I'll Make You Famous…

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I am – Petra’s Blunt of the Day


I have read people complaining about this relationship for a while now. They find the whole union disgusting, because they feel Petra Nemcove is too hot for James Blunt. Those people need to realize that girls always date dudes who are not as good looking as they are, and that is because girls only take looks into partial account. If dude’s got a good job, good singing voice, big dick, lots of money, and other sexy stable things, they will overlook his face. The other issue that people don’t realize is that every cunt in this world has masturbated to his song “Beautiful”, that is the reason this Victoria Secret model is with this motherfucker.

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I am – Petra's Blunt of the Day


I have read people complaining about this relationship for a while now. They find the whole union disgusting, because they feel Petra Nemcove is too hot for James Blunt. Those people need to realize that girls always date dudes who are not as good looking as they are, and that is because girls only take looks into partial account. If dude’s got a good job, good singing voice, big dick, lots of money, and other sexy stable things, they will overlook his face. The other issue that people don’t realize is that every cunt in this world has masturbated to his song “Beautiful”, that is the reason this Victoria Secret model is with this motherfucker.

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I am – Cheryl Tweedy Dates Darkies of the Day


This bitch is following Posh Spice’s lead. She was in an all girl band in the UK called Girls Aloud, not the Spice Girls, but both have the word “GIRLS” in their names. Now she’s marrying a “U.K. Footballer” named Ashley Cole and he may not be Beckham but he showers with him. This is creepier than my Lohan stalker posts, but that’s not the point. I really don’t have a point. I never do. Thanks for reading.

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I am – stepLINKS of the Day


I am posting links, because links are fun. If I forgot your link (Zini) or if you have links for me, feel free to email me. It makes me feel loved, something I never felt growing up. Thanks in advance.

I think this is Johnny Cash and Bob Dylan Singing GO

I think this is a funny Prom Picture GO

I think this is a great question to ask online Go

I think this song kinda sucks, but is supposed to be popular GO

I think I like Denim Shorts on Bitches GO

I think Madonna has disgusting Hands GO

I think the reasearch on Penis Size and Car at LPSG.org is Genius comedy GO

I think Full House Outakes are Fun GO

I think Teen Models are Cock Teases GO

I think Tori Spelling Doesn’t Know I killed her dad GO

I think Keira Knightly See-Through makes her look like a dude GO

I think YourDirtyMind finds the best sexy links online GO

I think Courtney Love’s Tits look Messed…GO

I think Pherlure actually works GO

…who cares what I think….

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I am – Sienna Miller and Jude Law's Shoes of the Day


All my creative juices are all over some bitch’s stomach. That’s actually a lie. I haven’t had an orgasm in 5 years but if I did, there would be no way the shit wouldn’t end up on her stomach cuz my whore of a wife is pretty much all stomach. That’s pretty much the story of being married to a fat woman. This this the worst post ever, that’s the story I heard.

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I am – Sienna Miller and Jude Law’s Shoes of the Day


All my creative juices are all over some bitch’s stomach. That’s actually a lie. I haven’t had an orgasm in 5 years but if I did, there would be no way the shit wouldn’t end up on her stomach cuz my whore of a wife is pretty much all stomach. That’s pretty much the story of being married to a fat woman. This this the worst post ever, that’s the story I heard.

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I am – Kimberly Stewart Cleavage of the Day


She had implants when she was slammin’ that fat kid from the TV show the Osbornes. Then she had them removed. Now she has cleavage. That is the story of Kimberly Stewart’s tits.

I have stories of other sets of tits if you are interested, but you will have to keep coming back to this site to hear them. Tell your friends.

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I am – Madonna's Not Juicy of the Day


I love how Madonna doesn’t realize she’s washed up because she still sells out shows. She is also a gay man cliche. I heard that you aren’t allowed to suck another man’s dick unless you are down with Madonna. It’s something fags are taught while learning how to speak with a lisp, while styling hair and dancing.

It’s not something fags learn while getting molested by their school teacher, baseball coach or whoever else taught them the HOMO way. But something they learn while doing crystal meth and E and barebacking with other molested dudes.

I guess the irony of this post is that Madonna’s rockin a Juicy track suit, while her menopausal pussy isn’t really all that Juicy….that’s like me wearing a shirt that says “SLIM”.


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I am – Madonna’s Not Juicy of the Day


I love how Madonna doesn’t realize she’s washed up because she still sells out shows. She is also a gay man cliche. I heard that you aren’t allowed to suck another man’s dick unless you are down with Madonna. It’s something fags are taught while learning how to speak with a lisp, while styling hair and dancing.

It’s not something fags learn while getting molested by their school teacher, baseball coach or whoever else taught them the HOMO way. But something they learn while doing crystal meth and E and barebacking with other molested dudes.

I guess the irony of this post is that Madonna’s rockin a Juicy track suit, while her menopausal pussy isn’t really all that Juicy….that’s like me wearing a shirt that says “SLIM”.


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I am – X-Tina's Retarded Brother of the Day


I have destroyed my sperm and there’s really almost no chance of having a baby but if it did happen, the motherfucker would be a retard, like X-Tina’s brother.

The reason I would want to have a retard for a kid is simple. They are easy to entertian. It wouldn’t need expensive videogame systems or designer clothes. I could wrap the motherfucker up in Christmas wrapping paper that I got on sale at the dollar store in March, and it wouldn’t know the difference. I could give the little fucker two rocks to bang together and tell him it’s a Nintendo. I could take the retard to Wal Mart and tell it that he’s at DisneyWorld. It would be the easiest thing to fuck with and I’d take him everywhere, cuz walking around with a retard makes you look like a nice guy. Being a nice guy, gets you back alley blowjobs.

Point of the story is that X-Tina’s brother looks like a retard, as he’s walking around with a medal. I always get nervous when I post pictures of little boys. I am sure you can understand why.

Bonus – X-Tina at the Entertianment Weekly Party Last Week

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