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Sylvestor Stallone’s Creepy Dad Moment of the Day

Here’s some Sylvester Stallone checking out his daughter Sistene, who I guess fancies herself in instagram model, because I guess that’s the only think out there for these celebrity children to do in efforts to leverage their last name and make some spending money by getting paid by brands to promote nonsense even though they don’t need spending money and aren’t even doing it for the spending money…but rather to get an audience of their damn own because they are tired of being in their dad’s shadow or some shit…while leveraging their last name as much as they can because people only care that she’s her dad’s kid….which I am sure she knows in her core but that doesn’t mean she can’t get half naked and show off some tits and ass to offset that….in a “maybe they’ll like me for my pussy” kind of weirdness…

I don’t know if “SLY” is really being all that creepy, I mean he’s a dad and probably thinks his daughter is the most wonderful creature around, I mean that’s the whole point of being dads…it takes a real narcissistic pervert who has fucked everything including Brigitte Nielsen who may be the world’s first famous tranny because it was the only thing that could get him off after too many hot chicks were thrown at him, kinda the same reason Leo fucks dudes, just looking for a thrill so why not dabble in the world of incest….

Genetic attraction is a legit thing, daughters and estranged fathers have been reunited without knowing they were related only to misconstrue their bond as sexual….so it wouldn’t be the first time…

What it comes down to is that at least Sistene isn’t fat.


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Perverted 1976 Women’s Street Fashion Documentary and Other Videos of the Day

Car Loses Hood

Close Call

Near Kill in her Own Driveway

Drunk on the Lawnmower


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Bella Thorne’s Mom’s Mangled Ass for Only Fans of the Day

Bella Thorne’s entire Florida trash fatherless family have started up an Only Fans as some sort of quick cash grab because people are getting that easy money, and since they are already whores, why the fuck not…and when I say family, I mean the mom’s in on it too.

Obviously, it’s a Maitland Ward situation for the mom, who must be in her mid 40s and it’s her last chance to sexualize herself for personal gain….but more importantly, she’s the shitty mother who allowed Bella Thorne to be molested by some dude she brought into the house, only to sell her off to Disney, because anything for fame…and money..I guess…where’s the black cock though?

I mean a person willing to sacrifice their own kid is fucked in the head to begin with, one some narcissistic level, and there’s no doubt that she’s sucked dick or fucked or did whatever it took to get that dream…a dream that panned out for one of the kids to support the family….and a dream that allows her to tap into her sex working dreams…for empowerment, money, I mean getting the kid famous was hard, now it’s her time to get that affirmations…I guess..

I didn’t dig too deep into this, just posting these two pics, a weird mom ass that’s likely been worked on…by a weird mom who has one of the most relevant daughters because the internet is fucking nutty.

The fact is, I like all girls doing sex work, it just seems fitting when there’s no denying what we already knew….it’s sort of just putting it out there confirming it all…while naked….

If you’re lame enough to sign up to her Only Fans, I hate the idea of these subscription sites, I like my nudes free….just hope she posts up her archive footage…

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Elisabeth Rioux Pregnancy Diapers of the Day

I don’t know whether any of you know Elisabeth Rioux, she’s a French Canadian instagram celebrity who got big on Instagram for booty pics around the world, she launched a bathing suit brand, made lots of internet money, and has recently given birth. There’s a birthing video of her afterbirth being ejected from her cooter, you know because Youtube is gross as shit with their birthing videos, I do a round-up every Labor Day.

I do know that she’s making moves, being an oversharer as Instagram girls are to seem more real, despite a lot of what they offer being superficial bullshit, so with taking about farting, shitting, pimples, being hairy, and all this other “empowered” shit, she’s brought out a DIAPER cametoe pic, because her “Lady Parts” were ravaged in the birthing of her child and I guess she’s trying to mend.

I didn’t know this was a thing, the whole diaper thing, but I have seen it the last few months, so maybe it’s a recent thing, I don’t really fuck with breeding women in the time of their breeding so I’m inexperienced on this front.

I do know that there’s gotta be a fetish for girls in diapers and cameltoe from banged out baby maker is on another level of the diaper pic….with the whole treating the diaper like it’s a pair of sexy lingerie is something, I’m just not sure what..


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Ashley Graham’s Showing her Stretch Marks of the Day

The media is celebrating the fact that that Ashley Graham post pregnancy posted a bikini pic with her stretch marks not photoshopped out like she’s a hero for posting an unphotoshopped pic…..even though when you are fat, that stretch mark thing comes with the territory, not to mention…when you’re whole angle and all that money you’ve made is from being fat….you can’t be photoshopping yourself, that’s the opposite of the dumb movement you are part of, a movement far bigger than her bowel movements, so you know it’s big….

On a personal level, the core of who I am doesn’t give a fuck about any of these fat people or the praise they get, including but not limited to fat Ashley Graham, I’m married to a fat lady, I can handle it….

However, if covid has taught us anything, I mean that and all that science, you’ll know fat kills, often times not fast enough ….and for the sake of the site, I have to address how vulgar it is to sensationalize and celebrate being fat..

The whole body positivity by people and for people with no respect for their bodies….seems weird, but it’s a market segment that needs heroes to sell product in a relatable way, and that’s what this Ashley Graham is….

It’s like saying be positive about a real fucking negative…because life is short, much shorter when you are fat, instead of saying “get off your ass and put some work in to not be fat”….that would go against the plan of selling shitty unhealthy things to sick and lazy people….but I get it or at least I get why Ashley Graham sensationalizes being fat, she gets paid a lot because the media has decided to celebrate her fatness and if anything she’s a victim trying to keep up the cash flow and you’d do the same if you could make millions by just keeping up the hype around you through bullshit selfies people will label empowering. If I was paid millions to take a pic of myself ever 2-3 days, literally 3 minutes of work in 3 days, I’d suck it up and do it too….even if it was disgusting, humiliating and full of shame.

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Bella Thorne Showing Off Her Stripper Outfits of the Day

It is no secret that all these younger people don’t know how to deal with all the sex that they have access to and that they have grown up with, you know internet porn is real and having the ability to watch it all day everyday is damaging enough to distort your perspective on sex and sexuality, especially if you are the kind of person to get off to it, or to think that it’s actually hot and not just gutter bitches being paid to take big cock in their ass….

My theory is that the younger people, all raised on inclusivity, and being “Woke” can’t differentiate that being a whore or a porn chick isn’t a “cool” or “edgy” or “brave” thing…it’s bottom feeding because they want easy money….so they think porn chicks are cooler or more stable than they are….even though they all seem to think unstable is more interesting because they are all empty and need some bullshit clinical diagnosis to justify all that is wrong with them while they medicate with whatever legal anti depressants they can…

So when you see girls like Bella Thorne, who has directed a porn to break from Disney and speak to her audience of perverts, dressed in stripper gear as if it’s trending or in style because it is, it reminds me of how fucking perverted all these exhibitionists are and that everyone in the world will have a sex tape….just not Bella Thorne today…but if you google her sister you’ll see her sex tape thanks to Only Fans Dreams..

I’m all for seeing everyone fuck, I just don’t like when some are treated as celebs and others as gutter porn chicks…because if anything this is just another celebrity trying to mooch off other people to elevate themselves….because celebrities have no fucking souls, personality or opinion beyond “GET ME MORE FAMOUS AND RICH”…garbage.

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Kendall Jenner Still Ugly of the Day

Kendall Jenner gets a lot of hype for being the hot Kardashian because they packaged her and sold her to the fashion industry that I guess was looking for bottom feeding trash that could promote their luxury items to the idiotic masses and what better spokesperson than some Kardashian trash, they are the most influential AVON ladies to ever hit the mean streets of Los Angeles country…

The reality is that she’s skinny which clearly goes a long way, but also ugly, both physically and at her core because she was raised to be the fucking worst type of human in a family of the worst type of human.

So despite all the surgery, injections, attempt to be high fashion, when she’s not in a shoot, she looks like the barista at Starbucks level of hot, you know the not the hottest girl in class, but the one who thinks she’s the hottest girl in class….you know the vibe…we’re being fucking lied to bro…and that is why these idiots are winning…because people believe their evil lies…maybe they believe their evil lies…but I am sure they are too busy laughing as they count their endless supply of money…

Anyway, I saw her in her bikini and said “I like girls in bikinis” then I saw her face and was like “what the fuck is that dude?”….

This is AFTER all of the work she’s had done by the family plastic surgeon they keep in the basement with Bruce’s dick….from fat sucked out of one body part and put into her ass and tits, to the whole BOTOX and FILLER things, she’s a fucking clown in costume….She’s rich, but she’s trash….but at least she’s skinny…because there is good to everything, even the worst possible thing, like the Kardashians…the “if covid was a family” pieces of shit.

I guess they are trying to generate hype, hiring paparazzi, knowing no one gives a fuck about them…and that they may eventually fucking end, but I doubt it…because they just keep on fucking winning.


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Ireland Baldwin Nip Slip of the Day

I knew Ireland Baldwin was big, I mean most of my obvious jokes about her besides her dad calling her a pig she clearly grew into are about her sheer size!

Not to mention she’s been to rehab, has an addictive personality, instagram allows you to photoshop your shit to look toned and hot, while real life doesn’t seem to make fun of fat girls, instead they are celebrated…some body positivity, don’t fat shame, we are all god’s people even if we die prematurely without all of our legs thanks to diabetes….

I just didn’t realize she was this big, maybe pregnant? I mean that barrel belly is what you’d expect to see on some 45 year old man in skinny jeans, you know the look and you may know the meme….

She’s over 6 feet tall, probably 200 pounds and despite the huge tits, she’s looking a lot like an out of shape middle aged dad who doesn’t seem to care that he’s gained 50 pounds since he got married, he’s too busy getting drunk in the pool at the all inclusive resort before a weird suntanned game of volleyball he thinks he has the athletic prowess to properly execute and deliver on, despite having not done fitness in what looks like 10 years.

Big girl…and it’s terrifying…that shitty prison tattoos to make her look like a shitty art school kid’s sketchbook based on their TRAUMA for some art project doesn’t help and either does the redness that could be from the sun, the heat, a heart attack…who knows, it just doesn’t look right. Dad Bod.

Despite her obesity, I still think the early to Instagram baldwin still has a chance to be the Baldwin we all talk about, while the other one is too busy being verbally abused by her bratty husband Bieber…

I am still an Ireland Baldwin believer, but she’s not helping out too much when looking like this, get it together girl….

Big tits though.



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This is the Most Important Chrissy Teigen Tweet that Was Deleted of the Day

Chrissy Teigen deleted 60,000 tweets because she was pretty ruthless on twitter all those years, but the industry celebrated her instead of cancelling her which encouraged her to continue thinking she was this important personality, when we all knew she fucking sucked all along….

So the 60,000 tweets she deleted were in response to flying on Epstein’s plane and the people who probably feel she’s an overrated slag, who is rude and vulgar in trying to be funny or outspoken, are digging through the archives for all her creepy comments sexualizing kids, etc.

It shouldn’t be a surprise that Chrissy Teigen is dog shit…she hasn’t given us anything to think otherwise and the real issue is the mainstream media that celebrated her. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE YOU CLOUT CHASING FUCKS…..the same people who will now cancel her because she’s a liability to work with and you’ve milked her for all she’s worth…

I think the above tweet is the best of her deleted tweets, but the vile cunt come after me personally a year after hyping up the site in the form of her army of followers….because she had an army of followers, less interesting than Tila Tequila’s army, yes I’m old, but still an army of stay at home moms who like John Legend music……she was mad because I called her some fat sloppy wallet fucking beard to Kanye’s boyfriend John Legend…who found her right before he got famous, and jumped on the opportunity to ride him in the long con knowing he was going to blow up and it’d back out nicely for her.

Her whole Sports Illustrated career was a joke, because she’s so fucking nasty and fat, and all this was before she went officially “VIRAL” on twitter and ended up hosting all these shows, doing brand deals, making money and working as a “talking head”…like her opinion mattered…for being some brat on twitter with a famous husband….the worst….Hyped on herself despite never really making a name for herself besides riding her husband’s name…

She was a drunken unstable rambling monster on twitter…I thought she was going to fully crack and kill herself….before she had the kids when her husband was out touring…She was all about being inappropriate, calling other girls whores…slut shaming if you will but because of the access she had she was able to polarize it as “comedy” even if it wasn’t funny, so her entire career on TV as a celebrity from Twitter as TV tried to navigate competing or integrating the internet….

It made no sense to me. Why can a bitch who writes vulgar shit be treated like she’s this genius….when actual talented people never get a shot…because of access….So this thing that thought she was so funny, when she was really just tits, tits we’ve learned are fake tits….

It’s really nice to see her get cancelled, but the real issue is that the mainstream media should be held accountable for choosing the easy option, rather than finding deserving people who aren’t fucking assholes…she is an asshole…

The hope is that the Epstein flying pig, because pigs can fly and they can fly private on a sex trafffickers plane….gets officially pushed out, and off the ledge…JUMP….I’ve been waiting for the crash and burn forever…and her “second wind” as a celebrity of her own right because of her twitter persona….was shocking the entire time it happened….not that I actually care, all this shit is irrelevant.

Whether she’s a criminal or not, the fact that the mainstream media celebrates someone who writes such garbage, is nutty….but why not post her tweet hyping up the site since it’s one of her deleted tweets….make this about me, since I never do.

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Pig Chrissy Teigen Instagram VS Reality of the Day

I saw these Chrissy Teigen pics and just ignored them, until I was forwarded her bikini selfie that she blatantly posted on her social media to perpetuate some lie, or some unrealistic body goals, because she’s basically a fucking cartoon character who rebuilt herself using photoshop like all the other little fat influencers who pretend they aren’t, thanks to photoshop filters allowing them to not need to workout, be healthy or even hot…IT IS ALL LIES….

I ignore everything Chrissy Teigen because some pig faced, now pigged body, alcoholic unstable mess of a human that luckily fucked the right wallet and clearly has videos of him fucking his boyfriend Kanye that he doesn’t want leaked, so he sticks with the monster that is Teigen…basically went viral for her drunken mentally unstable tweets and the industry decided to give her TV shows and treat her like a “talking” head or a personality with an opinion we need…

This is a uneducated, clown of a woman, with shitty fake tits, who trapped a rich guy and fucked his wallet, who drops about 50 pounds for her own social media feed to perpetuate her lie when she looks like this:

The fact that she hasn’t been cancelled or that the media thinks she’s valid or worth listening to because she had twitter followers is just another reason why the media is fucking trash and America is trash….celebrating liars and pigs instead of quality people…you’re all fucking idiots.

Not to mention, anyone I’ve met has told me they can’t stand this monster, so who are the people who like her enough to give her work and “relevance”….

This square / rectangular body that looks like an street hooker that has huffed too much fucking gas….trash.


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