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Archive for the Sarah Hyland Category




Gwen Stefani and Sarah Hyland for Cosmo of the Day


Gwen Stefani and Sarah Hyland did Cosmo. They probably have nothing to do with one another….but they are in the same issue…so maybe that means they are Cosmo issue sisters…if that is a thing…which I doubt it is, but should be…

Now, I don’t know what the fuck I am talking about, or why, I just know that Cosmo teaches young girls how to fuck, because instead of it’s intended purpose of being an opinion magazine, it became smut in the 70s, which snowballed while teaching girls how to snowball…

That said, Here’s Gwen Stefani:

And Here’s Sarah Hyland:

Don’t ask me why, because I am so not interested in this for so many reasons….let me list 10 of them…

1- I didn’t like Gwen Stefani when she was young and famous, I thought she was a man.
2- I have never seen an episode of modern family.
3- Sarah Hyland creeps me the fuck out with her weird underdeveloped tween face
4- Sarah Hyland gets restraining orders, I hate girls like that
5- Gwen Stefani’s husband fucks me, so maybe he thought she was a man too.
6- These pics aren’t spread eagled or lesbian sex filled
7- fuck this top 10 list….up the ass like it was Gwen Stefani’s husband.

Posted in:Gwen Stefani|Sarah Hyland




Sarah Hyland Freaks me Out of the Day

Sarah Hyland freaks me the fuck out…

She’s like some weird genetically modified troll who stopped growing at 12 because her stage mom took stage mom-ing very seriously, and knew the younger she looked, the easier it would be to get her cast on some show that doesn’t have a timeline, you know where no one ages, and she just stays this weird pre-pubescent freak…a weird pre-pubescent freak who wears push-up bras and shows off her tits like Sofia Vergara told her to…

The whole thing…weird…but what’s weirder are the die hard fans of hers who you know jerk off to her because she looks 12…yes, I’m talking to you.


Posted in:Sarah Hyland




Sarah Hyland for Instagram of the Day

Sarah Hyland has what I assume is a genetic disorder that makes her look like she’s 12, even though she’s in her 20s, and is so experienced in love and relationships, and not the virgin she appears to be, that she’s already had at least one restraining order from some bullying boyfriend, who I guess thought her young look, meant he could beat the fuck out of her, like an uncle at a family dinner after too many drinks, tucking in his neice…

That said, she’s spent the last 5 years on the Modern Family set, making money and more importantly, learning everything she knows from Sofia Vergara…which I guess along with abusive relationships like a hispanic is used to…this exhibitionism..showing what you got…happened..and it’s good.

Posted in:Sarah Hyland




Sarah Hyland is in a Bikini of the Day

Her name is Sarah Hyland. She was stalked and beaten by her boyfriend..which I guess means someone really likes her, increasing her value on the market, because if if she’s good enough for someone to stalk and beat her, she must be pretty good…..probably even too good….which isn’t saying much to you, seeing as a pile of dog shit is too good for you, but I guess that means she’s good enough for you to want to have sex with, even though it is a little weird, considering she’s in her 20s and looks 10…but a mature 10…with a set of tits…that she’s showing off on social media in a bikini…like a good social media whore…

Posted in:Sarah Hyland




Sarah Hyland Titties Grabbed for her 24 Birthday of the Day

Sarah Hyland is 24, looks 12, and that’s creepy…especially now that she’s been using the Sofia Vergara tricks to getting noticed, and getting work, but using her perky little tits so hard to get attention it makes her boyfriends beat her up….and leads to restraining order…because that is the power of tits…on girls who are 24 but look 12…you fucking creeps….not that tits are ever really creepy….but area always amazing..

Posted in:Sarah Hyland




Sarah Hyland is Blonde of the Day

Sarah Hyland is officially blonde now..I can’t imagine this is big news or even news, but I figure there are some weirdo people who watch her hugely popular show and masturbate to her because she looks 11 despite being in her 20s and I only find it hot because I know she had a restraining order against her abusive ex, and I like to think of this as some witness protection shit, not because I like girls getting beat up to the point they need restraining orders, but I do like broken girls, they are easy, and what better way to be a broken girl, than to have that level of insanity in a relationship…right..

Posted in:Sarah Hyland




Sarah Hyland Fireman of the Day

Sarah Hyland posted a couple of sleazy halloween pictures from the set of Modern Family, that I guess aren’t sleazy enough, considering she was pretty much raised by Sofia Vergara, the woman who put it out there so much in her 20s and 30s that it finally stuck, and she finally made it…

I guess when you look at these pics of Sarah Hyland you’ve got to wonder why her boyfriend was beating up on her, the one she got a restraining order from, when he should have been capitalizing that she looks 12 – despite being 20 – by having sex with her…

It’s like all you asshole women beaters don’t get that beating women is just stupid…when you can have sex with them – especially when they own costumes like this…

That said, Halloween is coming – and so will you….and while you wait for that creepy ass creepy – here are A BUNCH OF Celebs Doing Halloween GO

Posted in:Sarah Hyland




Sarah Hyland’s Skinny Legs in a Wig of the Day

Here’s a little Sarah Hyland showing some skinny leg…wearing a wig because I guess she’s trying to avoid her stalking ex boyfriend who beat her because he loved her so much…you know the one she got a restraining order against…so that he doesn’t recognize her leaving the party…

Or maybe, just maybe, she’s doing some Halloween bullshit…

I have no idea why I felt this pic was worth posting, oh right, blow job face.


Posted in:Sarah Hyland




Sarah Hyland’s Tits on Set of the Day

Remember when Sarah Hyland was getting restraining orders against her psycho ex boyfriend for beating up on her a few weeks ago?

Well I guess she’s decided to move on with her life, and taunt his crazy ass with some tits…because here she is on set showing cleavage like Sofia Vergara taught her…because cleavage got Sofia Veragara everything she has and I guess if she has one lesson to teach her teen daughter from the show she slept her way onto, while the teen daughter’s bio parents are off on a yacht spending her hollywood money thanks to successful stage parenting…it’s that…and I know that I appreciate it…and I am pretty sure that you do too…

Posted in:Sarah Hyland




Sarah Hyland is Fun of the Day

Sarah Hyland is fun…

No, I’m not just saying that because she lets her boyfriend choke her out so bad she had to get a restraining order..some pyscho asshole pussy who beats up girls.. WHO’S PICTURES I HAVE POSTED BEFORE BEAUSE HE’S A PHOTOGRAPHER…..and no, I am not saying that because there was a series of vagina pictures claiming to be her on the internet…something that would really be impossible to prove, even for the most seasoned virgin loser…and no I am not saying that because she’s learned from Sofia Vergara who has taught her the plight of the girl with tits just trying to win emmys and no…I am not saying that because she looks 12….or maybe I am…

Here’s some action for her restraining order photoshoot…showing tit…because that’s what Psycho ex boyfriends like seeing when they creep on their social media using fake accounts.

Posted in:Sarah Hyland