I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the Snooki Category




Snooki has Multiplied of the Day

Her name is Dena Cortese and she’s on Jersey Shore, I never heard of her, cuz I don’t watch Jersey Shore and I never will, but it does explain why she’s channeling Snooki and that’s because they are the same fucking person…

Like the gremlin you’d expect Snooki to be, someone must have got this bitch wet or fed her after midnight or maybe she just got herself wet and fed herself after midnight, cuz based on Snooki’s size and shape, that’s probably how it usually goes down…and she multiplied

But unfortunately, with all mainstream crap, all the people involved in the specific scene are pretty much the exact fucking same, cookie cutter version of their boring, obvious, useless, selves in the way they dress, the way they talk, the way they act, the music they like and everything about them, and I guess these trash pictures prove that.

I hate giving Jersey Shore more attention that I have to…but sometimes I slip up and the good news is that no one reads my site…so it’s like i”m talking to my fucking self in the corner…only damaging to me.

What a fucking pig of a person this bitch is….Will this ever end…..

Posted in:Deena Cortese|Snooki




Snooki is a Fat Bitch of the Day

It makes no sense to me that a pig like this is being followed by the paparazzi, landing book deals, has a TV show, when really I’d expect her to be working at the mall, or the bowling ally, where she spends her days eating chocolate and candy, and her nights at the all you can eat buffet, before getting shit faced with all her friends who decided to go to college instead of being the slob in the corner, passed out with her piss covered panties exposed…

She is disgusting, like the girl that no matter how loud she gets isn’t worth noticing, even when throwing herself at you at 3 am, desperate to have a dick in her mouth to feel validated….

But for some reason, she’s a star in America and her waistline just can’t justify that.

Posted in:Snooki




Snooki Monster’s Disgusting Panties Promoting Her Book of the Day

The fact that this half retarded troll is on a book tour makes me really question the state of America. I realize that she probably didn’t write the shit, but the fact that a publisher would put out the shit, is fucking scary and not even because she’s an ugly, pig of a person who seems like she was created in a fucking trash can outside a local stripclub when a used condom from one of the clients accidentally got a used tampon fertilized, but because everything that comes out of her mouth is everything that is wrong with America and now it is immortalized in book with all the greats before her, like Hemingway and Mark Twain and people who actually knew how to spell their fucking names…..Clearly, this is a product of publishers trying to stay current, relevant and meet sales objectives, it is their answer to not go broke, cuz no one reads anymore and if they do it’s on the internet or at the level of a third grader…we are all fucking doomed.

Here is disgusting on some Roseanne Barr kick making me nervous cuz I know when things like this are idolized the end is near

Posted in:Snooki




Snooki is Royalty of the Day

I always knew this bitch was classier than she lets on…I mean she’s wearing a crown and that shit is only for princesses and queens….there’s no way a tacky trash can midget troll with fat chick tits who thinks she’s more important and fancier than she is now that she’s living the good life thanks to getting drunk on TV when her ugly fake tan midget face isn’t too busy talking bullshit on a show that pretty much reminds me that the end is fucking near…oh wait…clearly there is a way…and here are the pictures….

Apparently it’s her birthday or some shit, even though every day is her fucking birthday thanks to all the undeserved fameas far as I’m concerned….Don’t ask my why I’m bothering posting these cuz I don’t have an answer for you other than I’ve been drunk the last 3 days and I’m confused.

Posted in:Snooki




Snooki’s Fat Troll Tits of the Day

I was forced to watch Jersey Shore for the first time with a group of people who love Jersey Shore…and it was as bad as I expected. I couldn’t believe why or how anyone watches this low quality staged bullshit…even the pussy they cast is disgusting and not worth lookin’ at…but for some reason I call marketing…this show is a hit in mainstream America, they are eating it up and that scares me….

So I don’t understand the appeal of the show. I don’t know how anyone could relate or not get annoyed watching it after a few minutes, but maybe I just don’t get the human experience as much as I should…maybe people just like garbage and that would explain why I feel so alone in hating on everything, especially when it is popular…

More importantly,there is no way anyone looks at Snooki and sees anything appealing…this is the kidn of girl you don’t even notice on the street unless she’s fingering herself while puking….and I can only assume they like cuz they are bored, she is a train wreck, but I still hate that she thinks she’s hot…

That said, my facebook went nuts last night with people watching a Snooki Spoof on Southpark….I had no idea South Park was still on the air….but it is pretty accurate and relevant depiction of this shit…

And here are Snooki’s tits to celebrate…remember, only you can stop watching the show, making them cancel it and sending her back to Walmart where she looks like she should work….

Posted in:Snooki




Snooki’s Fat Troll Tits of the Day

I know guys love this shit. I don’t know why…but for some reason anytime I post anything on Snooki my server goes fucking nuts. I look at her and see someone I wouldn’t even notice on the street and if I did, it would probably because I thought she was some kind of street performer, clown, homeless person dressed like that for money…I would not believe something that looks like this is not on afternoon leave from some institution caring for for hybrid humans created in a lab during wartime…or the circus….Even when she shows off her fat tits on her thick troll body, I can’t get over just how freakish and abnormal she is….apparently you are into the girl no one ever wanted except when drunk and closet cased but she managed to sneak onto TV cuz she’s a joke of a person…and the whole thing just really confuses the fuck out of me…

Posted in:Snooki




Snooki’s Sloppy Ass Tells Stories of the Day

When I look at asses shaped like this, and bodies shaped like this, and faces shaped like this, and legs shaped like this- I find it hard to believe the cunt this is attached to has made it in the world. It makes me question what is wrong with our world, when pussy this dumpy gets ahead. Not that Jersey Shore is actually “making it” or “getting ahead” but it’s a hell of a lot further along that any of the drunk idiots I know…including myself…and that depresses me…There is nothing appealing about this slob. If anything it is fucking vile and sure, I get she does it for laughs cuz she’s a joke, like the clown that she is, but I don’t think that’s not enough to warrant a bitch getting paid the way Snooki does….MTV must die for polluting us with these people….

Posted in:Snooki




Snooki Upskirt Pictures of the Day

There was a time in my life that I wanted to go into the Mechanical Bull business. I remember finding a used one and thought that I could rent it out at parties and to make extra money I’d videotape the hot chicks in mini skirts on the shit, titties bouncing around to put on the internet…

So in doing my research for this business venture, I went to a local bar with a mechanical bull, and I realized that the percentage of hot chicks who get on the thing are minimal and when they do get on it, they are all dainty and lady-like and manage to cover every interesting body part, but there were endless ugly, sloppy drunk girls, I’m talking a line of them who for some reason, their body parts that no one really wanted to see, were put out on display like it was a freakshow….

I guess Snooki proves my theory that the Mechanical bull is for fat and sloppy being thrown around like the barnyard animals on their way to the slaughthouse….and her upskirt is really just her bathing suit…but when it comes to Snooki, it doesn’t really matter because it’s all disgusting…

Posted in:Snooki




Snooki Does Stunts of the Day

I always respect piggy fucking people, like clearly fat people, who move like they aren’t fat because they either don’t realize they are fat, or just decide that they won’t let fat get in the fucking way because I am a fat person and I have enough trouble putting on my shoes, or getting up off the couch, or doing up my belt, or wearing pants that don’t have elastic waistbands.

That’s not to say that I actually respect this Snooki Jersey shore trash, because idiotic trash is never meant to be respected, but reality is that she doesn’t really annoy me at all, maybe because I don’t watch the show, but probably because she’s just loving every second of her fame like the cheesy fucking person she is and there’s nothing worth hating about that….

Here she is with her fat ass performing her own stunts…..

Pics via PacificCoastNews

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Posted in:Gymnastics|Jersey Shore|Snooki




Snooki from Jersey Shore is a Serious Ditch Pig with Tits of the Day

Snooki is the kind of trash I normally can’t fucking stand…bitches who are all loud and annoying who act like they are hot shit when they are really just fucking disgusting trash, like seriously fucking disgusting, like borderline crackwhore in the gutter trash, where everything about them, including the tits they always have popping out of their shirts make me want to throw up, even though I generally love tits.

Snooki just doesn’t annoying me, maybe because I don’t watch the show, or maybe because she’s like a cartoon version of the cunts I hate. She’s just riding the fame game thanks to the 15 minutes that have made her fucking life that she probably already thought was fucking awesome to begin with….All I know is that you can book the bitch for 10,000 dollars and I can only assume that comes with blowjobs….and blowjobs are always fun…

Pics via Fame

Posted in:Jersey Shore|Pig|Snooki