My wife won a 2 week cruise that she can’t go on in July. I am trying to find someone to update this site when I don’t have internet access and I figure the more posts I can get on the site and the more help I get the lazier I can be. There are no guarantees but I am trying people out and this is a submission about Mila Kunis…
I can’t believe you actually posted those two submissions ahead of mine. Those posts were average at best, and when I say “average at best” I really mean “sucked more cock than Lindsey Lohan could ever hope to”.
I figure the only reason you didnt like my clearly top notch writing was that I didnt set the submissions to some lame ass pics that you lifted from some even more lame ass website.
So here goes: this post will be about the Rachel Bilson set of pics. You’ll just have to remember the pics, because I am to lazy to attach them to my submission. Get over it ass-wipe.
So here is Rachel Bilson showing us just enough skin to remind us that we still want to see her naked. This cunt is one the new group of hollywood bitches that has gotten famous but has had the disgusting amount of nerve to never show us her rack or herpes infected twat.
Also Included in this blue-ball inducing group are Sarah Michelle Gellar, Jennifer Love Hewitt, and Jessica Alba just to name 3, but there many more. What happened to the days where if a bitch wanted to even think of an acting career she had to show skin and plenty of it in her early work? It really pisses me off, because all of these chicks are way hot, and by not getting naked they are costing me some serious jerking off time. Whores.
Admit it you cocksucker, this post written off the top of my head with no forethought, and written out of pure aggravation after reading those other 2 grade-school shit-stains, is so much better it shopuld embarass you. What, did these girls blow you or something? Well, you can forget that asshole. I dont swing that way, except for that one time in college when I lost the worst bet of my life, but gave someone else a night to remember.
This one was a little better. I’ll admit that it is about half way to where I want it to be because I don’t know if this is a dude writing or a chick and that makes me feel uncomfortable when he/she talks about losing bets in college that lead to blowjobs. What doesn’t make me uncomfortable is seeing this Rachel Bilson on my wife’s diet, realizing that she doesn’t have to be hot and skinny anymore and taking advantage of the time off to get nice a fat.

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