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I am – Caroline Rhea’s Picture of the Day


A good friend of mine used to find Caroline Rhea the hottest middle-aged person on TV. We all used to laugh at him because we all knew she was disgusting, including him, but I guess it was one of those things that he couldn’t control. He was probably drawn to her big tits, that’s the only thing I can think of to rationalize it. I know that all of us have been attracted to someone we normally never would look at twice. Like this one time I caught myself moving here for a girl I thought was average looking and a little chubby in the pics she sent me over the net, which to my surprise was taken 10 years/120 lbs earlier….either way sometimes you gotta suck it up and do what you have to do. In my friend’s case it was jerk off to thoughts of Caroline Rhea, for some of you it was worse leaving you feeling guilty and humilated and for me it ended in a nice wedding reception at the local community center. We all do what we have to, it’s called survival.

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I am – Gisele's Legs of the Day

I know people like to hate on this bitch for having a manly face, but seriously with legs like that, bitch could have a fucking dick and I’d still let her bounce on my face like it was a pogo stick. Gisele having a dick isn’t that unlikely, she is from Brazil and Brazil is the home of 76% of the world’s transexuals. Thailand’s got the other 23% and the last 1% are scattered around your home country. If you are wondering why I know this, it’s not because I have a tranny fetish, it’s because I used to work at a porno company and when talking to one of the sales dudes, who’s life involved going to small town sex shops and video stores pitching the sketchy owners to buy his porn, which in itself is one of the funniest fucking job in the word, but that’s not the point. The point is that I asked him why there was so much tranny porn and he told me that most of the buyers were straight dudes who were just bored of regular porn, so I watched one hoping it would change my fucking life, like I do for you daily. It didn’t. The tranny looked a lot like a girl from the waist up with rockin’ tits and an acceptable face, it was a tranny who I wouldn’t think is a tranny if I walked by her on the street, but when they panned down and I saw that she was getting her dick sucked from some porno slut I realized that Tranny Porn is really not my thing. However, Gisele may change all that when her pantless pics hit the internet and we find out bitch has been packin’ all this time. I guess it would explain a lot of Leonardo Dicaprio questions I have.

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I am – Gisele’s Legs of the Day

I know people like to hate on this bitch for having a manly face, but seriously with legs like that, bitch could have a fucking dick and I’d still let her bounce on my face like it was a pogo stick. Gisele having a dick isn’t that unlikely, she is from Brazil and Brazil is the home of 76% of the world’s transexuals. Thailand’s got the other 23% and the last 1% are scattered around your home country. If you are wondering why I know this, it’s not because I have a tranny fetish, it’s because I used to work at a porno company and when talking to one of the sales dudes, who’s life involved going to small town sex shops and video stores pitching the sketchy owners to buy his porn, which in itself is one of the funniest fucking job in the word, but that’s not the point. The point is that I asked him why there was so much tranny porn and he told me that most of the buyers were straight dudes who were just bored of regular porn, so I watched one hoping it would change my fucking life, like I do for you daily. It didn’t. The tranny looked a lot like a girl from the waist up with rockin’ tits and an acceptable face, it was a tranny who I wouldn’t think is a tranny if I walked by her on the street, but when they panned down and I saw that she was getting her dick sucked from some porno slut I realized that Tranny Porn is really not my thing. However, Gisele may change all that when her pantless pics hit the internet and we find out bitch has been packin’ all this time. I guess it would explain a lot of Leonardo Dicaprio questions I have.

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I am – Rachel Stevens and Stephen Dorff Overuse the Name Steven of the Day

I remember this dude from 3 episodes on Roseanne. I was a huge Roseanne fan and Roseanne was just…huge. Anyway, I don’t actually remember Stephen Dorff, he’s too much of a no name for me to remember especially from his stint on Roseanne, but I do know how to use IMDB, I have a website and it would be really negligent on my part if I didn’t know how to use it. I definitely remember the bitch Rachel Stevens though. She was in S-Club 7 and walked around in a bikini. She was the hot one with a slammin’ body. By the looks of these pics, seems like Rachel’s been drinking enough wine to throw her bikini body into the recycling bin with her empty bottles. That’s how the downward spiral starts, eventually the daily hangover leads to greasy foods, sweet foods and more booze….If Rachel Steven’s stays on this alcoholic path, she’s going to end up fatter than Roseanne was in 1989 when Dorff sucked her love handles for a part in the show. Did you like how that came full circle. I impress myself too, sometimes.


Bonus: The Slag at an Event

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I am – StepLINKS of the Day


This picture was taken when the event photographer got dudes to pose and my stepHELPER snuck in and took a pic. It was from last night’s party, not the website last night’s party, last night’s actual party. I link that hipster shit all the time even though I think the homo darkie doesn’t deserve the attention he’s been getting. Either way, it’s a holiday today, it’s my doctor’s birthday, it’s the day my stepdaughter called me an asshole for taking away her phone privileges, it’s a day when you all should click the motherfucking links and remember that I’ll be back tomorrow, unless I get hit by a bus, which is doubtful since I never leave my house. Cuddles.

Vida Guerra Photoshoot Video

Shay Laren Gets Naked on the Internet

Christina Ricci’s Lookin’ Like a Beat Down Hooker, But At Least her Breast Reduction titties Still have Nipples

Click on the Front Row in Flash for some Pictures of Famous People Posing for NY Fashion Week. Lou Reed is the Coolest. I know all you fuckers care.

Boston’s 25 Hottest Barmaids.

Some YouTube Bitch Dancing Around in Her Thong

Some YouTube Bitch Undressing and on All Fours

Mel C was Always A Total Man, So I am Just as Surprised as You Are That She Has Puffy 10 Year old Bee Sting Nipples

Some YouTube Bitch Dancing in her Bra

Some YouTube Girls Dancing Around in Prom Dresses Acting Retarded

A Lesbian Gym Teacher Gets Accused of Fondling A 14 Year old Student But Denies Claims and Says it’s The Girl’s Mother’s Revenge for Their Lesbian Relationship That Went Sour. Does That Make Sense?

DirtyRottenWhore Thoroughly Looks Into Whores and their Whore Behavior

Some YouTube School Girls Humping Each Other. In My Mind they are 18.

I have been a fan of Bansky for a Long Time. Dude’s the Funniest Street Artist. He’s a fucking Celebrity. His Latest Hit is on Some Paris Hilton CDs.

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I am – R.I.P. Crocodile Hunter


I just woke up because I was in the weirdet strip club in my life until it closed last night. The strippers were fat and turn tricks, they were street whores who had what it took to dance around on stage for a couple of songs to make a little extra coin and what it takes was some cheap lingerie. There was no way they weren’t right off the corner and that wasn’t even what made me feel uncomfortable. There was an asian dude, alone on perverts row, simulating ripping lines of coke off the table with his imaginary friend. After he was done ripping the lines that weren’t even there, he lit up an imaginary cigarette coughed, put it out in an imaginary ashtray and did some ninja moves and left. I was scared he was going to stab me, but luckily the transexual stripper who was trying to trick dudes into thinkin he was a she distracted him.

Speaking of getting stabbed, I just found out the Crocodile Hunter got stabbed in the heart by a stingray, and felt sad for motherfucker cuz he always knew how to put a smile on my face.

R.I.P. Steve Irwin

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I am – Friday Night Dance Party of the Day


I rarely leave my house and there are a few reasons for that. This being one of them. These pictures were taken by one of my stepHELPERS who happened to end up at a local party. He was surprised by all the hate he was getting for the myspace messages I send out to random local girls but was more surprised by this dude in pink pumps, silver pants and a possibly the weirdest outfit I’ve seen in a while. I used to run with hookers, dirty fucking hookers, hookers who you would let suck your dick when you were wasted but wouldn’t let use your toilet. They would always wear random scraps of shit they called clothing and I’d say 98% of the time they looked better than this. This party was apparantly a hit, the after party was better and too all the people I have offended locally and internationally, let’s get a bit of sense of humor here. If we can’t laugh at you then who are we supposed to laugh at. Also, don’t give the dude who submits my links to collegehumor a hard time about the shit I write on the net. Let’s keep the fun to the internet. I’m talking to you girl who I asked for before and after pregnancy box shots.

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I am – Eva Mendez in Flaunt of the Day


I went to the local magazine store to see what was going on in print because I like scanning the industry like that. I am crazy because I don’t know how to read, but I do know how to look at Pictures. I saw this Flaunt magazine and it was 12 dollars. If you read this site you will know that that is about 10 dollars more than I have to my name. The point is that i was flippin through this magazine and saw the Eva Mendez pics. I asked my stepfather who the slut was, I was convinced it was Fergie, but I am always wrong when it comes to celebrity bitches. I am ironic like that. If you are wondering what the irony is, it’s that I post celeb pics daily but have no idea who any of them are….Now that I think of it, that’s not that ironic at all, it’s just proof that you are all idiots for visiting this site. Cuddles.

If that’s not enough for you visit the over-priced magazine’s over-priced website here

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I am – stepLINKS of the Day


Mung, a reader of the site who you can see in the comments. I am all for posting pretty much anything, so this is what he had to say.

Well Jesus…today you inspired me. You made me realize that when you put your mind to things you can achieve your goals. So I quit my assistant managers job @ A&W. I am 27 years old and I dropped out of school in grade 10 to pursue my interest in hallucinogens and barbituates. I want to thank you for making me realize that if I put my mind to it I can achieve my goal of some day becoming an independent reader/writer/photographer for a website that pulls in traffic of 21 readers per day. Because of your inspiration I have decided to repay you by making your website the #1 website on the internet.

It seems like your website has done quite well in the last couple of months and my goal as a degenerate fucking loser is to make your website much better and get more traffic to your site than that fucking homo Perez Hilton’s. In order to do this I have decided to arrange a slandrous campaign that will defame him and make his website obsolete. I will do this by sending you some photos of him engaging in sexual activity that is not acceptable to society. These photos will be coming to you tonight. Please note that I am not the paparazzi but these photos are 100% real!!! They were taken after the MTV Video Awards last night and feature him in some rather risque situations. You may want to keep these under cover, but knowing you, you will probably put them in a post and slander this fucking ass clown like he should be slandered. I am not saying I hate fags, but I hate fags. I wish it was the 1870’s again so we can burn this fuckin buttpirate at the stake and dance around him while dousing him in gasoline chanting “burn you fucking homo bitch, burn”.

Fuck him and his pink webpage. There is a new blog king in town and his name his Jesus Martinez. These pics will be coming to you around 7:30PM tonight, and beware, as they are extremely graphic.

Sincerely (your dearest reader, writer, and newest paparazzi photographer),


Thanks Mung. You sure editing the Gay Porn pics wasn’t just a convenient excuse to look at gay porn? Now Click Some Motherfuckin’ Links….

I decided to do these steplinks drunk.

Perez Hilton at the VMAs with Paris Hilton Looking Fucking Disgusting Making His Internet Success Make Sense. Good Looking People Don’t Blog…..

LastNightsParty Does NSFW Hipster Cokeslut Pics…

Here’s some slut named Sandy getting all Naked and Shit

Check out this site, They do good things, Like Link Me….

Liz Hurley Shows Off her Panties When The Wind Blows Up Her Dress

stepPHOTO of the Day

Fall Out Boy Pete Wentz Tells Jossip He Fucks Ashlee Simpson in Not So Many Words GO

Myspace Picture of the Day

Another Myspace Picture of the Day

Flickr Picture of the Day

Photobucket Picture of the Day

Here are Some Pics of Schindler’s List Star: Sarah Silverman. I fucking HATE Sarah Silverman. And She’s Ugly. If She Was Hot I Wouldn’t Care Whether She Was Funny.

Hot Old Woman Picture of the Day

Take the Plushie Survey If You Are a Man Who Likes Fucking People Dressed Like Stuffed Animals

If You Are Wondering What a Plushie is: Read This

A whole truckload of Amateur Girls Being Slutty Pics

Playboy’s Real Desperate Housewives

I can only get hard for bitches in Halloween Costumes…..

Since you all know I am a Huge Sports Fan, Here’s a 720 DUNK.

The Nike McFly Campaign Commercial….

Flavia Alessandra’s Playboy Shoot in Video

Jessica Pears Gallery – She’s Some Kind of Hooker Cuz She Gets Paid to Be Sexy….

stepMUSIC: The Editors on Craig Ferguson

Raymi The Minx Shows TIT

Some Ugly Dude Wants the World To Make Him Famous. I Help Where I can.

Dear Jesus,

Oh crap, I thought these went out like 8 hours ago. Now they are stale & shit.

You can now bid on the
very crap they confiscated from you at the airport

How to
get Latrell Spreewell off. Literally.

NFL Cheerleader Spread from Maxim Magazine

A damn funny car chase. Involving cop car Vs.

Alyssa Milano has

Here is what hirsutism looked like 90
years ago before daisy razors and hair bleaching became vogue

Kevin Federline’s
Lose Control Video

This is who Bobby Brown
is doing now.

Cameron Diaz & Drew Barrymore. Muy

Federline is doing three episodes of

sale on Ebay, Brittney’s half eaten sandwich. Bonus 1/2 Federline’s corndog.

He beat cancer, now Lance
Armstrong now tackles herpes & aids.

All From L

Have a good long weekend. Don’t die.

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I am – Draw Your Vagina and Describe it in 10 Words or Less of the Day


I have been buggin’ some girl for pics of her box, because that’s how I keep myself motivated. She never sent it to me, but she did send me this.

Dear Jesus,

Here is my rudimentary drawing of my vagina. It is much more real looking in
person. You will have to keep hoping you can break down my boundaries like a
real drunken step father would. Nobody called me an artist, but I hope you
will enjoy.


I’d post her myspace here, but I won’t.

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