s one of those “have the pants changed” or “have the pussy’s become more demanding”….all eating anything that comes their way because of internet porn, or some other instagram influencer shit….because there was never this much visible pussy eating pants in my lifetime.

It’s a welcomed change, since visible pussy in pants is tragic….plus with all these transgendered looking like instagram chicks, it saves some awkward nights you end up with a dick in your mouth….,

Here are some pussy eating pants…


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

It seems like we are living in an era where the athleisure pants or shorts purchased from some asshole influencer on social media are designed to double as a topical relief map, or even an MRI of the fucking vaginal structure of the person wearing the pants…

I don’t know if it’s a pull this pant up inside me so people know my clit’s not too large, or my lips aren’t too long, or if the pussy is just magnetic, on some snail oozing level of sucking the pant up inside them and really, I don’t need to worry about logistics of the cameltoe, I can just celebrate seeing pussy on strangers in peace…save the logistics for the attention seekers out there trying to get their pussy seen by strangers…right.


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

I guess the one thing we can learn from the pussy wedgies of the world, is that if you have a vagina, you might as well use it to eat anything that comes near it, like some kind of rabid varmint in the back alley of a strip club, because it’s good training for the pelvic floor, it can prevent them from pissing themselves as they get older, and maybe it can help them grip the tiny cocks of rich dudes who they are only fucking because they are rich and who are only rich because of the tiny cocks.

As a non-pussy owning individual, I don’t know how much of the pussy wedgie is intentional, they all seem intentional, but maybe the fat lips just can’t help themselves from sucking the fabric in, like some kind of alien tracking beam in one of your sci-fi movies….MAGNETIC…

If the pussy wedgies are intentional, is it for style, is it to let people know that they have real pussy in a tranny era, is it to show off their pussy because they think their pussy is cute, like a girl with big fat tits in a low cut shirt but the pussy version, or is it a form of masturbation….

I NEED ANSWERS….now let me investigate with all these pics.


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

The Christmas season is upon us, and yes it is the most wonderful time of year. If I had things my way I would turn DrunkenStepfather into a Christmas lifestyle site, just Christmas village every day of the fucking year….but instead, I deal with a different kind of Christmas, more on a weekly basis, that rolls around every Wednesday in the form of PUSSY WEDGIES…

The cameltoe is my trusted friend that was once a foe, because the first cameltoe I really was made aware of was on the obese lunch lady at my High School that repulsed me, before realizing how much I loved pussy….

I guess some dudes go gay from traumatic pussy experiences…..CTE of the dick, where as I dove into loving all things pussy, including, but not limited to how hard it can eat a pair of pants, panties, bikinis, shorts, really anything that it can get it’s little eager lips on…


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

Cameltoes, like money or chocolate, or meth, or autism, tits, puppies, pugs, blow jobs….make pretty much everything better…or tits….

Especially in this world of trans freaks who don’t realize that they are victims of chemical warfare, big pharma, hormones in the foods, herbicides in the foods, propaganda in the media, and serious anti-depressant abuse giving them something to whine about, or make about their narcissistic self involved selves….like “Look at me, that’s not my pronoun you transphobe”…in a world where being a transphobe is considered bad, or even a hate crime in Canada you can go to jail for, despite transgenders actually being fucking terrifying, scary, unstable messes that I’d expect to be the main villain or monster in a horror movie….

I support seeing pussy through pants, is basically what I am saying….


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

Panties, or tight pants no panties, but mainly panties have a better life than me, which isn’t saying much, since I don’t have much of a life.

I envy even the most soiled pair of panties, because they have room with a view and they unwillingly get eaten by cunt all the fucking time, when all we motherfuckers do is BEG to get eaten by panties, while these fucking panties and tight pants just get eating all day without any effort….

In conclusion, cameltoes make me appreciate the panty, or tight pant, living the cameltoe life, probably more than I appreciate my own life….

I blame the internet.


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, when I come across a bitch in tight pants or tight shorts, I always stare at her vagina first. It may not be the gateway to her soul, like her asshole, but it’s always more interesting than her face. Maybe I’m autistic and fear eye contact, or maybe I am a pervert and appreciate fat pussy lip being choked out like a wife who was late on making dinner….you know…vagina, even dirty ones, still excite me…..I will not be desenstized by all the porn and sluts out there, I appreciate all the content available to feed my perversions, like these tight pants feed the random pussies of the world in them….


= (more…)

Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

I left the house and along with experiencing all the miserable freaks who walk the streets, I came face to pussy face with a lot of pussy smiling back at me through their short shorts…and that brightened my day.

I am a firm believer that if a girl is wearing tight tight shorts so that her pussy mound and lips are pretty much full exposed, it would be rude to look at their faces, or even their tits, it’s like saying that their pussy isn’t good enough, isn’t hot enough, isn’t special enough….you know after the work they put into building up that confidence to walk around with their pussy lips exposed….and I’m not a jerk like that….

I am like “fierce queen, own that pussy lips” as I stare at every step their pussy takes, almost like it’s sticking its tongue out at me, or winking and it’s a special time for all involved….except when bitches with their pussy exposed say “my eyes are up here”….to which I comply even though that’s for tits, so stare at their tits instead….fierce queen….


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

It’s lunchtime…

Eat Up…


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

Yesterday, I did a tribute post to TIGHT PANTS, where I really fixated on the PUSSY EATING THE TIGHT pants which I am pretty fucking into when it comes to tight pants. I figure if I can see a stranger’s pussy, or at least the volume of those pussy lips being squeezed out of either side of the theme of the pants, I’m a better person for it….

All fucking pussy mound and cameltoe of strangers matter…to a pervert like me…

I guess, there’s no real point in fixating on the pussy wedgie a second day in a row, but the reality is, I live a pretty fucking repetitive bullshit life, where days turn into weeks, into months, into years, and I’m still doing the same commentary about bullshit like pussy wedgies, instead of writing my fucking memoir, which will be about me writing posts on a computer about pussy wedgies, or going outside and trying to source some pussy wedgies before it’s too fucking cold to see the pussy wedgies, cuz the pussy gets wrapped up in insulation…

So maybe doing these posts is the better option..


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie