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I am – Tiffani Amber Theissen Shops of the Day


I have a feeling these are old, they were sent to me last night and I looked them up and couldn’t find them on any of the message boards. I am watching Dr Phil and it’s about some dude who molested his daughter. They did a polygraph test and he failed to all the disgusting questions they asked him. I don’t know if he’s guilty but I do know that the thought of molesting a 3 year old is fucking sick, and the fact that Dr Phil is running a 2 show special on this is depressing. I have decided that I gotta stop watching this shit it’s just bringing down my spirits. So I am forced to go to the internet to find something to make this shitty post worth posting. Scroll down and check out the bonus. I figured Tiffani Amber kissing a girl will make you happier than pics of Tiffani Amber shopping…I am pretty sure I’m right.


Watch a Video of Tiffani Amber Making Out With Jaime Presley

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I am – Kirstie Alley's Bikini of the Day


I am addicted to Oprah and I missed it today. I only realized 20 minutes into the show that I was missing Kirstie Alley’s bikini reveal. So I looked for the clip on the internet and it turns out that it was released yesterday by TMZ. I guess the beauty of the internet is that you don’t need a TV, Newspaper or magazines anymore. The only problem is that looking at a computer hurts my eyes, depresses me and is boring as shit. Speaking of shit, here’s the Kirstie Alley Clip – via TMZ GO ….I know some of you people are going to get off to this cuz you’re perverts….

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I am – Kirstie Alley’s Bikini of the Day


I am addicted to Oprah and I missed it today. I only realized 20 minutes into the show that I was missing Kirstie Alley’s bikini reveal. So I looked for the clip on the internet and it turns out that it was released yesterday by TMZ. I guess the beauty of the internet is that you don’t need a TV, Newspaper or magazines anymore. The only problem is that looking at a computer hurts my eyes, depresses me and is boring as shit. Speaking of shit, here’s the Kirstie Alley Clip – via TMZ GO ….I know some of you people are going to get off to this cuz you’re perverts….

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I am – Grace Park is Worth a Round of the Day


Grace Park is some slag who plays Lt. Sharon “Boomer” Valeri on some show called Battlestar Galactica. I have never seen this show, cuz I have something against shows that are designed for virgins who like space. I guess if I knew they had pussy of this caliber on the show I’d re-consider my options but realize that I don’t have a mom with a basement to spend the night alone in. My mom is dead. Even if I wanted to watch the show in the comfort of my piece of shit apartment, I couldn’t because I can’t afford cable. The last major issue is that this bitch was cast for virgin nerds to lust after. I can’t get it up, so I can’t really lust over the bitch and buy her action figure or put her poster on my wall or build a life size statue of her to pretend to marry when mom’s gone to sleep. I also don’t have an issue when real girls don’t talk to me because my wife has ruined women for me and I am not convinced that if I ever met Grace Park she’d be swept off her feet and she’d know that we were meant to be like the virgins who go to the comic book conventions for her autograph. I am really beating a dead horse with my dick here, it’s kinda what I do. Just look at the Grace Park pics and tell me a story, cuz I am tired of writing.

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I am – Jenna Lewis Calendar Outakes of the Day


Nothing is really going on with me. I was supposed to do a stepLINKS on friday and got lazy/distracted/I don’t remember why I never posted it. I think it had something to do with doing nothing all weekend. On friday night I went out to a smoke arab tobacco, it’s my new addition and it makes me feel so culturally diverse, the only problem with it was that the place was filled with Arabs and there was no room for a fat mexican like me. Either way, I still managed to get drunk. I still managed to humilate myself by asking a girl if her mother was a fatter slut than her, and I squeezed in the Borat movie, which made me laugh and makes me believe there’s still hope for me, because the shit was sleazy….

Speaking of sleazy, here are some out takes from some calendar that Jenna Lewis, some survivor whore, who I have already seen suck cock in a sex tape she released a couple years ago, but is now showing her nasty little tits and boxy fucking body.

This post was shit, but it’s 3:30 on a Monday and it took me this long to get this up so be fucking happy.

On a side note, why the fuck did my Abi Titmuss post get 70 comments all by the same dude. I think motherfucker’s spamming me.

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I am – The Teddybears Video Has Tit in It of the Day

I don’t know who the Teddybears are, but I was happy to be sent in this video because there is a hot fucking scene with nudity in it. I remember telling a guy I know who was in a band that if he ever made a video, he needs to throw in some tit, because back in March when Buckcherry released their shitty crazy Bitch song, I posted their video and shut down there servers. Two months later they were signed and I was still sitting at my shitty milk crate/plywood desk while they were fucking bitches and trashing hotel rooms across the country. I am not that bitter about it. I was a lot more bitter when I stole my wife’s bank card to empty her bank account this morning to pay for my servers and these two grandmothers were rocking the machine like they were at the movies or reading war and peace or some shit. I was standing there for 20 fucking minutes while god fucking knows what they were doing. I can only assume it had something to do with filling up their days before they die….I guess that rant wasn’t really funny, I am am losing my edge, but at least there are Swedes like the teddybears to make this post worth something….So watch the fucking clip and touch yourself to the tit like you did when you were 12 and used to cut a hole in your teddybear so that you’d have something soft to fuck and that you could hide your load from your overbearing…..

If you like this song, visit Them On Myspace and Send them Messages About How You Used to Cut a Hole In Your Teddybear and Fuck It When You Were 12, So That Your Over-Bearing Mother Wouldn’t Find Your cum…. GO

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I am – MUNG Does Lohan of the Day


I realize I need to stop posting the MUNG posts, but he sends these into me and I publish 90% of shit people ask me to publish. Not to mention you guys all like shitting on MUNG’s posts which makes the whole thing worth it. I am not trying to drive MUNG into a depression or lower his already non-existant self esteem, I don’t try to drive people to suicide but I do think he should spend a little more time thinking out his posts. He used to comment the funny shit and always got a laugh out of me, but when he made the move to posts, he left the funny behind. Either way, MUNG is not a Jesus Martinez alter ego, either was Priti Sharma the Indian Call Center Whore or Minxy Winxy or Brad the Jew or Senior Magnifico aka Egotastic before he was Egotastic or anyone for that matter. My writing it a hell of a lot better than MUNGS…..and I am kinda insulted you think that of me. If MUNG bores you, look at the pictures of

Well, it seems that I sparked quite the controversy the other day by saying that Bill Maher is a bag of vaginal discharge mixed with vinegar water!!! Geez, I didn’t realize that you American fucking scumbags loved the guy so much! I decided to make it easy for myself today and not pick on someone who is loved so much (like Bill Maher) and decided to pick on Lindsay Lohan. I know that picking on Lohan is overdone and is easier to do than tying up velcro shoes, but I am not in the mood today to piss anymore of Jesus’ readers off, because you and I both know, that they are hard to come by.

So here is my rant about Lohan. I am sure it will suck and you will all hate it, but I realized that you all suck and I hate you so here goes…

If I was Lindsay Lohan I would have picked a more suitable costume for Halloween, because dressing up like a whore when you are a whore is kind of like an autistic kid dressing up like Rain Man. I am pretty sure she picked this outfit out of her S&M drawer right beside the whips, chains, and gimp mask but in a way, this outfit is kinda hot, but in a way it isn’t that hot because I think she wears this kinda stuff daily around the house when she just wants to kick back, relax and take an 18 inch piece of rubber up her ass, handcuffed, while she is being whipped with a cat-of-nine-tails.

More Juliette Lewis Pics from Yesterday. It’s nice to see a coked out hipster slut make it in the world of entertainment…

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I am – stepLINKS of the Day


I was told I post too many links tonight. I was told I should only post 10. So I didn’t finish my search for amazing content…but some of this are pretty bangin..I am just not going to tell you which ones….so click them all….

No Way She’s 18 – NSFW if you don’t work where I work – Which is Pretty Much No Where…

Some Jennifer Aniston Topless Gif that isn’t even Her….

Interesting Myspace Profile

Fake Myspace Profile – Made By A Dude Pretending to be a Dyke to Get Nude Pics…So what really happens is two dudes email each other back and forth sending nude pics of the girls they are pretending to be with erotic messages, getting off to what each other write, thinking that they are talking to a girl while talking to a dude making them fags without even knowing…

Photobucket Whores

Borat on Letterman

How Did I Miss This Upskirt…My God….Bianca Gascoigne I can See Your Uterus…

Jessica Simpson Looking Dirty and Used Like a Tampon on The First Day of a Period

Xtina Leaving her Hotel Yesterday – Looking FIerce

More Last Night’s Party Halloween

Kate Bosworth and Her New Phone are Skinny…

ZINI Does Some Naked Chick

Jessica and Ashlee Simpson Together in OK Magazine

Tara Reid’s Christmas Halloween Costume Cuz She Needs New Tit

Lohan’s Been Sober for 90 Days… But That Doesn’t Cure the AIDS

Scarlett Johansson – or Carl as I like to Call Her – Has Cleavage…Lots of Cleavage…

Carli Banks and Jamie Lynn have a topless kiss in the fountain

Jenna Jameson Poses for Guitar World

A Smell That Gets You Pussy…It Works Just Ask Your Mom Why She Let Your Dad Bust Nut Inside Her

Full Functioning Operation Costume

Lilly Allen Tit Flash – I hate this Whore and Her Whore Music Too

Chicks Doing Yoga Video…

Halloween Hotties

Fleshlight Testimonial of the Day

I think these are pictures of pornstars off set, but I really have no idea, I was too lazy to read it

Luciana Salazar is a Dirtbag from Argentina With Fake Tits and Fake Tits

Eva Green in Arena UK

I Used to Work in Landscaping and this was my Shirt

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I am – Fleshlight Testimonial of the Day

“ I am an ordained pastor, PHd, successful businessman, martial artist, father of seven, satisfied husband. The product was a challenge for me intellectually and morally until I thought it through, then I realized that a quality surrogate was a great solution to an ancient problem – the feeling of freedom, the release of guilt, the incredible sensation – just telling it like it is. ”

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I am – stepLINKS of the Day


I felt like shit all day, like serious shit, like I am dying and shit but it was nice being the first person with the Margolis pics, thanks again Rob, now my site is running like shit and I am not making any more money than I would have if the regular 10 people were my only readers today. I started writing something pretty funny a while ago but had to stop cuz the server has AIDS and now I completely forget what it was, but trust me when I say it was really funny. I remember that I told a girl how I fucked an emoticon up the ass without a condom and bitch was still smiling even after she found I gave her herpes, but she didn’t laugh. Now that I’ve re-written it, I understand why. StepSTEVE told me that I am weird and that’s why I am broke and why the site will remain a failure, that was really appreciative of him, considering I made him Internet famous while he slept on my couch and flirted with my stepdaughters..Speaking of my stepdaughter, she wants to start a band called the Anne Franks cuz she like Jewish boys. Long story short…My life is boring and so are these links…CUDDLES….

Heidi Klum’s an Apple

IDLYTW Ripped Our Pics Off..CUNT

Courtney Love and Britney Spears Compared by a Dyke

Anna Nicole Smith Dyed her Babies Hair cuz She’s Fuckin’ Fucked in the Fucking Head…FUCK

Ryan Phillipe’s Girlfriend Who I fucked Before She Was Famous

X-Tina Aguilera Fake Tit Pic with Donald Duck…

Watch Sophie’s Spain Adventure Cuz She Sucks at Life….

Some “How To Masturbate Video” that is so Fucking Lame…..

“BABY KISSES LIL WAYNE AND TELLS WHY!!!” (who the fuck are they talking about)

Asian Girl Sucking Off an Eel

Julia Sonnet Brushing Her Teeth Topless

X-Tina and Her Jew in Costume

Looking Good Sweetheart

I have pics of this girls Tits from 1999 Message Board Days… Just How I’m Living…

800 Dollar Shoes Some Internet Slut Asked Me to Buy Her….Cuz Buying Shoes is really something I Do…800 fucking dollars….

Andrea Corr See-Through

Really Exciting Gwen Stefani Video

LPSG Attracts Great Topics Like: Cum Rags….

Dana Delaney’s School Girl Halloween Costume

Michelle Trachtenberg Is Fat – Too Much Kanish…

Maria Kanellis Pics…

Eva Mendes Gallery

Salma Hayek Changing Shirts

Lohan Interview Talking About Getting Fucked Like the Whore She Is

Ali Lohan’s New Song….

Lohan’s Slutty Halloween Costume

Bastardly Women of Star Trek

Attu Caption This of the Day

Best Week Ever’s Day in Pictures

I Can’t Believe the Shit People Produce – Thinking that it’s Funny, When In Reality It’s Fucking Painful…I know when they finished editing this one they thought to themselves how fucking amazing they are…

Some Guy’s Halloween Pics from 1976 – 2006

Last Night’s Party Bloody Halloween

Cobra Snakes Boring Halloween

Mariah Carey’s Tourbook Pictures

ZINI does Hanah Hilton…

David Blane Parody

Laxtime Babes are Naked

Girls Freaking Out on a Roller Coaster or Amusement Park Ride

Hottest T-Shirt I’ve Ever Seen – Because It Says Hot On It

Adriana Lima Bikini Photoshoot – Cuz I love This Virgin Whore

This is my cologne and it works even when I don’t, which is always….

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