Yesterday I had the great honor of being the first to bring you a clip from Kendra Wilkinson’s Sex Tape Kendra Exposed ….it was one of my first exclusives and the whole thing was pretty exciting for me as I am normally really useless..but not as exciting as the fact that KendraExposed is available online right now…and I know how much all you fuckers love celebrity sex tape…no matter what level of celebrity the bitch in the sex tape actually has….
I bought the Kendra Sex Tape last night using friend’s credit card when he passed out drunk….Here are my quick notes….
She starts off with a stripshow…her hair is thick and horselike, clearly bitch was a stripper or spent a lot of time at the stripclub. She does all the standard stripper moves. From the ass flex, booty shake all set to some updated porno beats that are still cheesy as fuck, but that’s really what you want, especially when it flushed out Kendra’s voice…
Like any 18 year old in 2003, she does not like him to zoom in on her, maybe because she’s got a vagina complex, which I understand, because her pussy is pretty meaty, discolored and uncontained, dried up prune and wise beyond its years that may be 18 but looks like it could be 80 and in need of a wax, but most pussy is, making her no different than everyone else, but unlike current nude pics of her, there was no photoshop used…and thankfully unlike the current state of her pussy now that she’s had twins….
They fuck on a white trash bed with some cat comforter waterbed shit you’d expect many bottles were returned to pay for…cuz we all gotta start our porn career somewhere – whether it is in the trailer park, our dad’s workshop, or the back alley….or on a ghetto bed….
She tries hard to pull thru, she knows she’s filming a porn, she puts some serious effort into it…sure I’ve had better sex than this, less awkward conversation and joking around about PRECUM….the precum of a dude who sucks at directing, but more importantly looks fucking retarded, like some serious white trash with some real dumb looking teeth, who fucks like a lazy slob, and keeps Kendra working….
So girls, let this be warning – film a sex tape when you get the chance – cuz you never know when you’ll need it to pay the bills….or when you’ll want to release it to remind people of what you had when you were younger….
The big question this sex tape brings up is what other quality dudes she has had inside her… and the good news is that unlike the movies you’re into she doesn’t die at the end…weirdo….
The movie is awesome. I loved watching it. The ending is on another level of weird. Kendra’s not that hot. But fucking on tape is fucking on tape….
So to See the Awkward Ending of an Pretty Good Celeb Sex Tape…Follow This Link….
Here are some NSFW screen caps….but the whole site is mildly NSFW according to most so if you’re hear already…then you should be fine…

Via KendraExposed
Posted in:Kendra Exposed|Kendra Wilkinson|Sex Tape