For those of you who always wanted to fuck Chastity Bono dry after first seeing her on the Sonny and Cher show in the 70s, you time is fuckin’ limited, not because she’s dying, but because her vagina is. She’s getting the shit sewed the fuck up like they were a frayed seam on my fat man pants, so this could be the last time you see her as a really hot woman I’d love to spend the night with, and in a few months after recovering from surgery will come out lookin’ pretty much the fuckin’ same, but going down on her will be a lot more faggot.
Not that you ever had a chance because she’s a fuckin’ lesbian and all that, but you can still rape a lesbian, it’s not like they’re immune to getting raped just because most usually became lesbian because of getting raped, you know someone can get raped more than once, fuck…
I guess what it all comes down to is that Cher’s done some pretty serious traumatic shit to this girl, or maybe someone spiked her baby formula with hippie drugs, cuz getting a dick glued to your dyke crotch is fuckin’ next level weird. I am sure her family is really proud of how she turned out….I guess skiing into a tree wasn’t the worst thing that coulda happened to her dad, living this is probably a far more painful hell.

Posted in:Chastity Bono|Pig|Sex Change